Well…I have been sitting here today trying to make sense of the crap that is coming out of the repubs these days…the supposed party of smaller government is on a tear in the upper plains states with their major attacks being on women…big surprise…with these idiots passing clearly unconstitutional laws on abortion just to prove a point? Then, they will spends millions of lawyers fees to try to defend the laws when they know they will be struck down…the same thing the repubs are doing with DOMA in the US House…and you know what I think? I think they just don’t care..if they can find another way to take tax money and give it to their rich lawyer buddies while denying Medicaid to the poor…just another case of welfare for the rich. Just like those pricks and I can’t wait for 2014 to make them all go away…geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
The republicans are stealing again…
Well…in case you had any doubts about the sudden embracing of medicaid expansion that we’ve seen by repub governors and are trying to figure out the change of heart, don’t bother…the real reason for this sudden concern for the poor is just typical repub through and through…they have figured out that they can steal a bunch of this money for their owners in the insurance industry by asking for waivers that would allow them to turn medicaid from the government run program it is, to some kind of hybrid that would take the money, give it to the insurance companies, and then have the insurance companies cover these folks. Yep, you heard it right, the repubs, the champions of eliminating waste and fraud (yeah, right) are going to take a program that has 8% administrative costs and hand it over to insurance companies who have 20 to 30% administrative costs…for example, a program like Florida where the expansion was 3 billion dollars, would immediately hand over 600 million in costs to the insurance companies, of which at least a hundred million would go straight into the pockets of the ceo’s for their bonuses. So, instead of covering more people with the extra money and reaping the savings of scale in the medicaid program, the repubs are willing to force them into a less efficient program just to line the pockets of the insurance companies. How much worse can these guys get? We might just as well be a banana republic…the repubs are acting like we are….geez…
Mike Huckabee loves life?
Well…I just had to comment on the screed that ole Mike delivered to the Iowa right to force birth the other day…this guy is so far out there now that he compared the legal medical procedure of abortion that women choose to the Holocaust…I’m pretty sure that the Jews that were killed didn’t choose to be killed….and while this is the usual nonsense that runs through the crazy forced religion right that we hear all the time…ole Mike stepped it up in the next breath by being proud that he sent 16 times more people to be executed than any other governor of Kansas…I think it was Kansas anyway….but the utter nonsense he spewed is trumped by the whole idea behind the speech…that it is perfectly fine for the government to intervene in womens lives to stop abortion…but it is the worst thing in the world for government to try to make affordable healthcare available to it’s citizens…just another typical repub doing what they do…advocating using the government to take away freedom from people to further their crazy assed political or religious ends….geez…
Need to read the papers again…
Well…it has been a tough day to try to get a topic to do a whole one on but maybe I can think of something if I go back to read the papers again? Nope, that didn’t work yesterday so I guess I won’t do it again today….so, how to get a topic? maybe I’ll go back to the Post online…wait a sec and I’ll be right back…okay…Greg Sargent has a point that I can comment on…in all of the reporting on the sequester, it seems that the commentator class is making it out that both parties are equally responsible for the gridlock that is going on…not on your fricking life. It is all repubs, all the time…their refusal to agree to anything that doesn’t give them everything they want without compromise is what is the problem…and the great thing is, the American people agree that it is the repubs fault…nevermind their #obamaquester hashtag ( which I think is their only bow to technology) that they are using to try to shift the blame to Obama….it is all repubs, all the time…and I will keep repeating that all day…the repubs are just a bunch of fools who are believing their internal polling again while they ignore every truth in economics….they are the know nothing party, after all…geez…
A couple of things I’ve noticed…
Well…as I’ve watched the shenanigans from the repubs over the past few years, there have been a couple of themes that I’ve noticed that runs through everything they do….it’s either about winning elections or pushing their ideology. For example, when you hear them talk about immigration, they never say that immigration reform would be good for the country or for the people who would be affected…it’s always about reform to get the immigrants to vote for them and that is just sick…I don’t think they understand that these are real people, living real lives here and solving this problem would help the country by bringing them into the light. But, the repubs don’t want that…they want to keep these people illegal so they can continue to exploit them and keep wages down for everyone. The second thing that is so stunning about the repubs is how they push their ideology on the country when people don’t want it….using the old bait and switch that has worked so well in Wisconsin and here in Michigan…pretending to be reasonable people to be elected, and then rolling out their radical agendas afterward….to see this in action, you just need to look at Michigan and the right to work for less law that was never mentioned before the election but then rammed through the legislature in a lame-duck session. Now, you can see this same nonsense across the country with the outright attack on womens rights by mandating invasive ultrasounds before women can make the choice to have an abortion. Why can’t they just do the jobs they were elected to do? Govern for all of the people in your state, not just the hard right nuts…geez….
