Category Archives: Politics

Sarah Palin is still an idiot…

Well…had to write about this one before I forgot about it since it is so stunning of an example of the real Sarah Palin…and she is still an idiot….”He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed.”—on Paul Revere, June 3, 2011

Is there anyone out there that is older than 5 who doesn’t know the true story of Paul Revere? This is the woman that wants to be president? Geez….I can’t remember a more stupid national politician…and, as you know, I’ve been around a long time…

Pushing toward 1,000…

Well…got lunch in the oven (making some Texas style ribs with roasted red potatoes)…can you smell that? That’s some good food that I’m really looking forward to…made them with G’s recipe in a foil pouch…yummy….was just looking at the dashboard for this thing and found that I’m quickly approaching the 1,000 post mark and I’m not sure how I feel about it….I know it’s some sort of an accomplishment to have written more than two of these every day for over a year…but then I sit back and think what has been the point? No, I’m not dropping back into depression…just thinking about a lot of things…doing a little introspection over the past two days and I’m not sure if I like what I see…always too self critical but that’s me I guess…

Now, on to other stuff…I find it funny that the repubs are bitching so much about the stimulus package not working and that it was such a waste of money even though over 200 billion of the 800 was tax cuts and other tax relief. Now, what its it repubs? Do tax cuts spur job creation or don’t they? If we look at the math, and I want to, let’s compare what they are doing here in Michigan with the 2 billion in tax cuts for business that our gov Snyder and all of the other repub crazies here say will create thousands and thousands of jobs. If that will work here, why hasn’t the 200 billion in tax cuts on the federal level resulted in millions and millions of new jobs across the country? This just points out the repubs reliance on outdated ideas that have been shown over time to not work…but here’s the kicker…why do the repubs want so much measurement of middle class workers (i.e teachers) and to eliminate the jobs of those that don’t perform while they give billions and billions to corporations with no strings attached? In the latest budget giveaway to business here in Michigan, no metric is in place that would tie the tax breaks for business to anything…that means they can spend the tax windfall any way they want…outsourcing jobs, giving the ceo’s raises, or stock buybacks that do nothing to spur the economy or create jobs. This just isn’t fair and I think America is starting to see who these idiots for who they are…a paid arm of business that is ruining our democracy…

Did you expect anything different?

Well…I’ve been reading about the big conference on Mackinac Island where the repubs and business leaders, who purport to represent the people of Michigan, are meeting to gloat over ramming through their radical right-wing agenda. Since this conference is supposed give voice to the plans to “reinvent” Michigan, where is the input from the ordinary Michigan citizen? Where is the input from organized labor? Where is the input from our retirees? The quick answer is nowhere….none of those groups were even invited to this “victory lap” where business and their repub lapdogs sip champagne on the porch of the Grand Hotel and make plans to steal even more of the state from you and me. What else can you call it when taxes are raised on everyone but business and then those taxes are given to the ceo’s who then will pad their pay that is already higher than ever in history. How does it feel to write a check to a ceo that makes 20 million dollars a year? What are you going to give up to make sure these guys get another summer home or two new Mercedes?

I guess we only have ourselves to blame for voting for these thieves…or, no, I blame everyone else…I didn’t and will never vote for these thugs….

This is a day for shorties…

Well…it appears that the thoughts are coming in small bites today so that what is coming out and I guess I’ll just live with it…I don’t know if it is too soon to say I told you so…but a couple of months ago I predicted that without a continuing stimulus program that included additional government spending on infrastructure and other projects such as schools, roads, and high speed internet, that the economy would head back into recession and that is just what is happening. No matter what the repubs would have you believe, Keynesian economics and its principles that have been proven time and again over the years to be correct cannot be denied just because it goes against the orthodoxy of the repub party. And, they are compounding the problem by doing just what they did in the great depression…cut too much spending before the economy was self-sustaining. You know where this is going to go don’t you? These repub know-nothings are going to try to blame this on overspending by Obama…but, there appears to be a building groundswell of buyers remorse about the repubs control of the House and their radical right-wing agenda. Hope so….geez…

Oh, one last thing…if the business world truly believed the fantasy of the repubs economic policies, wouldn’t they still be hiring to get out ahead of the boom that is supposed to be coming? Business truly knows that the policy of cutting spending during a recession is wrong headed and they are predicting the results that are coming by not hiring any more people that they will just have to lay off when the second dip comes…stupid, stupid repubs…

The republicans are still hypocrites…

Well…if you needed any more evidence on how hypocritical the repubs are about austerity measures that they say are necessary to make the economies of many states healthy again…and those measures invariable hit the poor and aged like a ton of bricks, just take a look at the latest repub star and his “let them eat cake” moment. Yesterday, governor Chris Christie of New Jersey took a Sate Police helicopter to see his son’s baseball game….yep, he wants to cut the benefits for workers, the poor, and the middle class since the state is so broke, then spends thousands to illegally use state property for personal benefit. But, you know that is how these guys are; once they are in power they use the government as their own personal plaything on the backs of the voters…geez….can’t they do better?

