Category Archives: Politics

Just can’t get outraged…oh, maybe I can…

Well…I’m not sure what is going on since I haven’t been able to work up any political outrage for the last couple of weeks…I did want to make a short comment on the ‘promise’ from the repubs that, if the healthcare law gets struck down by the supreme court, that they will do nothing on healthcare until after the election…they will do nothing for the millions of young people who will be thrown off their parents policies, they will do nothing for the millions of people who will lose their coverage due to pre-existing conditions…and they will do nothing for the millions of people who will still be living on the ragged edge of losing it all for being uninsured. But, as you know, that is what the repubs do…nothing…and then just sit there and bitch about someone else trying to make things better for the middle class all the while convincing the stupid electorate that if they trust them, they will do something in the future…like more tax cuts for the rich…geez…

Troglodyte Republicans rule in Michigan…

Well….if you needed a reason to believe that the repubs running this state are troglodytes from another era, you just need to hear what happened yesterday in the House here in Michigan. While there was a debate going on over putting onerous new restrictions on women’s freedom by restricting access to abortion, one of the female house members got up to speak and used the word “vagina” in telling them to keep their hands off her health….well…after this happened, two of the women that opposed these new restrictions and had spoken out against them were not allowed to speak on other bills that were pending in the House….silenced because they opposed the majority and dared to speak out against them…I shouldn’t really be surprised with the way that the repubs here govern…like they don’t have to follow the rules and will use any tactic to make sure the opposition has no voice…from the restrictions put on voting rights to this latest outrage the repubs here show every day that they don’t care about democracy, just the naked exercise of power to ensure their extreme right wing agenda gets jammed down out throats…geez…

I’ll grudgingly give it to Snyder…

Well…as you know, I’ve had mixed feelings about our governor here in Michigan, and when I think that he is falling to the right wing nuts in his party he does what he did today…thinking about the people of the state by bypassing the legislature and working on an agreement with Canada and the Federal government to build a new bridge from Detroit to Canada. After the ambassador bridge owner, Matty Maroun, bought enough legislators in his party to stall legislation that would approve the bridge, Snyder proved that he may be the pragmatist that he has claimed to be by using the powers of the governor’s office to move the state ahead…to stop the extortion by the Marouns and to make trade easier between the US and our largest trading partner….and to remove the bottleneck that creates hours of delays for the trucks carrying that trade. So, for today, I’ll say “good job” and keep it up for bucking a big donor and doing what is right for all of the people of Michigan…

It’s about time…

Well…while I sit here watching the England France match, I thought I’d try to make some sense of the ideas that have been rattling around in my head today…one of the first is that I think it’s about time for a couple of things that have happened over the past day or so…the first of these is that one of the repubs has come out and said that the party has lost it’s way with all of the hostage taking on the debt and taxes…that came from ole Jeb Bush and he went on to comment that his father and Reagan would not be accepted in today’s party and something needs to be done about it…that they need to actually govern, not just oppose…

The second thing is a commentary done by E.J. Dionne in the Post today where he asserts that those on the left and center need to respond when the anti-government zealots keep screaming their heads off that government can’t do anything right….when all of us know that there are many things that only the government can and will do. Do you think that companies will spend their own money to stimulate the economy in a recession? Not on your life and I think E.J. is right that there are so many successes by government that we need to stop being afraid that the right will attack when we defend the role of government…they’re going to attack anyway so why be afraid of that? Geez…

A few things…

Well…amid all the doom and gloom over Scott Walker keep the gov’s seat in Wisconsin…one thing was lost in the coverage…that the dems took control of the Senate there which basically shuts down the right wing, billionaire bought agenda of the Koch brothers….they did save the office for him and the Citizens United decision allowed the right to raise and spend over 60 million dollars to around 4 for the democratic challenger since the repubs rigged the fundraising laws that would make sure any challenger would not be able to compete…just like the repubs are trying to rig elections all over the country. I don’t for one minute believe that the majority on the supreme court didn’t know that this would happen…I think they knew that most of the billionaires are repubs and would advance the repub causes across the country…a frankly cynical ploy that makes all of the conservative justices unfit for office….but, as I have always said…when the repubs can’t win elections fair and square, they will always lie, cheat, and steal to get their way…they are as un-American as you can get…geez…

