Tag Archives: republicans

More on vaccines….

Well…I guess the repubs haven’t gotten to their monthly quota of stupid yet so they all have to weigh in on the vaccines “controversy” that they have manufactured all by themselves…and I want to start with just a month or so ago to show how crazy these folks are…of course you remember the Ebola scare where there was one case in the US and everyone on the right was just freaking about about it…and one of the memes that they were pushing was that it was Obama’s fault that there was no vaccine for Ebola that everyone could get to be safe…fast forward to today and you have all of the repub idiots out there saying it should be a parents choice whether or not they vaccinate their kids…never mind the fact that millions and millions of lives have been saved by vaccines since they were invented…under the guise of freedom, these idiots are willing to have their children die from readily preventable diseases since, according to their great minds like Rand Paul, vaccines can cause “severe mental problems” even though there has never been case of this that they can refer anyone to…they just “know” it’s a fact.  Then, today, we have another great light from the right…some senator from Tennessee or some other backwater of science deniers, go on and on that the current measles outbreak is caused by “illegal immigrants” coming over the border since none of them are vaccinated…but he missed the fact that all of the central American countries including Mexico have vaccination rates that are much higher than the US. So, I guess what all of this means is the repubs are still the party of the stupid; denying science to pander to the stupid in their party and putting many people in danger for it…geez…

Here’s the sick thing with ACA repeal…

Well….not sure if you’ve been following the King v. Burwell case that is in front of the supreme court…you know, the onethat the repubs think will undo the ACA because of 5 words that they want to interpret that healthcare subsidies are only available to those on state run exchanges even though every lawmaker that worked on the law says is not the correct interpretation…they intended that all people on the exchanges, both federal and state would get subsidies for their healthcare costs. Here’s the sick thing about this whole case…if the repubs are successful in gutting the law, the fallout will be on people who live in repub dominated states who petulantly refused to set up state exchanges just because they hate Obama and don’t give a damn about anyone but the rich…and the real irony is that most of the people who will no longer be able to afford insurance will be the ones that elected the repubs….I would say they get what they deserve but no one deserves to be without health insurance…and I should know…I have been without it for 13 years now and not a day goes by that I don’t think about what could happen if I get sick…will have no choice but to pull the plug and just die….something the repubs think is how healthcare should work….and I hate them for it…

I guess the 14th amendment doesn’t apply to women…

Well…haven’t been thinking at all today but a thought just popped into my head and I thought I’d do some musing on it…with all of the abortion restrictions and government interference into women’s health decisions that have been written into law by the repubs across the country, I guess the 14th amendment doesn’t apply to women. As you know, the 14th amendment deals with equal protection under the law and that no laws can be written or accepted that only apply to select set of the citizenry…but, all of the mischief that the repubs have done since Roe was decided is directly opposed this amendment…when did the repubs ever write a law that interfered with men’s health decisions? I think the next challenge to these laws need to be couched in the language of the 14th to make the courts affirm that yes, women do have the right to control their own bodies just like men do…and put this repub nonsense to rest forever…geez…


Well…with all of the hype about the state of the union yesterday, I figured I’d probably take a shot at what I think…as if I don’t every day here…I thought the speech was one of the best that I have heard Obama do…aggressive, confidant, and full of themes that dems should have been talking about in the past election…if they would have, they probably would have held the senate and gotten the turnout they needed. But, better late than never and this gives our side the roadmap we need to use to go into the 2016 elections…we need to be dems again and aggressively protect the middle class. The funny thing that I saw was the repubs sitting on their hands all night…just because Obama was saying the right things…he could have been for mom and apple pie and they would have sat there with the dour looks on their faces that they had. I think this is the start of finally distinguishing between the two parties..we can’t be repub lite and expect people to care….I can’t wait to see the political ads that are constructed using the shots from the speech…the repubs hating on popular policies with the general public…they are delusional if they think their pettiness won’t come with a cost..finally….geez…

This is what it’s going to be like…

Well…didn’t have to wait too long to see what at a repub dominated congress was going to look like and you only have to see the first three things they worked on to know…the first thing…the very first thing was to pass a bill to cut SS disability payments and to forbid borrowing from the retirement trust fund to pay for the disability side….nevermind that this has been done 15 times in the past 30 years with no effect on retirees and it is the first step in their plan to privatize the disability portion of SS and then the rest of the programs…..the second thing was watering down of Wall street regulations…allowing more of the shenanigans that melted down the economy in 2008…and the third is the 20 week abortion ban that these asses are salivating at and thing will lead to the repeal of Roe v. Wade…never mind that the supreme court has said that these bans are illegal…but you and I know the repubs only pay attention to the Constitution when it suits their partisan goals…..get out the veto pen Obama….you’re going to need it….

