Well….with the repubs win in the NY special election yesterday, I declare that America is officially stupid and has completely lost it’s mind. This idiot that they elected campaigned on the opinion that Obama doesn’t know how to to fix the economy and the repubs do…never mind that these folks are the ones that trashed the economy in the first place and have no ideas for fixing it other than the tax cuts that have been shown to not have created even one job…and the people that put him over the top are seniors that are going to lose everything when these thugs get their hands on the last remnants of the social safety net…I’m getting ,more and more glad that I’m getting old and won’t have to see this trashing of the traditions of this great country and the institution of the “I’ve got mine…everyone else can go to hell” mantra that is the rallying cry of these tea party idiots who love the fact that people will die as a result of their policies….it is a dark day but if we keep electing these cretins, we will look back on today with fondness…geez…
Category Archives: Politics
Just a short one about nonsense..
Well…with the news that came out today that 1 in 6 people in the US now lives in poverty, I wonder why the President and the rest of the dems aren’t shouting from the rooftops that this is a direct result of the policies of the repubs and their cronies in business that has taken back all of the progress that has been made by workers over the past 40 years. And now, the only program that keeps more and more seniors out of those growing ranks is under attack by all of the repub presidential contenders. Another question that comes to mind in all of this debate is why are seniors who will be the most affected by the proposed shredding of this last safety net so reliably republican? I didn’t think people got that stupid as they age….at least I had hoped it wouldn’t happen….but when you get people cheering at the tea party sponsored debate when a question was asked about a 30 year old being left to die if he decided to not buy health insurance….I do fear for this country and it’s continued slide into the meanness that is part and parcel of these folks….
Wandering again….
Well…there are a bunch of things that I want to comment on…or maybe just a couple of things….the first is the reaction of the crowd at the repub debate that clapped and cheered when a question concerning the 263 people Texas has executed in rick Perry’s tenure there…really, cheering for someone dying? Even when it has been shown that many of them were mistakenly convicted? This just shows you the type of neanderthals that inhabit the repub party these days…and what we have to look forward to if these thugs are elected. Then, we have ole Rick calling Social Security a “Ponzi scheme” that he would like to eliminate….even Romney the flip flopper wouldn’t bite on that nonsense…
One other thing…not political but pretty cool nonetheless…a Great Blue Heron has taken up residence in one of the retention ponds along M-6 and it is just the coolest looking bird…and this was the third day he was there…brightened up my day for sure….there might be more later if I don’t hang out with T…..
Mitch McConnell is an even bigger idiot than I thought…
Well….ole Mitch was in fine form this morning addressing the Senate in anticipation of Obama’s speech on jobs tonight, raising the bar on pure partisanship to an entirely new level…he didn’t even wait to hear the speech to start to criticize everything about what may be said…trying to preempt the president when he is trying to get us out of the repub caused jobs mess. His main point was that he didn’t even want to hear anything more about additional stimulus and he even rolled out the old bromide that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of idiocy….doesn’t McConnell get irony? What have he and his repub know nothings repeatedly done since 2000? Cut, Cut, and cut taxes when they did nothing to stimulate the economy or add jobs….remember this, the tax cuts did not add one job…not one job. And ole Mitch had the audacity to stand there and basically call Obama an idiot. Look in the mirror, Mitch, and you will see the biggest idiot in government today….geez….
One last thing…by the accounts of the majority of economists, the stimulus package saved almost 3 million jobs that would have been lost without it…is that the repubs definition of failure? Gimme that kind of failure anytime….
Maybe no politics…
Well…the day has changed for me today so I’m not sure that I’ll get back for a political one for later….the Tigers are playing right now with Verlander on the mound and then Tom called and we are going out to shoot pool in a while…and you know when I get back, I’m usually not too motivated to write but you never know….
This could be “I told you so”….
Well…if you’ve been here before, you might just remember that during the debt ceiling nonsense I was consistently quoting Keynes that cutting spending and worrying about the deficit in a time of recession or near recession would result in the economy going back to contraction. Guess what happened? Spending was cut and the economy is going back into recession just as Keynes and I predicted. What I don’t understand is that while we all know that proper economic thinking is beyond the repubs, Obama should know better and should have the backbone to call the nonsense for what it is…ignorance and willfull stalling of the economy by the repubs for purely political purposes. I am so disappointed in his going along with something that he knows is wrong for political purposes of his own that no one from either the left or right can understand. I am losing confidence that Obama has the political skill to frame the argument that the one class that needs to be taken care of is those of us in the middle who have paid and are still paying for the repub policies that Obama went along with and now, he has allowed Social Security to be dragged into the deficit debate when everyone knows that SS is solvent for at least the next 25 years and has never added one penny to the deficit.