Have to talk about Wisconsin…

Well…it was a sad day yesterday when the dems couldn’t even beat the idiot Scott Walker and I am starting to get concerned that they are bringing a knife to a gun fight with the amounts of money that the billionaires have spent to get their puppets elected across the country. But, it’s no one’s fault but the dems who have not come up with any new ideas to fight the money or to raise the money to match from the left….the worst thing about the whole deal over there is now the repubs will be crowing about defeating labor and will continue to gut the middle class since they have been so successful at it for the past few years…more and more nonsense that the people just seem to eat up….I can’t figure it out…geez…

Buying an election in Wisconsin…

Well…since it is election day in Wisconsin, I thought I’d write a couple of lines here about it and see if I can be at least a little lucid…it has been a struggle lately to have something to say and I’m not sure why…but, I’ll just keep trying….so, let’s get on to the election…it looks like Scott Walker may win it…no matter that he hasn’t created one job, he has taken away rights from the working class, and he has divided a state that was once united in doing what was right for everyone in the state. I guess when you inject over 35 million dollars of the 1%’s money into an election, you can fool the people into voting for anything…so, it looks like the Koch brothers have bought themselves a state and with it have driven another nail into the coffin of bi-partisanship….it is a sad day….

Not going to get behind…

Well…it has been some sort of a day and much busier than I like but I did get to see T for lunch so that made it a little better…I was going to do a political one but I cleaned up the papers and don’t feel like digging them out again….oh, there is one thing that I wanted to talk about…with all of the budget cutting and hatred of any stimulus for the economy by the repubs, we are seeing exactly what Keynes predicts…that is that with the federal, state, and local cuts that have taken place, the economy is slowing down…exactly what the repubs were trying to do to make sure that Obama is not reelected. Never mind that it is hurting the country, the repubs are all about winning the political battles no matter what the cost is…one of the most Un-American things I have seen in my lifetime….and shame on them….how do you sleep at night?

The right is still crazy…and projecting….

Well…this one is going to meander a bit since I have a couple of topics that I want to cover…first, I read an article in the Detroit News…yeah, I know, a right wing rag that I should stop supporting, by the idiot Michael Barone, who asserts that it is unhealthy to only listen to news, or talk to, or associate with people from your end of the political spectrum…and the funniest part is that he was attributing that behavior to those of us in the middle and on the left. My jaw just about dropped since I don’t know of any republican that watches anything other than Fox News or listens to anything but the right wing echo machine. Talk about projection there Mikey? It is the right’s exclusive purview to be ignorant; to listen to no one but those on the right, and to build a worldview that consists of the talking points of the day….man, what a load of crap.

The second thing I wanted to talk about here is the resurgence of the nonsense of birtherism, driven by the rantings of the Donald and now, even the repub candidate for one of the senate seats from here in Michigan..I can’t believe…well, yeah, I can…that ole Mitt would be seen with Trump since he is eleven ways of crazy…then we have Pete Hoekstra here in Michigan that thinks we should have a “commission” that would certify that people that are running for president are eligible for the office…just a more disguised shot at Obama than the normal birther crap…this from a guy that thinks it would be just peachy to allow oil drilling in the Great Lakes…where do they find these idiots? Geez….and that makes the goal for the month!!!!

The wholly owned subsidiary of corporate America…

Well…not sure how long this one is going to be since I just started thinking about it about 10 seconds ago…so, let’s see where it goes and if it’s worthwhile. As you know, I have been an outspoken critic of the cozy relationship that the repubs have with business interests here in the US, at most times, looking like they are the governing arm of the corporations; giving them whatever they want in the guise of “job creation” and getting government “out of the way”….themes that they still parrot and push even with the financial meltdown that was largely caused by the deregulation of the industry by the repubs. I will say that the dems were complicit in this nonsense either by stupidity or political expediency and they share the blame…but let’s not let false equivilency muddy the waters here…by and large, it was the repubs doing. So, where is this going? Oh, I just read that businesses and billionaires are planning to try to buy this election with over 1 billion dollars of advertising attacking the dems and pushing the hard right agenda….I fear for our democracy if this nonsense is allowed to continue…and I fault the American people for listening to the nonsense and not doing their duty as Americans to find out the facts before they vote….geez…