Well…another morning another 50 people dead on the altar of gun worship in this country….450 injured and more will probably die and I blame the NRA for it’s years of stoking fear, it’s years of buying politicians so that rational, public supported gun control couldn’t happen…and now we have this…we have a white, domestic terrorist acting on what the NRA has been calling for for years…that people will have to die to protect their bastardized understanding of the 2nd amendment….I knew that this would happen…after Sandy Hook with 30+ children dead and nothing happened to control these weapons, I knew that the NRA had won…when there have been 273 mass shootings this year alone and nothing is done, I knew the NRA had won….and this guy had 10 automatic rifles with huge magazines that are perfectly legal in Nevada…something the NRA purchased politicians think is just fine…and now there is a bill being pushed by the NRA that would allow people to buy silencers…if this had been passed and this guy had them for his guns, how many more would have died? A hundred…two hundred? The only way this murderer was found was it was night and people could see the muzzle flashes…something a silencer also prevents…there is one thing that every mass killing has in common…guns….now is the time to tell these NRA purchased politicians that we have had enough…that sensible gun control is needed now…and throw the bums out if they won’t listen….one last thing…after the last two videos that the NRA put out hinting that liberals should be killed, the NRA should be labeled the terrorist organization that it is…and be put out of business now….
Tag Archives: NRA
The NRA can go to hell…
Well….just saw an add by the fricking NRA that basically says that if Hillary is elected, everyone is going to die by crininals since she will take away everyone’s guns….and that is just such a huge lie that it pisses me off….not once has Hillary or anyone else on the left said they are going to “take away people’s guns”…they do say that some sensible gun regulation is needed…like background checks that over 80% of the American people support and only the guns everywhere crazies are against. But, when did the truth ever matter to the right and the NRA? Never….I think the NRA should be labeled a terrorist organization since they and their guns everywhere crap is responsible for many more deaths in the US every year than all of the terrorists attacks that have ever happened on US soil….that is the definition of terror…geez…
It’s the Supreme Court, stupid….
Well…now that we have heard from the turtle man McConnell that, under no circumstances will he allow any hearings to be held on a new supreme court justice until he loses the job of majority leader….I am at a loss to understand his end game…I mean, what does he expect to gain from this? Another Scalia? That is never going to happen and, unless he is the most stupid person in the world (which I think he is) he can’t think he will get anyone farther to the right than Garland. Go ahead, Mitch, hold this one up until we take back the senate and you will get another Ginsburg who will push the court farther to the left than the current nominee. The latest outrage in this whole mess is ole Mitch’s statement yesterday that he won’t allow any hearings on anyone that the NRA disapproves of…yep, you heard it right, Mitch is now giving up his job to the NRA…now, I’ve read the constitution and there is not one mention of the NRA advising and consenting on supreme court justices…I am just shaking my head here today on how far off the rails the repubs have gone….and they need to go…get out and vote people…this needs to stop….
Here’s the flaw, NRA….
Well..I’m sure you’ve heard the nonsense that keeps being pushed by the NRA that says: “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun..” …and they try to use that to get people desensitized to people carrying guns all over the place where they shouldn’t…and you’ve heard me rant about the fact that I don’t want to be around people carry guns..after all, who the hell can tell who the “good guy with a gun” is? That little fact that showed the fallacy of the NRA’s contention was on display at the latest mass shooting where 9 Americans were murdered in a classroom…again…you heard the gun fetishists scream that the school was a “gun free zone” and that is why no “good guy with a gun” was there to stop this murderer…all lies, and more lies…this school was not a gun free zone…in fact there were many people on that campus that were carrying guns that day…but, one of the carriers explained the nonsense of the NRA’s contention, a former military man trained in use of guns…this guy said there was no way he was going to take his gun out and get involved since “how can the swat team tell that I’m a good guy with a gun?” Pulling out his gun and getting involved would have probably meant this guy would be dead right now with some lame apologies for it….so, the next time you hear the NRA’s crap, you know it is a fallacy, a lie just to get people more scared and get them to buy more guns…don’t believe it…geez…
Hater in chief…
Well…have just read an article about ole sister Sarah’s speech in front of the NRA this past week and I can’t believe how much hate has permeated the right since she was unleashed on the country…and, this last speech had one line that distilled it down to it’s essence…”If I were in charge, waterboarding would be baptizing terroists” or some such nonsense as that….so, this darling of the right, this supposed upholder of everything American is willing to discard everything the US has stood for since it’s inception just to look tough and throw red meat to the lunatics that are now running the repub party? She should be called the hater in chief with views like that…hate the Muslims, hate the gays, hate the progressives, hate the immigrants, hate the minorities…hell, hate everyone unless they are part of the tiny fringe in this country who still think slavery was a good idea and that any white person is just better than anyone else….this is what they’ve devolved into…and she is the hater in chief…or grifter in chief….either one fits…or both fit….geez…
Mourning is over..
Well…the mourning period is over and I do need to get done with a political one….so that’s what I’ll do…I find it heartening that the poll numbers of all of the repubs that voted against sensible background check legislation have hit the tank with drops of 10 to 20% and the spin has started with the idiot Kelley Ayotte trying to lie her way out by saying she voted for the legislation…and that is a big lie…what the hell do they expect when 90% of the country is for the legislation and the repubs ignored their constituents to vote for their owners at the NRA….
