Tag Archives: republicans

Let the voters decide? They already did…

Well….over the past two elections, after Obama was elected, the repubs have led an unprecedented campaign to nullify the results of those two elections by their obstructionism; choosing to not do their constitutional duty on the debt, the budget, and especially in approving judges that have been presented by Obama. Their dis-ingeniousness continues with their new meme they are pushing in regard to the right that Obama has to appoint a supreme court justice: that the selection should wait until the voters decide in the 2016 presidential election. Now, if these liars would just look back to  he 2012 election, one of the main themes was that if Obama was elected, he would appoint judges to the court that would be too liberal, that would grant equal rights to gay people…etc, etc…..and ole Mitt went on and on about the fact that he would appoint judges like the radical activist right wingers on the court…and when people were surveyed, almost 60% said that the supreme court was very important to their voting decision. So, the people have already voted and put Obama in for a second term to carry out his required duties of appointing judges to supreme court vacancies…and no matter what the repubs say, that is the truth….geez…

Now we need the EPA?

Well…as you know, there has been a huge crisis in Flint where or governor’s man allowed the city to be poisoned with lead to save a few hundred dollars a week, and now the blame shifting has started where all of the repubs that were (and still are in charge) are trying to shift the blame to the EPA saying that they didn’t do enough to prevent the problem…and not enough oversight so the water would be safe. Now, I sure hope you see the irony in this coming from the repubs…the same repubs who have spent the years since the clean water act was passed trying to gut the EPA and filing suit after suit in the courts to prevent them from ensuring that the water in this country is clean. So now, when the model that the repubs want, state control of the cleanliness of water fails, they cry and cry that it’s the EPA’s fault. I am tired of the hypocrites on the right gutting government and the programs that we need to have a safe environment to give tax cuts to the rich and then jumping up and saying “see, government doesn’t work”…..it would work if they did their damn jobs for a change instead of attacking the poor and unions…I’ve had enough of the party of “no responsibility”….geez….

I think they protest too much…

Well…have been reading quite a few articles that talk about how the pundits on the right are attacking ole Trump since he ‘doesn’t represent the republican party’s values”…and then I just have to laugh my butt off….what values are they talking about? Gutting Social Security? Hating everyone that is not a christian or white? Taking away healthcare from millions? Giving the rich more and more of the country? Having more and more guns everywhere? Closing the border to Muslims? Cheating to win elections? I hate to break it to the pundits….this is EXACTLY the repub party these days….the Donald is channeling the id of the party and has taken what were dog whistles and turned them into shouts and made it acceptable to bring all the meanness and hatred to the surface for all to see…so the next time you say this isn’t “your” repub party you are either stupid or lying…or both….just stfu…..

Typical republicans…

Well…as I do these things every day, I just shake my head at the shameless repubs and the damage they are causing to the US. The latest one is a huge gift to their corporate masters and VW in particular by changes to the class action suit that would make it almost impossible to continue to hold corporations responsible for their misconduct and the individual damage they do to consumers. In VW’s case, the damage was done to people who bought their cars and saw the value of them destroyed by the emissions cheating that VW admitted to….but the repubs want the class action suit laws changed to say that you have to have actual physical damage to be able to file suit and that every case has to have the same physical damage to be granted class action status…so that would mean that if VW made a car that had defective brakes and lots of people got into accidents and were injured, it couldn’t be considered for class action unless everyone broke the same arm or had the same ribs broken; something that would never happen in the real world. This is your modern repub party folks…protect the corporate “people”  and screw the real ones…

These idiots are always wrong…

Well…as you’ve heard me say before, whenever anyone on the right predicts something, you can be sure that the opposite will happen or, at the very least, they will be wrong. Just read an article that has a few laughers in it that I thought I’d pass on…to start off, we had a real, sitting senator, Mike Lee, go on the senate floor before the 2012 election and predict that if Obama was re-elected, gas prices would be at least $6.05 a gallon or even higher by 2015…now, I can’t remember that happening, can you? The second great prediction came from ole Mitt during the election campaign when he said that, if Obama was re-elected, unemployment would be stuck at 8% forever…now, not sure exactly what the rate is right now but I think it’s around 5%…wrong again idiots. Then we have the Donald predicting that, if Obama was re-elected, stocks would crash and the country would go broke…what did happen? Hmmmmm…the stock market is up 27% since the election…..wrong again, idiots. The last one is by ole Rushbo who confidently predicted that the economy was going to crash with the Dem run California declaring bankruptcy and taking the rest of the economy with it. Now, this one is a two fer with ole Rush being wrong on both points…California, with it reality-based economic policies, is now running a 4 billion dollar surplus and we’ve had years of growth in the economy…the chief idiot being really, really wrong…but, they all are…all the time…and no one calls them on it…the media has to get off it’s ass and start asking these questions…would be fun to watch…geez….