Zombie Benghazi…

Well…how many damn time do you have to kill the Benghazi nonsense before it stays dead? This week, for a fifth time, a commission found that there was no wrongdoing at all in the Benghazi affair…and this should shut the repubs up for a final time but the damn issue is just like zombie…it just won’t stay dead. Just hours after this report was released you had ole Lindsay Graham spouting off that ‘this report is crap” and vowing to rebut every point that agreed with every other report….this is what you get when the right thinks it can create it’s own facts…even when presented with the truth from many sources, if it doesn’t agree with their political spin they can’t believe it or won’t believe it…and will continue to spend yours and my tax dollars to continue with their fantasy “investigation” until…cripes I don’t know where the until even is…what can make delusional people abandon their delusion? Not sure…but, I hope it happens soon…geez…


Well…with all the howls from the right that any movement by Obama on immigration will be “the biggest abuse of power in the history of the world” and “an impeachable offense” I am laughing and laughing again at how stupid these folks are…or they can’t read or have really stupid staffs…if they didn’t, they would realize that two years ago the supreme court pre-approved many of the things that Obama plans to do…and that same ruling gave the executive branch wide leeway to do what they see fit on immigration….so, again, it doesn’t really matter what Obama does, if he breathes, “impeachment!” If he talks “Impeachment!” there is just no credibility that the right has these days since they refuse to do anything to deal with the problems with immigration…Obama has given the repubs two years to try to fix this mess and they have just sat there and bloviated without doing anything…so, it’s on their heads…I really do hope they sue Obama or impeach him over the immigration changes he will announce tomorrow…and then I will laugh when they get laughed out of court with the court citing the Arizona supreme court decision…what a bunch of maroons….geez…

Keystone XL…again…

Well…with the votes that are going on in the congress this week on trying to force Obama to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, I find it just delicious that the head of the Canadian company that wants to build the pipeline to bring dirty, dirty tar sands oil to the US has exploded the biggest repub argument for it….if you have listened to any of these morons on the right, you will have heard that the pipeline will bring anywhere from 5,000 to 50,000 permanent jobs to the US…but, there is one  little problem, the person that really knows has said just today that there will be a maximum of 50 permanent jobs from the pipeline…yep, all that pollution, all the price increases that will hit the midwest (estimated to be upwards to 50 cents a gallon for gasoline) is all for 50 jobs…now if you’ll let me do a little bit of crude math with some assumptions in it…say a billion gallons of gas times a 50 cent per gallon increase is 500 million dollars that you and I will be paying out of our pockets to buy these 50 jobs….a cost of 10 million dollars per job…in anyone’s book, that is just stupid…I don’t mind paying more for gas if it fixes the roads here, but to just raise costs so the Koch brothers can make billions more is just frickin crazy…I hope Obama vetoes this ugly bill and gets back to the environmentalism he espoused on the campaign trail…we just don’t need this pipeline and the pollution that will come from it…geez…

Ebola, schmebola….

Well…I have been shaking my head for the past couple of days on the panic that the media and the repubs are trying to stoke about the “Ebola crisis” of three patients with the disease..one that was the carrier and the other two were nurses who took care of the man while he was dying. The fearmongering seems to be working with the ignorant and fearful….a teacher from the northeast was put on paid leave for 21 days just for traveling to Dallas….no where near the hospital but I guess that doesn’t matter….and parents from a school in Mississippi (of course it’s Mississippi) pulled their children for the reason that the principal made a trip to Zambia a month before…no Ebola in Zambia but these ignorant idiots don’t care about that since their lives are ruled by fear of everything….but now, when the 41 people who were quarantined for contact with the dead man show no symptoms after 21 days, you don’t hear a thing about it in the media….Ebola is an extremely hard disease to catch but the right just needs a new fear to keep their base scared out of their wits so they will go out to vote…maybe we should spread the rumor on right wing websites that you can get Ebola from voting machines….that would be cool…geez….

Czar,czar, czar…

Well…if you watched any of the weekend news shows (I didn’t…just can’t make myself do that anymore)….you saw the predictable cast of repubs going on and on that Obama should appoint an “Ebola czar” to coordinate the response to the two cases in the US…never mind that just a couple of months ago the repubs were shouting about impeaching Obama for appointing just such people…they think it’s an impeachable offense now that he hasn’t….my head spins at the stupidity of the people like John McCain and the rest of the repubs when they have gotten just what they wanted…a smaller government that doesn’t have the capability to “interfere” with people’s lives…and doesn’t have the capability to save them either. But, the funniest or saddest part of this whole charade is that Obama has tried to appoint just this person that the repubs are calling for…he’s called the Surgeon General and the repubs in the senate have blocked his appointment since he thinks that guns do kill people at times….yep, that is what the repub party is today…stupidity and more stupidity…and all of us suffer for it…geez…