Category Archives: Politics

Idiots, idiots, idiots….

Well….the idiots on the right are still trying to place the blame on Obama for this major crash in the economy…now, let me get this straight…ole Boehner goes on tv and says he got 98% of what he wanted and then you have the right saying it’s Obama’s fault? The insane logic that the right used to justify cutting the budget in the midst of a recession is the fault here…the markets are just reacting to this insanity….what happened to the right’s slavish devotion to “the market” and their faith that it will do everything right with no regulation or shaping at any time? But, as you know, the repubs flip flop faster than than you can even see…and they have never let consistency be an impediment to trying to make political gains from any event.

One last thing…I am kind of holding my breath about the recall elections in Wisconsin today…it could be the first chink in the Koch brother’s armor….and they are still trying to buy this election; just like they did in 2010…having spent almost 30 million dollars to try to sway this election, I hope the grass roots can counteract this money…if that happens, maybe we’ll get rid of the deep pockets that have put this country on the wrong path. geez…

How do you like the tea party now?

Well….the stock market tanked today and the damage is spread across the world….since the tea party terrorists started the whole debt ceiling nonsense, the dow has lost almost 20% and you and I and everyone else that didn’t vote for those idiots have paid real money for their ignorance and stupidity. How do you folks that voted for these idiots feel now? The entire blame for the damage done to our country should be laid at the feet of these so-called patriots and we need to ensure that they are all one term congressmen….or impeach the lot of them for malfeasance and for shirking their oath to the constitution. I am almost speechless…nope, I am speechless…geez…

Another trillion dollar tea party tax…

Well….I hope you’ve had a chance to see that what I predicted last week with interest rates rising for the first leg of the tea party tax on the middle class has happened and there is a new leg to that story that is occurring as we speak….the Dow is down almost 400 hundred points and that means any of us that have 401K’s or IRA’s (and that is most of us) have just paid another trillion dollars for the tea party nonsense that held up raising the debt ceiling. Yep, but you shouldn’t be surprised…the republicans are always wrong on the economy…every fricking thing they do is the exact opposite of what should be done…and remember, it was the tea partiers led by Michelle Bachmann that wanted the US to default on it’s obligations and truly believed that there would be no effect…what do you say now Michelle?…what do you say now Cantor? Geez…what idiots….

Oh, one last thing, where are the jobs Boehner?

Another trillion dollar transfer to the rich…

Well…by now you’ve heard that S&P has downgraded the US credit rating and I can’t figure out if the tea partiers are the most stupid bunch of politicians in the history of this country or they are the most brilliant…running the longest and most Machiavellian con ever on the American people. With this downgrade, the cost of borrowing for everyone who has a mortgage, credit card, or car loan is going to go up with the cost to the entire economy being almost a trillion dollars over time. Now you could call the tea partiers stupid for making this happen with their antics on the debt ceiling debate (and the failure to consider raising taxes was one of the primary factors in the downgrade)….but I see a darker theme….and I’m going to wade into the swamp of conspiracy theory here for a lark. What if this is what they planned all along? Who benefits from higher interest rates? The rich and corporations who make money lending….so the tea partiers won’t have tax increases on the rich, then with their nonsense in the debate, they essentially raise taxes on everyone else by the higher interest rates that result from the downgrade. They’ve taken another trillion dollars out of the middle class and given it to the rich and corporations….now who is going to buy the goods and services that keeps the economy moving? Stupid, Stupid, stupid….

More and more wandering…

Well…I really haven’t been able to come up with a topic that will fill a whole one of these so I think I’m just going to wander around a bit again….man…I didn’t want to be right on the economy, but with what we’ve seen over the last month or so, with the Dow losing almost 10% and growth down to 0….it looks like my prediction of a double dip recession is coming true…not good for someone still looking for work. The gridlock in Washington isn’t helping and with the crazy right wingers calling the shots, there will be no more stimulus and the layoffs are going to start on the state and local levels….nope, too much doom and gloom….have to stop so I don’t go over the edge….

What else? Hmmmm…can’t think of anything right now but after I watch Jon Stewart here in a minute, I may get my brain stimulated enough to add….so, come back for a sec later and see….

Okay, let’s just call it a day…nothing’s working…I think I may just have come to the point of bad news overload and railing against it will take more energy than I have so I am going to bid you adieu for the day…..but, who knows…inspiration may strike again and rally me from this ennui…I will probably have to start using placeholders again if this block doesn’t break….

I may have been a little harsh…and other things..

