Category Archives: Politics

A couple of new things…

Well…was thinking this was going to be one of those days where I had nothing to say but then ole Newt came through and gave me one thing to talk about but there is also the Israeli thing that Obama is in the middle of. Let’s start with Obama….of course the right is going out of its mind with what they perceive to be a slight of Israel and a lack of support for the traditional relationship. I think they missed the point of Obama’s statements…there has been a stalemate in the talks between the Palestinians and Israel and all that Obama did was kick the hornet’s nest to stir things up a little and get them off the dime….geez…doesn’t anyone understand politics?

Then, we have ole Newt talking about the 500K that he and his third wife owed to Tiffany’s, describing it as the “standard, no interest account”…yeah, Newt? In whose world is any charge account no interest? It is just another instance where the rich are treated differently than the rest of us and don’t see anything wrong with it. They can’t understand why the rest of us don’t get those deals…or even better they just don’t care. How out of touch is Newt and how can he even relate to anyone but the rich…not the type of person this nation needs as its president….geez…

One last thing, to those of you out there that were opposed to the bailouts of the auto companies since they were a “sinkhole” and we would never get our money back…..Chrysler paid off the loans today…in full….this is the kind of thing only government can do or will do to ensure that 30,000 people didn’t lose their jobs…..what do you say now repubs? How many more times will you be wrong? geez….

Tim Pawlenty’s new leadership…

Well…I always have to laugh when I hear anyone of the supposed repub presidential candidates talk about the need for “new leadership” in Washington, and then go on to say they are the ones that should be leading. The latest of these idiots is the former governor of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, who chose to criticize the administration for it’s spending to get the country out of the worst recession since the twenties, and it’s lack of support gutting seniors healthcare that is proposed by one of the other “brains” of the repub party, Paul Ryan. What kind of leadership is he talking about? Leading the country back to the deregulation that caused the last meltdown? Leading the country back to the bad old days when the majority of our retirees lived a life of abject poverty after lives of hard labor? Leading the country back to the discrimination that blacks and gays have felt for many, many years? Leading the country back to the time when the middle class didn’t exist and all of the riches of this country are in the hands of the robber barons and labor has to beg for the scraps that are left? One thing we don’t need right now is any form of repub “leadership”, I think that is an oxymoron anyway…the repubs never lead, they just follow the instructions of their business masters to the detriment of the rest of the country…geez…

More repub hypocrisy…

Well…just sitting here a few minutes ago…well…have been just sitting most of the day recovering from the all day party yesterday and I had a thought…I’m sure you’ve heard the repubs go on an on about accountability, results, and measurement when they talk about education and are always first in line to impose these things on teachers, but what about all of the money they are handing out to business with the new business tax cuts that have just passed the legislature here in Michigan? Nope, not a thing about any regulation whatsoever or even about any accountability for job creation that has been held up as the sole purpose for these cuts. After all, with taxes being raised on you and me, we are paying for these cuts and shouldn’t we be able to ask to see the results? Shouldn’t we be able to recapture these tax cuts if they don’t do anything to create jobs here? I find it funny or maybe consistent that the repubs are all about using the power of government to control individuals behavior, but business gets a free ride to claim our money for their own personal use….since we all know cutting taxes for business without strings attached just puts more money into the hands of the already rich…and has never created one job…not since Reagan…not with Bush, not with anyone…geez…

Republican Moderates?

Well…I’ve been reading about the salivating the media is undergoing when they talk about a republican “moderate” like John Huntsman getting into the 2012 presidential race, and I can’t help but sit here amazed that this is a story at all. I know the media needs to feed the the 24 hour news cycle and find the next big thing, but talking about a repub moderate is like talking about a dodo bird…they just don’t exist anymore except in comparison the the hard right that dominates the party. Does anyone in their right mind think someone like Huntsman can get through the primary process that is dominated by people that used to be the fringe right that included the John Birch society? Ronald Reagan couldn’t even get through to the nomination in this era of ideological purity and litmus tests that the fringe has imposed on them….making the pragmatism (or supposed pragmatism) of someone like Huntsman a death sentence for his candidacy.

Just had a thought, maybe this is just another ploy from the repubs to lie again…run someone as a centrist, just like they did for governor in Michigan and Wisconsin, and lie like crazy to everyone but their base, and then have this “stealth” candidate win so they can give the rest of the country away to the rich and business…machiavellian, I know, but stranger things have happened…remember you heard it here first and I won’t be afraid to say “I told you so” when this plan is worked right in front of the media’s eyes and they miss it….

Shenanigans, Shenanigans….

Well…after the huge giveaway to business paid for by the workers here in Michigan, guess what happened? The health of Michigan’s economy is no where near as bad as the repubs projections made it out to be. Doesn’t anyone else see shenanigans here? They come out in January with dire budget projections used to drive their anti-citizens agenda and raise taxes on us while giving the state away to business and the rich, an now, magically, they find that the projected 1.5 billion dollar shortfall is now only a billion dollars and dropping every day. And, Snyder and his cronies are still out there pitching that we need to bribe businesses to stay in Michigan…and that is just what it is, holding the people of Michigan up to bribes in the form of tax breaks to keep business from taking their ball and going home if we don’t give them what they paid for in this new repub controlled state. When do we, as citizens of Michigan, get the truth out of these repub liars?