Fear and more fear…

Well…have been reading a little today and on subject kept popping up as I did…fear…and how scared people are about life in general like everything is out to get them. Whether it’s Islamic terrorists or everyday crime, I am shaking my head how people who are polled are so mistaken about the likelihood of being killed by terrorists or being the victim of crime….and the rates are not high…with regular crime at it’s lowest rate in history, the chances of being a victim is lower than ever…like one half the chance of being struck by lighting, and yet we have people arming themselves to the teeth since the fear mongers that profit by that fear have convinced us we are just one minute away from being in a Mad Max movie. On the terror front….the chance of being killed by a Muslim terrorist here in the states is almost unmeasurable yet the repubs shake in their boots and spread fear and more fear since it’s all they have…I, for one, am not afraid of terrorists at all….I’m more concerned with everyone carrying guns around me and the idiots who text and drive….you are much more likely to be killed by one of those idiots than by terrorists…so, everyone, get a frickin grip and stop being such a pussy….geez…

This IS the republican party…

Well…it is too laugh when all of the so called “establishment” repubs run to the media to complain about the Donald’s racist, homophobic,  idiotic rhetoric…nope, can’t even call it rhetoric, since that would imply that there is some logic there…when there is only a foaming pit of hate. But, this is just what the repubs have been fomenting for the past 30 years but doing it in a “nicer” form with the dog whistles of “states rights” and “religious liberty” which translated mean institutional, government sponsored bigotry against anyone that doesn’t believe as they do…that every Muslim is a terrorist and every gay should be stoned to death since being gay is against “god’s law”. Now, we see the distilled essence of the repub brand being exposed by the Donald and supported by this base of ignorant haters who have been whipped into a frenzy for so long that it had to blow at some point. I really do hope the Donald gets the nomination…and we crush this nastiness that is the repubs into the dirt….it is just so un-American to want to do harm to you fellow citizens…oh, not for the repubs, I forgot…they don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves…geez…

My idea for gun control…

Well…with all of the shootings that continue to happen all across the country, I have an idea for gun control that dovetails quite well with the repubs continued insistence that the constitution be read and interpreted as it was written with no exceptions for the 2nd amendment especially. But, as you know, they are selective when it comes to the rest of it…ignoring the first and 14th with the latest row about Muslims and gays. Given this insistence, I propose that, if they want to live with an 18th century interpretation of the 2nd, they need to go back to the 18th century’s interpretation of arms. So, the only weapons that should be allowed for anyone would be a smooth bore, flintlock musket or pistol since they are the only guns that were available back then. So, let’s get right on that repubs, since you just frickin love living in the past, live there with your weapons too….geez…

They just don’t get to do this…

Well….wih the murders at PP in Colorado the other day, the hypocrisy of the right to life movement was on full display with the comments that were made by the guys that made the fake video of PP…these idiots came out with their sympathy for the people killed when they are the cause of it but they never once condemned the actions of the criminals that continue to do this terrorism…the killer even going so far as to say that he was spurred on about the thought of “baby parts” being sold…a direct reference to what these asses did with their fake video. Even the repub candidates for president didn’t condemn the actions of this murderer…just putting out mushy condolences to the first responder that was killed since they all agree with the idea of closing PP by any method necessary. Let’s call this what it is…domestic terrorism aimed at scaring women away from getting their healthcare since they just don’t think women should have any rights to control their own bodies…the new, modern repub party…this is it folks….geez…

Searching for a motive?

Well…another day and more violence directed at Planned Parenthood and the only thing that the media can say is the authorities are still “looking for a motive”….but, you don’t have to look too far to find it…with the almost constant demonizing of the organization, what the hell do they expect?  When the repubs use fake “evidence” to excoriate PP at every turn, when they call everyone that works there murderers, and when it seems that the one thing that is on the repubs minds is shutting PP down and stirring up their base, what the hell do they expect? Especially from a base that is none too sane to start with, and with all of their candidates saying that they don’t have to obey laws they don’t agree with, what the hell do they expect? The sick thing here is that they will not learn anything from this, they won’t learn that stoking the anger of their followers to a fever pitch is not a good thing to do…and next week there will be another attack and more dead…all just to try to take away the control that women have over their own bodies…these people are just the most sick excuses for human beings I have ever seen….geez…