A bunch of cynical bastards…
Well…by now you know that the Violence Against Women Act has passed the Senate with a semi-bipartisan majority of 78 to 22…with all of the 22 no votes being male republican senators who are running scared of primary challenges from even worse knuckle draggers…and now, there are “discussions” going on in the house repub delegation that maybe it’s not such a good idea to oppose a law that will protect more than half of the population…but, the reasons that are being stated are not that it is the right thing to do…nope, you’d never hear that from the repubs who don’t give a damn about anyone but the rich and their corporate backers…but that if they don’t vote for it, it may be an issue that can be used against them in the next election. Well, duh….why shouldn’t being the bastards you are be used against you? The abject cynicism here is getting to almost too much…what happened to looking at the merits of legislation and how it may help your constituents? Even those who didn’t vote for you….you are, after all, elected to represent everyone in your district, not just the crazy assed righties that are trying to return this country to the 1700′s. What are the objections? That is might cost money to implement? Well…it won’t cost a dime…I think this just gets to the hate that is the core of the repub party these days…since the protections in the bill would extend to groups they don’t like, like minorities, lesbians, and immigrants, they don’t see a need for it…and since they do truly believe that women should be subservient to men and just take the beatings, there is only one reason for them to support the law…to protect their own asses in the next election…geez…
More lipstick on the republican pig…
Well…just a little shorty on the vote that happened this aft in the senate where we saw more and more lipstick being put on the republican pig with 22 repub senators voting against the VAWA..that’s the violence against women act in case the acronym wasn’t familiar. I think today’s vote will mark the end of ole Marco Rubio’s anointing as the “savior” of the repub party, as Time magazine called him this week since he voted against protection for women in this bill owing to his “principles” whatever they are….could it be the “principle” to let men get away with beating their wives? The repubs just don’t get it at all…history in this country has shown that women have been treated like second class citizens for far too long…and I am glad that there were 78 senators who stepped up and did the right thing in passing this bill…but, now it goes to the repub controlled house where it won’t even get to a floor vote since the knuckle draggers are in control over there…keep it up repubs, time is passing you by…and none too soon…geez…
It time for us to become the party of no…
Well…I listen and listen to the folks that we re-elected and I only have one bit of advice for them..we need to become the party of no for a change…every time the repubs suggest that we cut benefits for the poor and seniors to subsidize the rich…we need to say no. Every time the repubs protect tax breaks for corporations and want to pay for them by raising taxes on the middle class we need to say no. Every time the repubs say that increased revenue from the rich can’t be on the table we have to say no. After all, the top tax rates were lowered under ole GW to cause the deficit mess we are in…why can’t they be raised to help pay the bills? Let’s not accept the crap the repubs are peddling that it is the dems fault because of “runaway spending”…as usual, they are wrong about that, too…spending as a percentage of gdp is far under the same measure for any repub administration since Eisenhower….one last thing I have to say for the dems that were elected to push the protection of the safety net and raise taxes on the rich…”just frickin do it”…the political climate has changed and you are the right side of the issues…grow a frickin backbone and do your damn job…geez…
They’ve got some ‘splainin to do…
Well…the “lipstick on a pig” project continues over on the right with a chorus of the big thinkers over there just positive that their only problem is that they didn’t ‘splain themselves good enough during the last election…nope it’s not their ongoing war on women’s rights…their clear hatred of anyone that is not white like them…or that they are just not too bright…nope, it’s just that they think the American people are so stupid that they just need to shout their crazy assed ideas louder and then they will get it and vote for them. Never mind the hatred they are showing for our democracy by trying to rig elections in every way so that they will stay in power even if they don’t get more votes…and never mind that the House repubs are not even going to let a vote come up on the Violence Against Women Act because it may protect some women that they don’t like…oh, hell, they don’t like any women unless they are barefoot and pregnant….how do you make this terrible message that more than half of America will stay unprotected, second class citizens just because their archaic, nonsensical religious beliefs tell them so, palatable to the progressives of us out here that see the utter, shameless power grab for what it is. Why do the repubs always need to control everyone they don’t like? I, for one, have had enough of this nonsense…but, I will say keep it up…we’ll take the house back in two years and they will be done permanently…geez…
The “drill baby drill” crowd is wrong…again…
Well…it has been a day of thinking, recovering, and reading and that led me to an article on ThinkProgress today that should shut the whole “oil prices are high because Obama won’t let them drill” crowd up once an for all. The article compares the amount of drilling and production in the US to the consumer price of gasoline and found what I have been saying for a long time…that none of this extra production, or the building of the Keystone pipeline is going to have any effect on the prices we pay since they are disconnected from the market forces that the repubs just love. The study shows that we used less oil last year than we did in 2001…that’s lower demand for the economically challenged out there….and oil production went up almost 14%…that’s higher supply for exactly the same reasons. Okay…so the great, unregulated marketplace that the repubs think is the cure all for everything including dandruff….takes lower demand, couples it with higher supply, and what this market gives us is higher prices…doesn’t anyone else think this is nuts? Let’s throw one more little piece into this puzzle…the oil companies profits are the highest they have ever been…something that should not happen if there was a truly open marketplace…so, what does that say to you? That the oil companies and the traders that they own are rigging the market to maximize profit…essentially taxing every American to the tune of $2,900 dollars each….the only thing that degrading our environment so the oil can be extracted is doing is adding to the already obscene profits that the oil companies make…so let’s continue to give them tax breaks and subsidize this thievery…just like the repubs continue to do…geez…