The purge continues across the country when any repub comes out in favor of all citizens having the same rights whether they are gay or not, or they are brown or black….I think the repubs should enjoy this next two years since they are setting themselves up for being the permanent minority party…and we need to help them along at the state level, especially here in Michigan so we can repair the damage these thugs are doing here…okay…that’s enough for now…not feeling it really, but I gave it a try…
The repubs are officially nuts…
Well…have been having little snippets of news percolate over the past few days and the result is finally clear…the repubs are officially nuts…this whole thing started with the NRA convention and the suggestion from one of the speakers that the best place to store your guns is in the kids room since that is the place you will run to when the big, bad boogieman breaks into your house…and that is going to happen next week so you better get to it….next, at the same convention of the delusional, we have another one of the “brains” there organizing an armed march on DC where he wants all of the “patriots” to bring their loaded assault rifles and march into the city to provoke an armed response so it will justify the “armed revolution” that these idiots just know is coming….and, this morning, I read of a poll that shows that more than 44% of repubs think that an armed revolution will be necessary in the next few years to protect their “liberties”…but not one of these abject morons could name one liberty that has been taken away….what the hell is it with these people? Are they just too stupid to know that all of this crap is just nonsense? I do hope these folks march on DC and every one of them is arrested…then they will have a felony on their records and can no longer own guns…crazy like this just shouldn’t be armed…geez…
Brave Americans don’t need guns…
Well…with the astounding obtuseness that the right is showing on the issue of gun control, I wish I would have thought of the title for this one myself, but I read it earlier this morning in a comment thread on Daily Kos about the NRA’s comments that the only way to prevent more gun violence is more, and more, and more guns. While I have been a hunter in my past life and a supporter of responsible gun ownership, the absolutist nonsense of the right that there can be no restrictions of any kind on gun ownership is just too far out there for me…and the idea that we are safer when everyone is carrying a gun is just one of the stupidist things I have ever heard. We have placed many restrictions on the rights that are guaranteed in the bill of rights; think of the libel laws that do restrict your first amendment rights, or the evolution of the rights that are contained in the fourth, so I think that some restrictions on the second can and should be done…especially since almost 80% of the gun violence is done by people using guns that were purchased at unrestricted gun shows where no background checks are necessary. I just want to end with this… I do believe in the title of this piece…and I will be one of the brave Americans who will live my life without guns or fear that is stoked by the right to further their own ends…geez…
Where’s my right to be protected from people with guns?
Well…with the latest tragedy and the many, many others that have happened over the past year, I have only one question that I want the government and the NRA to answer: “where is my right to be protected from people with guns?” Why do I have to live in a society saturated with guns and unstable people who won’t hesitate to use them? I know the right and the NRA make their living on the second amendment but what about the Declaration of Independence and my right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?” Aren’t these basic, essential rights of American society just as important as the right of a person to carry a gun or to own guns whose only purpose is to inflict carnage on other humans? Where are my rights when I am lying dead by the hand of a person using a legally purchased gun? I am normally a pretty strict constructionist when it comes to the bill of rights but not to the extent that my fellow citizens can be slaughtered every day, especially children, by the unreasoned adherence to words that were written for a different time. And now, we have a new law that was just passed here in Michigan that would allow anyone with “special training” to carry a gun into any school in the state…even when there is no one in the public that thinks this is a good idea or supports it. I’ve had enough…don’t my feelings count? I am so uncomfortable when I see the gun nuts strutting into stores and other places I frequent with their guns strapped to their hips…who knows when the “nice man” that lives next door is going to go over the edge? Do we have to give them the ability to destroy entire communities just to keep the repubs and the NRA happy? I want to feel safe in my life and having more and more guns in more and more places is not the way to do it…this is not Dodge City in 1845 where the only way they found to end the killings there was to confiscate all the guns when you came into the city…and return them when the people left….let’s do something…anything, to stop this crap…I’ve had enough…
Mitt Romney is still a liar…
Well….I guess it had to come to this..especially when the repubs have no new policies to help deal with a slow economy other than the tired “tax cuts for the rich” mantra they have been spouting for the past 10 plus years…so that leads ole Mitt to keep on lying to his base…starting with a speech to the NRA the other day where he claimed that Obama wants to “take away our guns” but couldn’t cite one instance where a new law was enacted under Obama that would even modify the current law of the land that is the second amendment…then he goes right in to the “explosion” in new “regulators” under Obama…citing the growth in federal government employment of almost 150K during the current administration…conveniently not mentioning that more than half of that growth was in the defense department as a consequence of the surge in Afghanistan…and another 40K of those jobs were in the veterans administration that directly go to the care of the soldiers that are coming back from 12 years of war. So, Mitt, you spout that you will do more to support the military and veterans and yet when Obama does it it is an “explosion” of regulators? You are just going to make this falls election too easy with your flip flopping and hard right turns….keep it up…the more you talk, the more people don’t want you around…geez…