Tag Archives: Donald Trump

The looting has begun…

Well…we all know that trump is breaking the law every day by still being in control of his businesses….and the past two weeks pointed out why presidents should not be able to profit off the government….over the past two weeks as trump took two weekends at his resort in Florida…at a cost of 2 million dollars for each weekend that went straight into trump’s pocket….now, I don’t know about you but I sure don’t want any of my tax dollars going to that idiot…and we can be sure that over the course of this year alone, trump will loot the federal government of close to 50 million dollars…just the kind of grift that the law was meant to prevent…where are you repubs? Impeach….

This is bad for trump…

Well…okay, just needed to do a short on on an article I just read….it seems that the intelligence community has stopped giving trump and his minions any intelligence briefings since they know that there is a direct pipeline to Russia out of the white house…let that sink in for a minute…trump and his cronies in the white house don’t get classified briefings since the CIA knows there is a Russian mole in the white house and that Putin will find out what we know about Russia…and the CIA has told our allies not to share any info with trump, either…and what is that noise you hear from the repubs in the house? Silence….this, folks, is the definition of high crimes and misdemeanors that is the bar for impeachment…what the hell does it take, repubs for you to uphold your oath to defend the constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic?

A new look….

Well….looking at some pictures of people meeting with trump and there is one thing that is consistent with all of them….they have a look on their faces that says “what the hell am I doing talking to this idiot”….especially ABE from Japan…a look of no respect for an ignorant, racist asshole….now they just need to stop meeting with him altogether….

Mike Flynn and the Russians..

Well….I can’t understand why the Russians meddling in our election has fallen out of the news but maybe Mike Flynn (the National Security Advisor) admitting he was in contact with the Russians during the campaign will bring it back into the spotlight. This should be an impeachable offense for the idiot trump since I can see quid pro quo written all over these meetings…kind of like this…”if you can help us get elected, we’ll get rid of the sanctions on you from attacking the Ukraine”…wink wink….don’t even need the winks here…it was blatantly putting their own election over the United States foreign policy and telegraphing that trump would be a lapdog for Putin…just as we see unfolding right before our eyes…where are you repubs? Get started on the impeachment….

The trump shopping network…

Well….if it wasn’t bad enough that the tasteless, classless trump hung gold all over the white house, now his staff is turning it into the trump shopping network. This morning, one of his chief idiots, Kellyanne Conway went on the air from the white house to hawk Ivanka trumps clothing line..yep, she actually did a commercial for her clothes on government time when she is being paid by the government. Not only is this the most classless thing that has ever been done in the white house, it is also illegal…so the law and order repub administration, three weeks in, has broken federal law for the umpteenth time….what are you going to do about this repubs…nothing of course, since you are a bunch of shameless hypocrites that spent 8 years crying about the lawless Obama administration that did not break the law….get on it and do something…

Don’t trust Gorsuch…it’s a front…

Well….the news is buzzing this morning with the “disagreement” that the SC nominee, Neil Gorsuch, is supposedly having with the idiot trump over trumps attacks on the judiciary after they slapped him down on his immigration fiasco…don’t believe it. Gorsuch is such a right wing corporatist who doesn’t believe in voting rights, or women’s rights to choose that they needed to do something to make him appear more moderate than he is…and what better way than to fake a disagreement with the idiot trump? This is all a front to sell his nomination to the American people and give the repub senators that are going to vote for him cover when they do…making him appear independent when he will be trump’s toady and supporting the worst of the fascist trumps ideas that will ruin this country even more than anyone can predict…..mark my words, this is all just a scam…you’ll see…

France and Yemen now school the idiot trump…

Well…another day, another couple of countries understand that there is no dealing with trump…..the president of France was just dumbfounded after a phone call with the idiot trump…he couldn’t keep a train of thought and just ranted about unrelated stuff all through the call…going off on everyone who questioned him and made a bunch of personal attacks throughout the call….real presidential and that makes one more country that doesn’t see the point of even talking to trump….and then there’s the botched raid in Yemen that killed over 30 civilians, didn’t get any of the terrorists that were the target of the raid, and that was authorized over dinner without any military people even being there…just his son-in-law, and the racist Bannon…and the result of that raid and of banning anyone from Yemen coming into the country? Yemen has just said the US can go to hell and get out of the country, not allowing any more anti terror raids there when Yemen is a hotspot for terror organizing…boy, that sure makes us more safe doesn’t it trump? What an ignorant idiot…repubs, where the impeachment?

Trump has brought the world together…against us…

Well….the world’s assessment is in and it ain’t pretty…leaders in Germany call trump a “pathological liar” while Great Britain refuses to let him address parliament citing his “lying and racism”….and now Germany has basically abandoned any plans to work with the US for the next four years since they know it would be frustrating dealing with trump at the very least and even dangerous to Germany and Europe. So, where does that leave us? The blustering idiot has left the US isolated from it’s position of leadership in the world and has even spurred on Germany to begin shaping a world where the US has no say…working with the rest of Europe and with countries in Africa to fill the vacuum that the idiot trump has made by just being trump…and now with abandoning of trade agreements that trump says he will “re-negotiate”, the power vacuum that those actions have left elevates China to the leadership of trade in Asia and destroys any power that Obama worked so hard to build. Not bad for two frickin weeks of that idiot in charge….we are now the laughingstock of the world for “electing” this ignorant racist, facist to the presidency…and we are all going to pay for it….every damn time a repub gets elected, we dems have to come in and clean up after them…and I am getting damn tired of it….

Poor little snowflakes…

Well…with all of the crap going on with the idiot trump, and the many things to write about….I find that my outrage tank is empty today and I just can’t bring myself to write anything about the idiot or and of the other idiot repubs…okay maybe there’s a little outrage left…….the little snowflake repubs are now complaining that they have to talk to their constituents and all of them have been running away for the town hall meetings that they have scheduled…going so far as to start to talk about “alternative exits” so they don’t have to see the people they supposedly represent if they don’t ask them the softball questions that they are used to by the hand picked crowds they are used to…I have this to say to these poor little snowflakes…suck it up…you and your ilk have pissed off more than half of the country and now this kind of confrontation is going to be your new normal…if you were planning to bask in the adulation of adoring crowds you are more delusional than trump…who is basically in the bunker white house since his disapproval rating is 54% and only 42% of the people agree with how he is doing his job….and there is nowhere to go but down…we all need to resist in every way every day to make sure the damage these asses do is limited…and we can do that….

This is too damn funny….

Well…the idiot trump continues to rail against the media, telling the army at centcom today the delusion that they are covering up most of the terror attacks across the world for reasons only he knows…but, that is for another one….and he has gone on and on that the media doesn’t report the “huge” crowds that have turned out to support his immigration orders….the media did report on a trump support rally from Portland, Maine Sunday and it was “hugely huge”…it took all of BOTH hands to count the 8 people who showed up….I wonder how many that equates to in trumpworld? Eleventy billion? Trump you idiot, you should hope that the media doesn’t cover anything you say or do…it all makes you look batshit insane…repubs, where is the impeachment process? Get on it….