Well…the repubs hell bent on destroying the economy with more tax cuts for the rich and corporations, I thought it is time to go back and talk a little Econ 101. First, lets get to the nonsense that cutting taxes on the rich will trickle down and benefit everyone else…IT DOESN’T WORK….all of times this has been tried and everywhere it’s been tried, all it did was balloon the deficit or make sure that massive cuts to education, roads, and everything else had to happen…just take a look at the mess in Kansas when all of these stupid ideas were tried over the past two years and it cratered the economy there…so now doing the same thing to the whole country will make it work? Second, corporations have so much cash on hand that they just don’t know what to do with it, so why would a tax cut make them add workers? It is DEMAND that makes businesses expand and, with the lag in growth of consumer income and the resultant lack of demand, you could cut business taxes to zero and they would still not add any more jobs….and that is a fact, it’s not liberal bias, or the fake news that the modern repubs live on…it is a fact…but, as we know, facts don’t mean anything to these idiots…and they would never let facts get in the way of legislating their ideology….geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
Now we know why….
Well….if you wondered why there is such a rush by the repubs to take health insurance away from 30 million people and kill thousands, now we know….three people…yep three people told them to do it or they will shut off the money taps that keep getting these idiots elected. And, I’ll bet you know who two of them are…yep, the Koch brothers…two people who have done more to ruin this country than anyone else and who are now going to buy the repeal of the ACA and kill thousands of people just so they won’t have to pay taxes. Now, I hope you folks out there understand how sick this is….repealing a law that has given people across this country peace of mind and saved the lives of countless thousands just to give billionaires a tax cut….I know I rant about this stuff almost every day but damn…how do people get to be this evil?
One little thing…
Well…just read a little article that pointed out another terrible fact of the repubs trying to screw over the country by repealing the ACA…the repubs are using it to punish states that did the right thing and expanded Medicaid for their lower income citizens and any state that is controlled by dems…this is done by changing the formula for the amount that the feds will cover…and slanting toward the repub states that stiffed their people and left them without any healthcare. They are even punishing rabid right wing states if they have dem governors…like NC who just threw out their crazy assed repub governor and elected a dem….even though people hate this new bill, the repubs have ignored all of the rules and tradition of the senate to get it passed….how about one and a half minutes of debate next week? I am so tired of these assholes….
People are going to die….
Well….as usual, the repubs are trying to drag this country backwards to the bad old days of people dying for perfectly preventable illnesses…and the big thing is they just don’t give a damn…these smug assholes just stand there grinning as they lie and lie to you, me and everybody else….32 million people will be without insurance if this despicable “healthcare” bill passes….people undergoing cancer treatment will now get that treatment cut off as soon as this monstrosity passes…and people in my boat..before Medicare but with the need for insurance will see their premiums skyrocket up to 10,000 percent…one estimate puts the cost to someone like me at 140,000 dollars a year…and who can afford that? Again…these assholes don’t give a damn…and the only thing keeping me sane through all this is that, if they pass this bill, they will lose both the house and senate next year and they could possibly be killing the repub party completely…couldn’t happen to a bigger bunch of assholes….what should be the penalty for murdering their fellow citizens?
They’re at it again….
Well…get your phone fingers ready again…the repubs are at it again…trying to take healthcare away from 25 million people…again. Here’s the thing….no one wants this to happen…over 70% of the people polled want the ACA to be fixed, not destroyed…so, who are the repubs doing this for? Hospitals don’t want it, doctors don’t want it, the insurance companies don’t want it….and the 25 million people who will lose their insurance sure as hell don’t want it….this is a huge mistake for the repubs…the only thing that will come out of this is Medicare for all and the insurance companies know it…so, I wonder why we haven’t heard a lot from them against this debacle? Could it be that they have cut some kind of deal with the repubs to keep quiet? One of the most egregious cuts in this new piece of crap is the subsidies that make insurance affordable…they will be gone tomorrow if we let this pass….and without them, no one will be able to afford health insurance in the private market…but, that’s just what the repubs want…if you’re not rich enough to afford insurance without the subsidies, you can just go to hell and die…..dial the phone and be heard….