George Will is a hypocrite…still….

Well….reading the papers today, I was stuck by an opinion piece that was done by George Will asserting that Obama is breaking the law by not reporting to Congress about the activities in Libya…with ole George just apoplectic that any president, especially this one, would break the law not be held accountable. Geez, George, are you getting so old you have no memory? You were one of the cheerleaders when ole GW gutted the constitution and broke not only our laws, but international ones along with abrogating treaties with his approval of torture and the warrantless wiretapping of US citizens. Even when it was revealed that GW and his team ginned up the evidence to go to war in Iraq, you still supported him and you said not one peep that it was against the law. I am getting so tired when the rats on the right will do or say anything to try to bring down a sitting president but give the thugs on their side a free pass to lie, cheat, and steal…you are supposed to be some kind of intellectual voice from the right but right now you are just another talking point reader that has no integrity…but I guess you just fit in with all of the other hypocrites on the right….geez…

Eric Cantor is evil….

Well…reading and watching the news this morning and I came upon a little tidbit of information that dropped my jaw about 2 feet…with the widespread destruction in the middle of this country caused by the tornados and flooding, there is a need to do for these people what only government can do…manage the financial burden by giving FEMA and other agencies money that will help alleviate the suffering….well, not alleviate it but mitigate it some. But, what do we hear from the most evil man in the US House? That before he will even consider a supplemental appropriations bill to fund the recovery efforts, Eric Cantor rolls politics into and delays what should have been done yesterday…he won’t allow any bill to be voted on until the amount they are appropriating is cut from other parts of the budget. Yeah, that sound you just heard is my brain locking up with this nonsense….and to make matters worse, the repub controlled Missouri legislature and the other Missouri repub members of congress and senate support this evil man’s ideas….if you ever had any doubt about what the repubs are, here it is for all to see….keep tax breaks for oil companies but when the people are in need, tell them to go to hell…geez….

No politics right now…

Well…okay, I will have a little bit of a political commentary…I have never seen so much backpedaling happening since the last time I went to the circus…I should feel bad for Paul Ryan when even members of his own party are running away from his budget plan but I don’t…I have absolutely no feeling but contempt for these radical idiots who think a mid-term election win that is fueled by their base gives them a “mandate” to impose not just radical but stupid economic policies on the rest of us. This whole austerity nonsense is starting to show up in a marked slowdown in the economy and higher unemployment just when we should be putting our foot on the gas to ensure that the recovery doesn’t falter….and I would rather listen to a Nobel winning economist like Paul Krugman who has been taking these idiots to task….you can’t cut your way to prosperity, but that is becoming the accepted wisdom from the repubs….what “wisdom” they have which is not much…

Okay….it was political…but I didn’t mean it to be that way….I will be back with just some musings later….the trail is looking really cool and I have to tell you about that…

Poor Paul Ryan…

Well…you just got to love the rationalization program that is going on from the right this morning with the loss of one of their traditional house seats in New York yesterday. The best one came on Morning Joe this morning when Paul Ryan basically called the voters there stupid for voting against his brilliant plan…okay,that was a little sarcasm but he deserves it. This guy reminds me of ole Newt who does the same thing when people disagree with him, he denigrates the person, then uses the excuse that the opposition just doesn’t understand or they would agree wholeheartedly. But, Ryan also rolled out the repub ploy where he is playing different groups of people off against each other; saying that people over 55 were misled into thinking that these changes would affect them. My answer to rep Ryan is no….these changes won’t affect me but I still care what they will do to my children and other people that are approaching 55…and I have a true belief that we are all in this together and any plan that is just another giveaway to the insurance industry that bought the repub congress we now have is just morally wrong…I hope other people are having the same epiphany…

Just a short one to start the day…

Well… with all of the talk about the Ryan plan to gut Medicare and the repubs claims that it will lower costs and extend its life, a little read bombshell was dropped by the CBO yesterday…their non-partisan analysis of the plan blew all of the claims out of the water with the conclusion that Ryan’s plan would actually INCREASE costs by almost 40%. Yep, you read it right, but is it a surprise? This budget of Ryan’s was never about controlling costs; it was a blatant attempt to impose the repubs radical right wing agenda on the country, destroying the safety nets that the repubs have hated since their inception. But, I see hope that the country is finally getting tired of the repub agenda to take, take, take from the middle class and give to the rich…which Ryan’s Medicare proposal does.. it’s a reward to the insurance companies the gave the repubs 90% of the money they spent in the last election. I think the people are starting to see that the type of America that is Ryan’s and Walkers is not the one they want…at least the people in the congressional election in New York are getting it…in the special election yesterday for the house seat in a district that has been held by the repubs since 1960, a Dem won; running on opposition to Ryan’s radical budget….maybe Ryan can go away in 2012….geez…