Well…I was reading an article today that had ole Boehner talking about how bad the deficit is and how it is the only important thing for the house to focus on…but his reasoning made my jaw drop and it is still on the floor as I try to absorb the stupid…his reasoning went like this: because we have run deficits for 55 of the last 60 years, it shows that the government needs to bet cut and live within it’s means or there will be some sort of huge catastrophe….get that? The deficit is so terrible that we need to cut head start, unemployment, SS, and every other safety net program…and we need to do it right now since we may get the same result we’ve gotten for the last 60 years….and that is nothing…no dire consequences, no total meltdown of the economy, no sale of the country to the Chinese, no dogs marrying cats…no nothing. And now, this piece of crap has just proposed a bill that would pay bondholders first if the repubs decide to crash the economy by not raising the debt ceiling…that means we pay China and the rest of the repubs buddies while the military, seniors, and everyone else that has earned benefits will get stiffed…just what you would expect from the repubs and this POS….the stupid runs deep here….geez….
Tag Archives: John Boehner
Republicans and percentages…
Well…getting ready to go out and shoot pool…my only activity for the week…and I thought I’d just throw in one thought that we have to remember…just like the 47% comment that haunted the Romney election campaign…when ole Boehner agreed to the sequester and many, many repubs voted for it, his comments were that he got “98%” of what he wanted from Obama and the Dems…to me, that sounds like the whole sequester mess is laid squarely at the feet of the repubs…and i hope that Obama and the rest of the dems let it lie there like the steaming pile of crap that it is…all the sequester is is the congress not doing its job and taking the easy way out due to the crazy assed tea partiers that reside there…and the repubs really did think they were going to win the White House and then get everything they wanted…lower taxes on the rich and corporations, and the gutting of the social safety net…didn’t work out so well, did it? Now, all we have to do is continue to remind the country that it is the repubs who are responsible for the next two years and then we can throw them out..permanently…geez…
Now we can move forward…
Well…after the debacle of Boehner’s defeat last night, now we can move forward with marginalizing the crazy assed right wingers in the House….and get a bill that the progressives can support. But, the problems there is we need to find around 20 reasonable repubs (I know, that is the ultimate oxymoron) to come with us for the good of the country…not just the 1%’ers that are still pulling the puppet strings for most of the repubs…but, one of the things we must do, or what Obama must do, is to take the SS nonsense off the table to get the dem caucus behind him…and then let Pelosi do her work to construct a bill that doesn’t compromise progressive principles. Look, you know the repubs don’t want to govern anyway when ole Boehner says “it’s up to the pres and the Senate now…” abdicating any responsibility to look after the well being of the country or its citizens…going over the cliff is going to be a fun ride….
Let “Plan B” go down the toilet….
Well….I have been getting easily sidetracked over the past few days and that is why this one is so late…but, I do need to talk about ole Boehner’s “Plan B” proposal and the absolute nonsense it contains…along with the minimal tax increase on the rich…his plan will cost the poor and middle class around 1,500-2,000 dollars a year in higher taxes…but, here’s the kicker, it will cut medicaid, SS, medicare, meals on wheels, food stamps and almost every other program that the middle class and working poor depend on to make their lives livable…and he had to include this stuff to get the rest of the repubs in the house to go along. This, to me, is the clearest example of who the repubs have become…protect the rich and corporations at all costs while they say go to hell to everyone else….Obama should stop “negotiating” with these thugs and just let the country go over the cliff…but then let the people know what this “Plan B” includes…it will continue to shrink their base to the point that in two years, they will be a fringe party in reality and we can start re-making the country in the image of those who care about good governance and all of the people who live here…and what is left of the repubs can go back to hell where they came from…geez…
Boehner is flabbergasted….
