Well…I have been grinning all day today with the food fight that has broken out between the Donald and ole Ted Cruz over the past few days…or maybe just today…the whole thing started when the Donald quoted a less than believable story from the National Enquirer that placed Ted’s father with Oswald just before the JFK assassination…and then Donald just had to extrapolate that to mean the ole Ted’s father was partially responsible for the assassination….of course, that just was too much for ole Ted and he just blew and started talking about Donald’s venereal diseases and calling him a pathological liar, utterly amoral and the biggest narcissist ever…..adding that the country will be destroyed if Donald or Hillary get elected…now this is just another facet of what I wrote about the other day…how ole Ted just won’t be able to deal with losing…especially to the Donald and this is the manifestation of that….he is melting before our eyes and I am reveling in it…he is, after all, the worst person in the world…geez…
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
Just some stuff…
Well….even with all that is going on in politics, I haven’t been able to distill things down to a single topic so I think I’ll just noodle around and see where it goes….had to call the guys back to work on the furnace again and this time they replaced the brain that runs the thing…has been working since they left so I have my fingers crossed….it has been interesting this week to see that ole Donald has started to self destruct and show his know nothingness on basically every topic…from foreign policy to economics, his ignorance is just breathtaking and people are starting to catch on….and, the thing we have to remember is that even if he is the candidate, his own party really doesn’t like him much with his unfavorables being in the 60% range…and no one has ever been elected with them that high…his only support is within his rabid racist base and he has no appeal to the independents that are needed to win….I guess he appeals to the same folks that used to watch his reality show….oh, one last thing…sister Sarah did a speech for Trump in Wisconsin the other day that people walked out on…maybe her schtick is finally wearing thin? Not too soon, that’s for sure….
Dumb and dumber….
Well…with the attacks on Brussels yesterday and the loss of life there, of course we have the repub candidates spouting off what needs to happen next here in the US….yeah…an attack on Europe means that these idiots have another chance to politicize the suffering of the victims for their own benefit…starting with ole Donald this morning going on the morning shows saying that, if he was president, he would close the borders and start torturing people to try to get “information” he never said what information or who from but he was damn sure that torturing was the way to get it….then, he went on to brag that he was right about every terrorist attack ever in the history of the world and then drove down the nonsense rathole that he seems to always go down…can’t even figure out what he means most of the time…then, we have ole Ted Cruz saying that we need new laws to allow the police to “patrol and secure” Muslim areas of the country…and, I would assume, enter Muslim American homes to make sure that there is nothing going on…never mind that this is just what the English did that triggered the Revolutionary War and led to the 4th amendment that ole Ted is supposed to revere….I just can’t believe these guys are the leaders of the modern repub party…well…yeah, I can..they are the distillation of the hate and fear that the repubs have won elections on for the past 30 years….I’m just glad it’s out in the open now so the rest of us can see that reality…it’s not pretty…..geez…
Some good news….
Well…haven’t done a political one in a while since the crap that is going on over on the repub side has just gotten to be too much for me to follow…I mean, a presidential candidate telling his followers to beat up people they don’t agree with? With that, there is no room for any policy discussion on that side but we’ve heard it all…tax cuts for the rich…blah, blah…so I guess we don’t really have to hear any more….but, there was one bit of good news that came out of a national poll on the general election that was released the other day…and that is that either Bernie or Hillary would beat Drumpf by about 10 points with Bernie doing a little better….and those numbers are sure to go up as people hear more from the idiot….how far has the repub party fallen since I was young….when we had people like Vandenberg, and Ford and Bill Milliken….and now we have Drumpf, Cruz, and Rubio….have never seen a worse set of no talent hacks in my life….geez..
Late again today….
