Tag Archives: mitch McConnell

Takin’ it to the streets…

Well…there seems to be something stirring out in the country where we have chiefs of police telling their officers to make sure they have their riot gear handy since there is some “intel” that Bob Mueller is going to be fired soon. As I’ve already said, the criminal in chief is going to put the final nails in the coffin of the repub party if he does it….and the protests across this country are going to be something that has never been seen if the repubs in congress let him get away with it…but, with the idiot McConnell announcing to trump yesterday that the bi-partisan bill to prevent Mueller’s firing “will never get to the floor”, he has given him the green light to do it without any consequences…and this will make McConnell the person who has done the most damage to our institutions and country than any other person but trump….we need to get ready to join the protests to shut this country down until trump is held accountable for his crimes…and then we need to vote every damn one of the repubs out of office in November…the country depends on it….impeach…

Now we know why….

Well….haven’t seen a lot about this on the news so I thought I’d talk about the reason none of the repubs are holding the idiot responsible for his destruction of our democracy….they know they are in it, too…in a long article in Newsweek yesterday, it was described how deeply Russian money has infiltrated the repub party…with Mitch McConnell’s PAC getting more than a million dollars from Russian billionaires that was laundered through American citizens to circumvent the ban on foreign money in our elections. And, this goes to one of the reasons that Paul Ryan is thinking about not running for re-election…he got money from the Russians that was then distributed to many, many other repubs for their campaigns. While not technically illegal since the money was run through Americans, it still came from Putin and his cronies and, while the ignorant idiots that vote for repubs won’t care, the rest of us do and they will be held responsible as the traitors they are…..impeach…

It’s bribery…again….

Well…now, this little tidbit just came across the twitterverse and I just had to say something about it….last time the repubs tried to destroy peoples lives by repealing Obmamcare, they resorted to trying to bribe a few senators with huge amounts of money that would go to their states…one of those senators, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, is in the line to get those bribes again if she votes to kill people to give the rich tax cuts. Those bribes? This is just too rich…if she votes to kill people, Alaska gets to keep Obamacare….yep, you heard that right…if she votes to screw over the rest of the country, her state gets to keep Obamacare and all of the protections against denial for pre existing conditions and gets to the keep the subsidies that make insurance affordable…and, in the letter to her…ole McConnell made it clear that these conditions only apply to
Alaska…everyone else is shit out of luck….typical repub bullshit…divide the country into little fiefdoms and bribe other repubs into killing people just to say they passed something…I’m still thinking that passing this monstrosity may just be what we on the left need…that maybe the stupid people that keep voting for repubs will stop if they start dying from it….geez….

A mish mash….

Well…haven’t been doing too many political ones lately…I guess I’m just numb from the idiot trump and his antics….and I really don’t have a single topic to write about so this one is going to be a mish mash of small ones….the repubs failed to take health insurance away from 32 million Americans and we have three repubs to thank for coming over to our side….but the cheating and lying that went into trying to get trumpcare passed was breathtaking to see…almost every rule of governing was broken by McConnell but what do you expect from the guy who stole a SC seat? Then we had the idiot trump lying more in the past week than in any other week since he stole the presidency…I am just stunned by the repubs revealing themselves as the America haters they are since they are still protecting trump even though it is now a fact that they colluded with the Russians to steal the election…what would they have done if Obama had done a hundredth of the crap that trump has done? We know the answer to that one since they are now proposing to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hillary….15 months and 50 million dollars wasn’t enough for them from the fake Benghazi investigation? I found it funny that the sec of defense and sec of state are taking vacations so they don’t have to talk to the idiot trump for a while…and the sec of state, Tillerson, is contemplating quitting already…and the idiot’s chief of staff either quit or was fired yesterday….we’ll never know since they lie about everything….okay, that’s enough for now…going to watch a race….

Are we a nation of men or of laws?

Well….just listened to Keith and his latest tweetcast and there were a few pertinent points that he made that I want to comment on….I lived through the original “Saturday night massacre” when Nixon’s solicitor general fired Archibald Cox…the special prosecutor who was investigating Nixon and Watergate. A few days after the firing, Cox came out with a statement that included this question: “Are we a nation of men or of laws?” That’s a question that is still pertinent now…are we a nation of men or of laws? Is the president above the law or does he have to adhere to them as the rest of us do? In Watergate, the answer was yes, he does have to adhere to the law just like the rest of us…and I ask the repubs in congress now…does the president have to adhere to the law as the rest of us do? The answer from McConnell yesterday was that trump is above the law, that he will not be held accountable for his crimes…even the latest count of obstruction of justice by firing the person that was investigating him…and I agree with Keith…”you don’t fire the person investigating you…” it’s only happened once before…..and we all know how that turned out…impeach….