Lies, lies, and more lies….
Well…is this enough repubs? Is this enough for you to finally rid us of the idiot trump? Oh, forgot to tell you about this first…my brain is out of synch….I really hope you’ve heard the last bit of lies to come out of the mouth of trump and his cronies…it starts with trump telling everyone that he got a phone call from the “head” of the boy Scouts telling him that his speech was the best one that was ever delivered to them…one little problem…the call never happened..in fact the scouts apologized for the hitler youth rally that trump turned the speech into…then we have the idiot telling everyone…again…that the president of Mexico called him to tell him he is doing the “best job” at immigration…again…never happened…no phone call, no praise, just trump living in his delusions and that should worry you repubs…and you should do something about it…he hates you guys, anyway…so why do you continue to protect this idiot? Impeach….
Domestic terrorists….
Well…have been sitting here thinking today…and no it doesn’t hurt…about the domestic terrorists that now control our government. Yeah, that’s how I feel about the repubs these days…with the latest attempt to rip health insurance from almost 30 million of their fellow Americans, what else can you call them? I have spent some time reading the stories of people whose lives were immeasurably changed by Obamacare….no longer wondering where the money is going to come from to keep them alive in some cases….I just read about a woman whose 12 year old daughter has type 1 diabetes and is cared for by Medicaid….a program that is the primary target of the blank eyed granny starver Paul Ryan…and without it, this 12 year old’s life will be one of poor health and no future. Now, there are almost 20 million people who get their insurance through the Obamacare exchanges and whose lives are disrupted by stress and fear every time the repubs try to kill the ACA….isn’t this the definition of terrorism? It’s the repubs doing it folks….and that makes it domestic terrorism…impeach…
No trump today…
Well….have been sitting here trying to think of something non-trump to write about and I’m not having much luck. I just don’t want to even think about the idiot anymore….so, what to write about? I could do one about the coming total solar eclipse but I’m not in the mood right now…okay, how about the idiot McConnell? When have you ever seen legislators so pressured to vote for a bill that none of them have seen or will see before the vote tomorrow? A vote that will take insurance away from 18 million people next year and from 32 million by 2026. And there is not one repub that cares…all of them are going to vote for it…and maybe that’s a good thing…no, I shouldn’t say that…it will be good for our election prospects but how heartless do the repubs have to be to kill thousands of people just to give more tax cuts to the rich? Yep…I’m feeling burned out on the whole thing right now so I’m going to quit here…..impeach….
Run, you cowards….
Well…with the atrocity of a health bill inching it’s way through the repub controlled house, questions are being asked of it’s repub supporters whether or not they have even read the bill…and guess what? The cowards are running away from the questions…literally…since they haven’t…they will vote for a bill that will kill thousands of Americans and throw 24 million off their insurance but they haven’t even read what’s in it? I know why…they just don’t care….as long as they can give a trillion dollar tax cut to their owners, nothing else really matters since they have insulated themselves from the carnage by making it not applicable to them…now that’s some courage right there…cowards….
Trump could be good for our side…
Well…yep, that’s never a thing I thought I’d write…and maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part but there may be something to it. When the smoke from the wreckage that trump is making clears, the repubs might just wish the Hillary had won…and they could have remained the opposition party since it appears they have no clue how to be a governing party. And having the most unpopular fake president in the history of polls is not helping…and doing that unpopular *presidents bidding in the senate, Mitch McConnell is going to ram through the unqualified Gorsuch by breaking the senate…and will be handing us a potent weapon to use against the repubs in 2018. There are already signs that the trump effect is helping the dems in the off year elections by motivating us on the left to give record money to dem candidates and making seats that are in red areas turn a little purple….and the motivation doesn’t stop at money, people are packing town halls across the country to object to the repub plans to destroy Obamacare, which is wildly more popular then any repub….so, I know this is grasping at straws but straws are all we have left and my brain needs them….impeach…