Well…have been getting a few things done today so I am late coming back here for another one…did anyone watch the repub debate last night? I hope not since the sight of it would need so much brain bleach that it would probably kill you….I have never seen a group of “adults” carry on with the insults and middle school taunts that made them look as presidential as Pee Wee Herman….but nowhere near as funny….and it does look like ole Drumpf is going to be the winner no matter what he says, no matter how many lies he spouts, and no matter how much he threatens to commit war crimes…my question is if he was elected, and he ordered the military to commit war crimes, how many generals would tell him to go to hell….it is illegal, after all, to order someone to commit a war crime and that is just another reason whey Bush and Cheney should be in jail….but, I blame Obama for that…for his willingness to put the whole mess behind him so the repubs would work with him…how did that work out Obama? I am at a loss to comment more….geez…
I’m done with NASCAR…
Well…I am just a little chagrined with the news that the leadership of nascar and many of the drivers have come out and endorsed Donald Trump for president….I guess we all now know that racism is still alive and well in the south…now, people can endorse anyone they want…but I don’t have to pay or support their decision by watching them anymore….this just shows that these folks are not too bright…or they agree with all the terrible things the Donald has said and continues to say…do they really believe that all Mexicans are drug mules and rapists as Donald has said on more than one occasion? Do they really believe that all Muslims should be watched by the state? All I know is that Nascar ended for me today…and I have been watching it since the 70′s….I hope the rest of the progressive people in this country do the same….geez…
Trump vs. the Pope….
Well….I have been laughing quite a bit today with the meltdown ole Donald has had with some comment the Pope made in after his trip to Mexico this past week. When asked if Trump was a christian, the Pope said no…that if he only wants to build walls instead of bridges, he is not a christian….and that set off the Donald as to be expected and it has been gorgeous to watch…with the Donald saying that when ISIS attacks the Vatican, the pope would want to have Trump as president since he would kill them all….now, I’m not sure about you, but this could be Trump’s “jump the shark” moment…after all, how do you expect Catholic votes when you continue to insult the Pope? This is just delicious…pass the popcorn….
Trump skipping the debate…
Well…as you know, I have been loathe to write about old Donald…okay, I have done a few about him but this latest controversy of him skipping tonight’s debate deserved a few words from someone…and an idea that I haven’t heard in any of the news stories take on yet. To start, I find it funny that ole Donald is in a fight with Fox news who have been all Donald, all the time…but I think I also understand why he would skip the debate…after all, what would it get him to be there? He is ahead everywhere in all of the polls from the repub side and there is only downside to him being there…it could only hurt him in the polls if any of his opponents landed any punches so I guess it’s pretty smart to skip it…he is getting more press by skipping it and he just doesn’t care what anyone thinks so this appears to be logical…not that I would attribute logic to this idiot…but, this one time, it appears he has stumbled on some by accident….still going to be fun to watch….geez….
Too much religion…
Well….I know it’s Iowa caucus time where the candidates are trying to woo the evangelical vote, but I mean, come on righties…this is even too much for you guys….first we have Ted Cruz coming out the other day and saying his religion is more important to him than the US is…now, this coming from someone who wants to be president? Does that mean he will put the christianists first instead of his oath to uphold and protect the constitution that builds a wall between church and state? Imagine if a Muslim candidate said that…he would be run out of town but this is just fine for a christian to say? Then you have the Donald saying the other day that christians are going to be running the country if he is elected…don’t they now? Oh, I guess he means that christians will be able to be open with their bigotry against everyone again…and he will use his power to subvert to constitution to cater to his christian followers…look, I have had way too much of these idiots believing that this is a christian country…we are not….and I take offense with having any religion jammed down my throat by having their religion codified into laws…just like the “blue laws” that kept almost every business closed on Sunday when I was a kid…and it was so bad here in West Michigan that we had the only McDonald’s in the country that was closed on Sunday…thanks Jenison….geez….
Still trying….
Well….I have been trying all day…again…to find a topic that will mean something…well…to me anyway…and I am still not having much luck….I do find it funny that the ultimate birther king, ole Donald has turned his sighst on Ted Cruz since he wasn’t born in the US…using the same methods he always uses to make his lies sound like there may be a grain of truth in them…the old “some people are saying” that Ted isn’t a citizen…just like he said “some people saw” thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11 when that wasn’t true either…but, I do relish the fact that he is turning on the other idiots in the repub race…this is going to need some popcorn….I did find another thing funny with the Obamacare repeal bill that was sent to the president, and the repubs all patting themselves on the back for it; knowing it would be vetoed and thinking they were super geniuses for doing it. Are they going to try to run on it this year? Taking insurance away from 20 million people? Man, I can see the ads now and even I could write them…nice job, geniuses….geez…