One other thing that is happening in repub controlled states is another oldie but goodie where they are putting structural “reforms” in place that will suppress the votes that normally go to the dems….leaning on the old chestnut of “widespread voter fraud” that has never happened anywhere except in the heads of the repub strategists….shenanigans, shenanigans, shenanigans…geez…

Oh, one last thing, the repubs in the US Senate blocked the ending of 4 billion dollars a year in subsidies for the oil companies…yep, you heard it here, the repubs won’t give unemployed workers any help but they will give 4 billion dollars to the oil companies…I can’t even work up any outrage anymore since this is always the pattern…we can’t afford any safety nets for individuals but we can for oil companies….I fear for this country’s future…

I find this ironic…

Well…just a shorty before I go out and get some coffee and read the papers…just read an interesting study that looked at tax revenues in 2007 and the findings made me laugh like crazy…it turns out that the top ten “welfare queen” states; states that get more in federal money than they pay in, are the hot beds of the tea party and the right wing of the repub party…oh, the whole repub party is right wing now so I guess I’ll have to find a new descriptor….so, they hate the federal government and think it should be shrunk? I propose that we start with the easy way, cut off the welfare queen states and they will then have incentive to get off their butts and start working…that’s what the repubs say about the unemployed and that’s what should happen to these states. Geez…

Welcome to the Soviet Union…courtesy of the Supreme Court..

Well…as I sit here today, I am saddened, outraged, and stunned by the latest nail in the coffin of individual freedom here delivered by the supreme court over the past few days. It hasn’t been enough that this court has muted the individuals voice in politics by the Citizens United decision allowing unlimited corporate money to buy elections, then they allow employers to take away any rights the individual has in the workplace by not allowing lawsuits against egregious violations of many laws that were written to protect workers rights, now, they gut the fourth amendment by allowing police to create “emergencies” that allow them to enter anyone’s house without a warrant. This latest case that this wrong headed court has ruled on allows the police to bang on any door without cause and then if they hear any noise that the police construe to be “destroying evidence” can enter the house without a warrant…even if no one int he house is suspected of any crime. Yep, you heard it again, it’s more of the “trust us” baloney that you always hear from the police…guess how this one is going to be used? Any critic of police tactics that has the guts to speak out better watch out….the knock will be coming to your door soon and not getting to the door fast enough can be construed to be resisting arrest…someone please save us from ourselves….geez….

Ole Newt and the food stamp president…

Well….I really don’t know if Newt is the most brilliant or the most stupid of the repub presidential candidates that have announced so far…if you saw any of the weekend news show where Newt’s line of attack against Obama is that he has presided over a great increase of Americans that are on food stamps and he makes the assertion that food stamps are welfare that people don’t deserve even if they are out of work because if they are out of work, it is only because they don’t want to work….conveniently ignoring the deepest recession on the last 80 years and the fact that employers are just not adding enough jobs to make the unemployment rate drop. Just what audience is Newt trying to reach? The millions of middle Americans who are out of work through no fault of their own but through the fault of the policies of the repubs? Does he think that even one of these folks who deserve this help will vote for him when he rails against even the smallest of safety nets? I think this is just another racist comment where ole Newt is trying to dupe the poor people that are still voting repub by equating people that need food stamps to feed their family with the abuses of the old welfare system. With over 12 million jobs lost in this recession that was caused by the excesses of the repubs, of course the amount of people on food stamps is going to rise…but there is still no plan on the right to help people get jobs that will help them get off the type of assistance that the repubs loathe…for individuals…but it’s okay to continue to give oil companies 10 billion dollars a year in corporate welfare…what did you expect from Newt and the repubs?

May 15th part two…

Haven’t done one of these in quite a while and no, I don’t think it’s cheating…I did watch the movie and it was no where near as good as the documentary on Jack Abramhoff that I watched the other day….there was way too much focus on the title character and not enough on the influence peddling and the “pay for play” aspect where he was selling access to repub senators and congressmen. The real story was just more interesting….it has been kind of interesting what is going on with the repub presidential candidates and all of the supposed front runners that have decided they can’t win in 2012 so they are staying in their cushy Fox jobs and will continue to rake in the money from their hate and attacks….now, all they have left is Paul, Romney, and ole Newt that have their hats in the ring…and not one of them can ignore their pasts of favoring healthcare before they were against it, for being serial cheaters, or for wanting to tear the federal government completely down….I know you can figure out which one is which without me telling you if you’ve been paying even a little attention…..

I do have a little hope that Obama is starting to think and act strategically by getting bin Laden, pushing for more oil drilling, and attacking the Ryan budget proposals…now he just needs to get out in front of them instead of counterpunching…I may even have another one today…

The torture lies…

Well….this one is the continuation of the one down below where I started to comment on the article by John McCain in the Washington Post today where he takes the torture apologists that fox news has trotted out to task…calling their assertions that the information that led to Osama bin Laden came from torture lies….you know I’m not a big McCain fan…but it is about time someone on the right stood up and told the truth just once….It was not ole GW that did everything but order the raid that killed him…his waffling and reliance on his “gut” instead of facts let bin Laden live for so long and these are facts…something I know that the repubs really are not acquainted with. So, I will thank McCain for this too little, too late, denunciation of the fox liars…and hope that more on the right discover the truth and their spines…geez…

Look down…I added to the Red Wings post…