Well…I may have been a little harsh in my assessment that the Post wanted stories that were more desperate than mine….but, my story is not the typical one of unemployment that most people face. So, that’s the last time I’ll talk about that. I did want to say “I told you so” with the steadily worsening economy and the Dow down almost 300 points today…something I predicted in the last week or so. Not something I wanted to see since I am losing money like crazy and I don’t have a lot left but maybe it’s something that needs to happen to get rid of the repubs and their nonsense on the economy….the strange thing is, the repubs are always going back into history to justify their positions and then they ignore it when it doesn’t fit…oh, it’s not a strange thing, they cherry pick everything and lie about everything else….man, I am losing my edge…but, back to the historical significance of where we are….it’s just like 1937 when Roosevelt bowed to repub pressure and made drastic cuts to spending while the economy was idling; sending it back into a recession that was only broken by WW II. I will predict that is what is going to happen in the next few months….geez….

Let’s go double dipping…

Well….it didn’t take long for the business and investment community to react to the debt bill by laying off thousands of workers and starting a huge selloff in stocks….what these idiot tea partiers have done is drive this country back into recession by their nonsensical budget cuts in a time of economic weakness…and I will predict right now that this dip is going to be just as severe as the super recession was and it looks like the prospects of me ever finding a job has just disappeared as business is going to sit on their money and not hire since demand is going to plummet. What excuse are the tp’ers going to make up when all of their beliefs on the economy are shown to be wrong? That the cuts weren’t big enough? Idiocy is still idiocy….and these people have the corner on it…what are their corporate masters going to do when their business is hurt deeply by this crap?

The second thing I wanted to talk about is the effort by the Koch brothers and their minions to steal the recall elections in Wisconsin by sending fake absentee ballots that have the wrong date of the election on it. Yep, that’s true…the repubs are using their favorite tools to steal elections in plain sight in Wisconsin…voter suppression with the fake enforcement of the new voter ID law (that doesn’t take effect until January 1st) and misleading voters to keep them from the polls. Haven’t we, as a people, had enough of this nonsense yet? We do need to take our country back from the thugs in the repub party that sanction this stuff. Geez….

I’m done with Obama..

Well…this debt deal is such a big pile of steaming crap that I have lost all faith in Obama’s ability to do anything right…he just gave the country away to the tea party nuts and got nothing in return….so our economy is going to go back in the tank if you believe anything of Keynes…but the right doesn’t believe in anything that doesn’t help the rich and business and they’ve never let facts get in the way of governing by faith…thinking that if they just believe hard enough will make their nonsense the truth….but the fault for this whole thing rests solidly on the shoulders of Obama and his incompetence….along with this inability to understand that you can’t negotiate with people that just don’t care about the country or the people in it….Obama just blows in the wind and takes the crumbs that these radicals offer….where’s the veto pen? Where are the guts? I do hope that the rest of us progressives just bypass him and get on with making this country what it can be…not the dark vision of the repubs….

The economic know nothings win….

Well…it looks like the economic know nothings in the congress have won and we are headed back into recession with the trillions of dollars in cuts that are included in the bill… the repubs keep saying that these cuts will stimulate the economy but it has never happened in the history of modern economies and I guess it just like everything else with those guys; the have faith that they are right and that’s all they need. As I’ve said before and as every econ 101 student knows, demand is what drives economies to expand and this bill will lower demand from both the government and individuals…it’s what I learned in my masters program…you can’t cut your way to growth…and this slack recovery is the direct cause of business squeezing their workers to the point that it’s hard to make ends meet on two incomes nowadays; it used to be that you could do it on one…this gutting of the middle class has reached a tipping point that I think will doom us to a permanent recession or stagnation…you reap what you sow…

Now, all that’s left to do is wait until the crash hits and vote these nuts out of office and repair this damage…

It’s been a bore…

Well…it’s been a bore of a day and I’m just waiting for 7 o’clock to come so I can have a cocktail and watch Man U and Barcelona play a friendly match…I have been working on a political one today but the nonsense goes on with the debt ceiling which is crowding out all the rest of the political news….I just can’t believe that these guys are wasting so much time on this non issue when the economy is heading back into recession…just like I said it would if government spending was cut while the economy was still fragile….I hope the tea partiers are made to pay for their nonsense in 2012 and they send them back to ignorantville where they came from….

One of the things I find funny about the tea party and its masters is how they act just like the totalitarians that they say they hate…in the old Soviet Union, threats were a way of life to those in the government and was the way to keep them in line and we see exactly the same thing from the tea party leaders…promising to “primary” any member of congress that doesn’t do exactly as they say; no matter if their idiocy will result in irreparable damage to the country…these folks just don’t give a damn about anything but the money men from the Heritage foundation, Club for Growth, and the Koch brothers…’s just un-American that 80 people out of the congress can take it upon themselves to ruin this country…

Where are the jobs Boehner? Where are the jobs Cantor?