Well…have been thinking a little about this year in politics and the only thing I can say is it is going to be interesting….I have been a little burned out on the whole thing for a while but with all of the firsts that are happening, I just have to pay attention. First, you have the candidate from the repub side that has pulled back the curtain to expose the seething hate that is the hallmark of that party….and does not apologize for his racism but revels in it….I have never seen this kind of candidate in my lifetime…and I don’t know if anyone has. Then we have the distinct possibility of electing our first female president and that makes me smile some…that, and the dems finally finding their voice against the lies of the right is going to make this interesting, too….I really can’t wait until they turn Obama and Biden loose…if the speech that Obama did the other day is any indication, it looks like we are in for a treat this summer and fall….can’t wait….
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
This is gonna be fun….
Well….I haven’t been following the election that closely up to this point but things changed a little yesterday….Hillary is now embracing the fact that she will be the nominee against ole Trump and cut loose with a great speech that showed that the Donald is not qualified by knowledge or temperament to be president….and the fun thing is she worked his own words in to make the points. The reaction from the thin skinned orange man was quite predictable…he went on a twitter rampage where he just basically lied his ass off and said he never said any of those things…and Donald has the same problem that all the rest of the lying repubs have…they forget about video and that all of the crap they say is recorded….so even Morning Joe ran tape on it…and Donald went nuts saying they it a crappy show with low ratings when just last week he said exactly the opposite. I think this is just gonna be fun to watch Donald’s meltdown as Hillary keeps pummeling him on his lies and stupidity…get the popcorn….
Last one for the month…
Well…I seem to be Trumped out for the moment so I don’t think I’ll do another one about him right now…okay, just one thing…it was reported today that the Trump campaign is running out of money and won’t be able to run any ads until late July…all I have to say about that is yay…that means that he is not even running a campaign really….and the money that he is going to need is expected to come from the state repub orgs which will leave the down ballot races with less money so ole Trump could suck the entire party into a black hole…yeah, I know, their ideas ARE a black hole and they deserve to disappear across the event horizon….okay…..what next? More Trump? Oh…Mitch McConnell said over the weekend that Trump “won’t change the republican party”…and I laughed about that…since Trump IS the republican party and his hatred and ignorance have been a proud characteristic of the repubs for more than 40 years…I mean evolution is wrong? That the US was formed as a christian nation? All nonsense that the repubs believe and they either don’t believe science or understand it….and living your life to a 2,000 year old book written by ignorant goatherders? Maybe ole Trump can do so much damage that the party will have to change to get past it…we can hope anyway….
You’re going to pay for it…
Well…still hate writing about Trump but I’m behind for the month and need to do two more of these today…it is well known that Trump is a tax cheat and feels that paying taxes is like “throwing money down the drain”….so who do you think would pay for all of the extra money he wants to spend on the military? Not guys like him or corporations, that’s for sure…so who’s left? Yep…you and me by either cutting SS or raising our taxes…but, for a guy who reveled in people losing their homes so he could make profit in 2008 and who lies, and lies, and lies, you won’t hear that from him…he is going to magically run the economy just like all the rest of the repubs…on faith….and if we all just trust him, everything will be huuuuge….god, I hate this guy….
The sad state of politics…
Well…never in my life have I seen what is happening now on the US political scene…a major political party nominating the biggest liar there has ever been in politics? Ole Donald doesn’t just lie one day and then the next, but the lies can and do come in every sentence and he contradicts himself from one word to the next….and his supporters don’t care since they have been unleashed to be the racist bigots they always were but, before Trump, the society curtailed some of the behaviors that we now see at every Trump rally…that it was not okay to call people racist epithets but now Trump does it so it must be okay. What do you do with a candidate who has no shame, who doesn’t care that he lies, who doesn’t care who he hurts, who doesn’t care how many people he puts out of work…and what do you do with a media who is so ratings driven that they let Trump lie and lie with no threat of stopping his wall to wall coverage….I have been troubled by the demise of traditional media for many years now…and the disappearance of any reporter who will call bullshit on the idiots who have been allowed to lie repeatedly and rot this country from the inside…not sure what can be done….