Well…I am laughing my butt off about ole Boehner’s statement the other day that he was “flabbergasted” about the WH’s offer on the budget negotiations…and he couldn’t understand how Obama could be so tough….John, there was an election, you guys lost…and Obama is doing exactly what he campaigned on and what the American people approved….and what do we get in response from mr. flabber? We get a re-run of the Ryan budget that has been rejected twice now by the American people….and 65% of Americans want taxes raised on the rich…can’t these people move into the real world? I hope they keep it up….the only reason they still have the House is that they fixed the election in many districts….so, the order of the day is attack from our side…keep just going on putting our ideas to the American people who love them…no negotiations with these thugs…not now, not ever…geez…
It’s been a day…
Well…it’s been a day and I am a little disappointed that the car is still losing coolant but that is a story for tomorrow morning…I did want to talk a little about the repubs who did not learn a thing from the election…when the American people spoke and told everyone in Washington (that is the repubs) to get with the program and stop the obstruction….and now we have Boehner coming out today saying he wants the ACA gutted since he still believes the repub talking points that Obamacare increases costs….and the operative word here is “believes”, not that he has any numbers backing him up. In fact, the CBO scored the ACA and found it will SAVE over 80 billion dollars a year…so the idiot Boehner is still pushing the right wing agenda even when it is not true…but that is the pattern we’ve seen from these idiots over the past two years…ideology always trumps math to them…and they are always wrong…why is anyone still listening to them? geez…
Boehner is still an idiot….
Well…just a little short one to comment on the jaw dropping comment that ole John made after the dustup over the extension of the middle class payroll tax cut that was resolved last week. The quote goes like this: “…we fought the good fight. Why not do the right thing for the American people even thought it’s not what we (the republicans) want? What a revaltory statement that I’m sure he didn’t want to make…he’s just not that bright but it did lay bare the repubs contempt for the American people and our country that is held by these folks….that they don’t give a damn about anyone but the party and those of the 1% that bankroll it and buy repub seats in congress. I hope Boehner’s comments are plastered across the media for the next year and Obama keeps hammering them on their lack of concern for anyone but themselves….geez…
Idiots, idiots, idiots….
Well….the idiots on the right are still trying to place the blame on Obama for this major crash in the economy…now, let me get this straight…ole Boehner goes on tv and says he got 98% of what he wanted and then you have the right saying it’s Obama’s fault? The insane logic that the right used to justify cutting the budget in the midst of a recession is the fault here…the markets are just reacting to this insanity….what happened to the right’s slavish devotion to “the market” and their faith that it will do everything right with no regulation or shaping at any time? But, as you know, the repubs flip flop faster than than you can even see…and they have never let consistency be an impediment to trying to make political gains from any event.
One last thing…I am kind of holding my breath about the recall elections in Wisconsin today…it could be the first chink in the Koch brother’s armor….and they are still trying to buy this election; just like they did in 2010…having spent almost 30 million dollars to try to sway this election, I hope the grass roots can counteract this money…if that happens, maybe we’ll get rid of the deep pockets that have put this country on the wrong path. geez…
It’s been a bore…
Well…it’s been a bore of a day and I’m just waiting for 7 o’clock to come so I can have a cocktail and watch Man U and Barcelona play a friendly match…I have been working on a political one today but the nonsense goes on with the debt ceiling which is crowding out all the rest of the political news….I just can’t believe that these guys are wasting so much time on this non issue when the economy is heading back into recession…just like I said it would if government spending was cut while the economy was still fragile….I hope the tea partiers are made to pay for their nonsense in 2012 and they send them back to ignorantville where they came from….
One of the things I find funny about the tea party and its masters is how they act just like the totalitarians that they say they hate…in the old Soviet Union, threats were a way of life to those in the government and was the way to keep them in line and we see exactly the same thing from the tea party leaders…promising to “primary” any member of congress that doesn’t do exactly as they say; no matter if their idiocy will result in irreparable damage to the country…these folks just don’t give a damn about anything but the money men from the Heritage foundation, Club for Growth, and the Koch brothers…..it’s just un-American that 80 people out of the congress can take it upon themselves to ruin this country…
Where are the jobs Boehner? Where are the jobs Cantor?
One last one for the day…
Well…just needed to comment on one last thing for today….I’ll try to be a little more calm about this one since the absurdity of it makes me laugh….after the announcement this week that the justice department will stop wasting money and defending the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act, the tanned one (John Boehner), has stated that the House will now take it upon itself to defend the act in court. He goes on to state that it is unconstitutional for the executive branch to make that decision. Really, John? the last I checked justice department is part of the executive branch and choosing to not enforce discriminatory laws has a long history in the US. In this time of record deficits caused by tax cuts for the rich and the worst recession in a hundred years, these idiots will spend yours and my money on this folly instead of focusing on getting the economy moving again. But, did you expect any different? The repubs only govern for their base and don’t care that the majority of Americans want to move forward away from this divisive issue….geez….