Yow…this is big…

Well…the pieces are falling into place on why Jason Chaffetz abruptly resigned from congress today…. money laundering for the Russians through his campaign since the Russians knew of his long term affair and were blackmailing him about it….I thought it was strange that he got a 10 million dollar donation from trump the day after he released the Comey letter before the election….and now information is coming out that the Russian connections go much wider than trump and his cronies. A source has said today that the FBI has a tape of both Ryan and McConnell talking about how to launder Russian mob money through their campaigns. Yep, you heard that right…the speaker of the house and the senate majority leader are on tape colluding to launder money for the Russians…how corrupt are the damn repubs? Can it get worse? Yep…I’ve been saying it for a long time that these were the most corrupt people ever to run this country and now it appears I was right….and the reason that ole Jason resigned so abruptly is that he is cutting a deal and that is probably part of it…I just can’t wait to see the perp walks that are going to come from this….impeach the whole lot of them….

Okay…I thought I’d better come back here for a minute to temper the breathlessness of this post…sure don’t want to be the left wing version of Breitbart or Infowars, sites that lie and lie and lie for political gain…let’s just leave this as something to watch for….and see what happens…..don’t want to hurt my credibility by going too far…and if this isn’t true, I’ll be back to say I was wrong….

Racism silences Elizabeth Warren…

Well…how much clearer is the overt racism of the repubs these days when they defend a known racist, Jeff Sessions, by using a senate rule that was put in place in 1902 to protect another racist in the senate from being called on advocating the murder of AA’s? And to have the turtle McConnell silence her just when she was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King from the 80′s that made clear that Sessions was a racist then and should be excluded from consideration to be the new AG. Back in the 80′s Sessions was up for a federal judgeship and had such a racist trail that he couldn’t get approved then, but in the new repub party that doesn’t matter…the only thing that matters is power to them and they really like the idea of having a racist AG who will take voting rights away from those damn minorities who vote for the dems. This one is a two fer for the repubs…they shut up an uppity woman who dares to think she is equal to the men in the senate but they then allowed two male senators to continue to read the very same letter…these actions distill what the repubs are about these days…hatred for women and minorities are at the top of their agenda…and this crap needs to be slapped down hard….

Last one for the month…

Well…I seem to be Trumped out for the moment so I don’t think I’ll do another one about him right now…okay, just one thing…it was reported today that the Trump campaign is running out of money and won’t be able to run any ads until late July…all I have to say about that is yay…that means that he is not even running a campaign really….and the money that he is going to need is expected to come from the state repub orgs which will leave the down ballot races with less money so ole Trump could suck the entire party into a black hole…yeah, I know, their ideas ARE a black hole and they deserve to disappear across the event horizon….okay…..what next? More Trump? Oh…Mitch McConnell said over the weekend that Trump “won’t change the republican party”…and I laughed about that…since Trump IS the republican party and his hatred and ignorance have been a proud characteristic of the repubs for more than 40 years…I mean evolution is wrong? That the US was formed as a christian nation? All nonsense that the repubs believe and they either don’t believe science or understand it….and living your life to a 2,000 year old book written by ignorant goatherders? Maybe ole Trump can do so much damage that the party will have to change to get past it…we can hope anyway….

It’s the Supreme Court, stupid….

Well…now that we have heard from the turtle man McConnell that, under no circumstances will he allow any hearings to be held on a new supreme court justice until he loses the job of majority leader….I am at a loss to understand his end game…I mean, what does he expect to gain from this? Another Scalia? That is never going to happen and, unless he is the most stupid person in the world (which I think he is) he can’t think he will get anyone farther to the right than Garland. Go ahead, Mitch, hold this one up until we take back the senate and you will get another Ginsburg who will push the court farther to the left than the current nominee. The latest outrage in this whole mess is ole Mitch’s statement yesterday that he won’t allow any hearings on anyone that the NRA disapproves of…yep, you heard it right, Mitch is now giving up his job to the NRA…now, I’ve read the constitution and there is not one mention of the NRA advising and consenting on supreme court justices…I am just shaking my head here today on how far off the rails the repubs have gone….and they need to go…get out and vote people…this needs to stop….

It is to laugh….

Well….I am still amazed at the chutzpa that the repubs have been showing over the past day or so…no, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised or amazed…they have been taking credit for things that they haven’t done for years and years now…I guess that’s because they haven’t done anything for at least the past six years. But now, they have given me the biggest laugh that I’ve had in quite a while…with ole Mitch McConnell’s statement yesterday that the growth in the economy in the past quarter was due to the “anticipation” that the repubs were going to take over the congress…not that it is a continuation of the trends for the entire year…not that government spending is up almost 10% in the last quarter…or that demand is starting to rise…nope, it just that business was “anticipating” the glorious days of repub control of congress and all of the giveaways they are expecting since they bought the repub party lock stock and barrel……you do kind of have to admire…no, I won’t say that…there is nothing about this bunch of liars that is worthy of admiration….just contempt….geez…