Well…I marvel at times how the repubs became known as the “law and order” party when, here in Michigan, we have a repub AG that thinks he is the only person who determines what the law means…starting with the medical marijuana law (or I should say continuing with this law) which he opposed when it was put on the ballot a few years back, Mr. Schutte has formed a pattern of lawlessness that would make a bank robber proud. His latest nonsense came after the supreme court ruling on healthcare yesterday when he said that he would not take part in implementing the law saying that we should wait until after the election in November when he feels that the repubs will win the presidency and repeal the law. First, this man has a duty to all of the citizens of Michigan….not to just the hard right that he panders to on a daily basis and those of us that don’t have insurance would like the possibility of getting it that comes from the new law. Second, when did our constitution change to read that the AG could substitute his political decisions for the will of the people? The courts here have slapped this idiot numerous times, showing that he is not the great legal mind he thinks he is but just some overly political hack using his office to push his crazy far right agenda on the people. But, this is just the latest outrage from this man…and Governor Snyder should straighten him out today…geez….
Category Archives: Politics
I’m stunned…
Well…just got back from the beach to the stunner that the supreme court has upheld the healthcare law with the chief justice being the swing vote that joined the liberal side of the bench in a 5-4 decision. Needless to say, I am stunned by this event since all of the pundits have been saying that the individual mandate portion would be declared unconstitutional…but, I guess all of the so called experts can be wrong. I am a little relieved that the law stood since it will help me to be able to afford insurance in a couple of years…it is still scary to be aging without insurance. I think I have to go turn the news on and then come back later to add to this one….
Okay, I’m back but with little more clarity on this whole issue…no one has a clue to what it’s going to mean…some say it’s a win for Obama while others say that it gives the repubs and edge since people across the country are not enamored of it…one other thing…the repubs are showing their true colors today by holding the AG in contempt of congress for the fake reason that he won’t give them documents relating to the “fast and furious” debacle…what they are truly after is to intimidate Holder to stop pushing back against the voter supression that the repubs are using to try to steal this election…..and they have been caught on tape saying that the reason they are pushing these laws is to get Romney elected….what a bunch of thugs and liars…geez…
Impeach Scalia…
Well…if it wasn’t clear before that Antonin Scalia was abrogating his responsibilities as a supreme court justice with his naked partisanism and his constant ignoring of legal precedence to advance the conservative agenda, you only have to read excepts of the 22 page screed that he wrote in response to the majority opinion striking down most of Arizona’s draconian immigration law. In it, he breaks all judicial decorum and attacks a sitting president by name, blaming the lack of immigration reform on the Obama administration; never mind that administrations from Reagan on forward have all had the responsibility to act but no one has the political courage to do what’s right for the country and then goes on to laud Arizona for doing something…anything, on immigration even though the majority of the court ruled that what they did was illegal. He then goes on to excoriate the majority basically calling them idiots for the ruling. What stark raving hubris from this judge who is supposed to rule on the law, not on what his conservative friends want him to rule…and whose actions of the past years where he strategized with the far right on how to defeat Obama should have disqualified him from the bench. With this latest explosion of bad manners, he has shown he does not belong on the court…but the only way to remove him is to impeach him…which I wholeheartedly support….geez…
Why are we bowing to the capitalists?
Well…in reading a few articles today, one about the removal of the president of U of Va…I was struck by this thought..”why are we bowing to the capitalists?” After all, the capitalists gave us the meltdown in the economy, they brought us Enron and Halliburton and two wars and their decisions have not been any better than flipping a coin. so, why do the repubs revere them so much? In my day…only people who accomplished things were revered; not those that talk a great game and then belly up to the public trough for a bailout when their stupidity or hubris leads them to put the entire country at risk. So, let’s stop making rich people out to have the answers; after all, most of them started with inherited money and connections that would make the countries biggest idiot successful…geez…
Just a short comment on the latest from ole Mitt…
Well…read a nice little nugget of who Romney really is, or who the modern republican party really is when an article from a couple of days ago revealed that ole Mitt has been going around to repub governors and telling them to stop telling the truth about the economic improvements that have happened in their states…and start saying that the economy still is in bad shape because of Obama and his policies…you know, lie about what it going on…something that Romney is really comfortable with. This just shows what the repubs are all about….they don’t give a damn that perception of an improving economy is important to the recovery…they have said all along that their only goal is to defeat Obama and they don’t care if they tank the economy doing it…in fact, they would love the economy to tank…then they can push more tax cuts for the rich and destroy more of the middle class…and, the recovery is sputtering because of the obstruction of the repubs and their asinine embrace of austerity that has driven Europe back into recession and will do the same here if they keep it up…geez…
There is nonsense in the world…