Trump doesn’t want to do the job…
Well…what is it with repub politicians who don’t want to do the job they were elected to do? Starting with little Marco Rubio who said he hated being a senator and basically stopped showing up for the job, and now we have Trump’s campaign manager saying that there is a lot of being president that the Donald doesn’t want to do so he needs an experienced vice president to do all those nasty tasks….now, I laughed my butt off when I read that this morning…not even elected yet and he just knows that he is going to bored with most of the presidentin’ so he will have someone else do it….you know, I knew I hated this guy from the first time I ever heard of him…he is the kind of bullshit artist that you just get tired of after being around him for even a little while…and I know most people have someone like him in their lives and just can’t wait for them to leave…so, Donald…please leave and leave the presidentin’ to someone who will really do the job…geez…
A fun Twitter war…
Well…I have been having a great laugh over the past few weeks following the Twitter war between Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump where she has basically taken him on for any and all of the stupid, idiotic statements he has been making, along with his refusal to release his tax returns…and we all know from his returns in the early 90′s that the Donald doesn’t pay any taxes….and Sen Warren has been skewering him…a really fun thing to read. One of the latest ones deals with the Donald caught on tape cheering for the housing bubble to collapse in 2008 so he could make ‘lots of money” on the misery of others…now, why would anyone want a president that cheers for his fellow citizens to lose everything just so he can get richer? Oh, right…republicans…geez…
Not sure what to write about…
Well…again, sitting here thinking bout what to write about without much luck…I just can’t do more Trump…he is such a ridiculous person that I can’t make stuff up that is stranger than what he says….I did read a small article that is making me think some about the election…how do you campaign against someone who just doesn’t care what he says? Who can be on both sides of an issue within the same interview or just doesn’t see lying as a problem…it’s not anything that anyone has had to deal with in an election before so how to do it? I did want to talk a little about Paul Ryan’s ideas to fix Puerto Rico’s financial crisis since they look so similar to what ole Snyder did to Michigan with his “Emergency Managers”….basically, Ryan wants there to be an appointed board that will take over and deal with the crisis with the emphasis being on slashing more and more out of the budget for the island that already has endured draconian cuts just to make sure that hedge fund managers will get their payday….I just don’t understand this crap…after all, austerity never works for anyone except for the rich…oh, that’s it…I get it, the rich need to get paid for any crisis…even ones that they cause….what a bunch of crap…geez…
Trump and his taxes…
Well…I know I said I wasn’t going to write much more about ole Donald but I just read a little tidbit about his taxes that I just had to comment on…as you know…Donald is refusing to release his tax returns using every lie in the book to keep from doing it and there just might be a real reason for him not releasing them….in his NY state return, he took a tax credit that can only be used by someone making less than 500K a year…so, either he is lying about his huuuuge amount of money he supposedly makes, or he is committing tax fraud by taking this credit that he is not entitled to. One other reason could be that he has such good lawyers that he is not paying any taxes which would not look good, either, just making him another rich asshole who doesn’t pay his fair share….any one of the reasons should be enough to disqualify him from being president…but, the repub base just doesn’t care if he is a liar and tax cheat, he is still ‘the Donald” and I guess being a celebrity is all the qualifications you need on the right….geez…
Trump is just not too bright…
Well….was just reading some online news that confirmed what everyone should know…that ole Donald is just not too bright…and the piece of news? That Sarah Palin is on his short list for vice president….yep, the idiot half-term governor is considered to be qualified to be VP by Donald and that one piece of information should disqualify him from ever being considered for president…I am just shaking my head that ole sister Sarah, the two bit, bar fighting grifter would be considered qualified for anything…the debates would be interesting and a laugh riot but being VP is supposed to be serious business…this just shows how far the repubs have fallen….what a frickin joke…..geez….