President Obama: please grow a spine and call the repubs for what they are….a wholly owned subsidiary of business and the rich…
Texas for sale…
well…as time goes by in this primary season, more and more facts are coming to light about how Rick Perry has sold Texas into one of the greatest states for crony capitalism….in the Post today, there is an article that has found the fact that 34 of the governor’s top 50 donors received tax breaks, state contracts, or appointment to regulatory boards in Texas; a huge extension of the culture of “pay to play” that has been rampant under his administration. Didn’t we have enough of this type of crap under Bush/Cheney with Halliburton and the rest of the connected businesses stealing billions from the American people? Then, we have ole Rick out on the stump shouting that only private business creates jobs, that government can’t do it…then, why do we have ole Rick doling out millions and millions of taxpayer dollars to businesses to have them build manufacturing plants in Texas? Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy…..if you want to know what not to do on the federal level…just look at what ole Rick is doing in Texas….
Manny Lopez is still an idiot after all these years…
Well…I don’t know where to start about this one…I’ve never seen one person be so wrong every time he opens his mouth and still have a job….he’s at it again this morning in the Detroit News where he spend his whole column venting his vitriol against Obama and then recommends that the pres read nonsense to change his economic policy…to start he gives us the old repub lie that the stimulus was all spending of almost 800 billion dollars and it was wasted since it didn’t get the economy moving as fast as it should…but what ole Manny and the rest of the repoub liars continue to ignore is that almost half of the stimulus package was tax cuts…so, I’ll ask this again, Manny….do tax cuts work to spur the economy or don’t they? The media continues to give you a pass on this hypocrisy when the Bush tax cuts did not create one job, not one, and now you want the president to keep doing more of that? You have no standing to give advice to anyone when you continue to believe in the voodoo economics that put us in this mess we are in…geez…
It’s Monday and Rick Perry is still an idiot…
Well…I am just laughing my butt off listening to rick Perry continue to take credit for job growth out of one side of his mouth and then attack big government with the other…..when one of the primary drivers of that growth has been the doubling of federal spending there over the past 5 years because they have a lopsided amount of military bases there….now, what would the job growth be here in Michigan if the federal government poured 200 billion dollars a year into construction projects, military bases, and prisons? Doesn’t he know we can look this stuff up? I’ve had just about enough of these repub nutjobs being allowed to lie and say anything they want without the media calling them on it…where are the reporters that should be asking the tough questions and putting a stop to this nonsense?
Then we have wonderful ole Michelle Bachmann who told an audience in Florida yesterday that the earthquake and hurricane were messages from god and that Washington needs to change it’s ways…so, Michelle, god is now setting policy for the US?….just this one statement should be enough to have her laughed off the national stage….where is Walter Cronkite when we need him….or Edward R. Murrow….geez…
One last thing about ole Rick…in his book and in many of his campaign stops he has repeatedly said that government is the problem….kind of a strange thing for a person to say that has spent his entire life in government feeding from the public trough…just another repub hypocrite….
Eric Cantor is still an idiot…
Okay, sorry folks ….this one is a placeholder for one to come tomorrow about Eric Cantor and his abandonment of his constituents with the refusal to take earthquake relief unless the dems cut social security…this will be a good one….
Well…this might not be as long a one as I first thought…I hope you remember the idiot statements that Eric Cantor made after the deadly tornado outbreaks that devastated Joplin Missouri…he was adamant that he would not vote for any disaster relief unless there was the same dollar amount cut from other areas of the budget…ignoring the misery of the American people to push his far right, misguided economic policies. Well…ole Eric is at it again…yesterday he vowed to not approve any disaster relief for his own district for damage from the earthquake or that to come from hurricane Irene unless the budget is cut the same amount as needed to relieve the suffering of those struck by these natural disasters. He has no problem cutting taxes for the rich and corporations no matter what the effect on the budget but he shows his true colors as a wholly owned subsidiary of big business and the rich by these actions.
Eric Cantor is a truly evil, evil, person….geez….