Well…not sure if you’ve heard what is happening here in Michigan, but I marvel at the repubs that are running the show here…not so much our governor, who seems to have a somewhat level head on his shoulders, but the repubs that are running the house here. Starting with the culture war nonsense where they are trying to overturn Roe v. Wade with a bunch of laws that will further restrict women’s rights…and that will be struck down by the courts as these model laws have been across the country and now, many of these legislators that have been purchased by the owner of the Ambassador bridge, are now trying to get a constitutional amendment that would not allow any infrastructure to be built without the legislature’s approval; even if it is done at no cost to Michigan. I can see a real reason for a part-time legislature if this is the nonsense we get from these people…nothing on getting us back to work, nothing for improving our schools, nothing for anyone but their donors and acting like the only people they represent are the ones that voted for them…and I think that is the problem with this country right now…the repubs don’t give a damn about anyone but their base and only legislate for them…geez…
Just another thought…
Well…I don’t know how I forgot this one from the papers today….and I think it’s a little reported consequence of the emergency manager law here in Michigan that lets officials appointed by the governor take over cities and towns that are in financial distress….and it gives the repubs here just another tool to jam their vision of the state as a corporate paradise down the electorates throat. In two school districts that have been taken over, the appointed repubs are proposing that all of the eduction of the children there be turned over to for profit corporations; firing all of the teachers and administrators (yep, they are union workers), something that they tried through legislation but were defeated. What else are they going to destroy before we tell them we’ve had enough of this crap? Corporations and privatization are not the solution to every problem that is facing us here in Michigan…if that were the case, why don’t we privatize the legislature and the governor’s office? What about the families that now don’t know where their kids are going to go to school in the fall? What about the teachers who have worked their whole lives and now are being told to “reapply” for their jobs at half the pay they were making before? And, what about the only two companies who have said they are interested in taking on this job and whose schools they currently run are substandard in performance to the public schools they compete with? This is just another attempt by the repubs to destroy the unions that they have an unreasonable hatred for…these guys have no shame and are the biggest threat to democracy that we have ever faced….geez…
A few things I find funny..
Well…have been thinking about a few things this morning and there are a few of them that I find funny…the funniest one was the bus tour that Mitt Romney did here in Michigan over the past few days where he touted the “jobs, jobs, jobs” that would come from his administration….but not once in the time here did he mention unions and his hatred of them and the fact that policies that he supports would destroy most of them…and along with them, the ability of people get a good job that would pay a living wage…I wonder what “jobs” he was talking about?
Another thing I find funny is the fact the businesses here in Michigan, and across the country have stopped hiring even after the huge tax cut they were given by the repubs that was supposed to work it’s “magic” and create “jobs, jobs, jobs”….but, no one is paying attention here…have never seen this fact mentioned in any newspaper (and I read almost a dozen of them everyday) or by any other media outlet…when did the lies of the repubs stop being news?
I think I’m getting fatigued by all of the political nonsense that is going on…oh, I do have one more thing I find funny…that the repubs are declaring “victory” in Wisconsin since Walker retained the governor’s chair…but they never mention that they lost the senate to the dems…let’s see him try to get any of the radical right crap passed now…and this idiot is now being considered as a VP candidate…geez…
Just can’t get outraged…oh, maybe I can…
Well…I’m not sure what is going on since I haven’t been able to work up any political outrage for the last couple of weeks…I did want to make a short comment on the ‘promise’ from the repubs that, if the healthcare law gets struck down by the supreme court, that they will do nothing on healthcare until after the election…they will do nothing for the millions of young people who will be thrown off their parents policies, they will do nothing for the millions of people who will lose their coverage due to pre-existing conditions…and they will do nothing for the millions of people who will still be living on the ragged edge of losing it all for being uninsured. But, as you know, that is what the repubs do…nothing…and then just sit there and bitch about someone else trying to make things better for the middle class all the while convincing the stupid electorate that if they trust them, they will do something in the future…like more tax cuts for the rich…geez…
Troglodyte Republicans rule in Michigan…
Well….if you needed a reason to believe that the repubs running this state are troglodytes from another era, you just need to hear what happened yesterday in the House here in Michigan. While there was a debate going on over putting onerous new restrictions on women’s freedom by restricting access to abortion, one of the female house members got up to speak and used the word “vagina” in telling them to keep their hands off her health….well…after this happened, two of the women that opposed these new restrictions and had spoken out against them were not allowed to speak on other bills that were pending in the House….silenced because they opposed the majority and dared to speak out against them…I shouldn’t really be surprised with the way that the repubs here govern…like they don’t have to follow the rules and will use any tactic to make sure the opposition has no voice…from the restrictions put on voting rights to this latest outrage the repubs here show every day that they don’t care about democracy, just the naked exercise of power to ensure their extreme right wing agenda gets jammed down out throats…geez…