Well…with the announcement of a 480 million dollar shortfall in tax revenues here in Michigan, all I can say sarcastically is surprise, surprise….I just wonder why tax cuts for the rich and business didn’t do what the repubs here had faith it would do…result in more revenue for the state. It isn’t as if they had any examples of the same tax cut nonsense not working in other states….oh, yes they do….look at any state where the repubs are in control and they used faith-based economics…like Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana or Texas where they used the fully discredited theories of Arthur Laffer and his supply side economic nonsense and the same damn thing happened…tax revenues fell drastically putting the budgets of all of those states in free fall so they have all had to decimate even basic services that people pay for….and now we see the same damn thing in Michigan and the repubs here are acting all surprised like there is just no way they could have forseen this happening. But, will they learn from this and rescind the tax cuts for business here that have led to no job creation for the 1.8 billion dollar giveaway to business? Of course not…the repubs are the anti science party after all and economics is a science….I just don’t understand why people keep voting for these idiots when they lay waste to every state they control….I’m shaking my head over that one…geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
Trump doesn’t represent the repub party?
Well…now that old Donald has just about locked up the repub nomination…the spooked establishment repubs and many, many of the repubs up for election this fall are running away from him like crazy…even going so far as to not mention his name…just saying ‘the nominee” instead of Trump’s name. The meme of the whole thing is that “Trump and what he said in the primaries doesn’t represent the repub party” and that you should still vote for the rest of the repubs that are running….yeah…doesn’t represent the repub party when he won the nomination? And, the majority of the rank and file repubs voted for him? The repub party is exactly the misogynist, homophobic, “other” hating party that they appear…and they have been using this hate to win elections for the past 40 years…but now that the elites of the party can’t control the hate they have spawned and that’s how they got Trump…who threw away the dog whistles and shouted that hatred from every podium starting with his announcement speech. So now, we have the repub party laid bare to expose what they have been about all along…and the base has been released by Trump to openly spew the hatred that has always been just under the surface…you reap what you sow idiots….geez…
Dennis Hastert and “family values”…
Well…after getting the car situation straightened out, that leaves me time to come back here and do one of these today….there have been many things happen over the past couple of days that have left me both laughing and shaking my head…where to start? Oh,let’s go with Dennis Hastert getting sentenced to prison for violating banking rules to pay off one of the kids he molested while a high school teacher…yep, the “family values” repub who led the charge to impeach Clinton for his hanky panky with an adult woman has admitted that he is a serial child molester…and the really sick thing is that all of his cronies that were in the house at the time, including Tom DeLay have written to the judge saying what a good citizen he is and to plead for leniency…only in repub world is a child molester a good citizen…just another example where the repubs don’t think the law applies to them and that “family values” trump being a pedophile….not sure if I should add anything else to this…nope, I’ll let this one stand on it’s own…but I will change the title…
Just some stuff….
Well…another day…and another problem with coming up with a topic for the day…I have done almost 4,500 of these so I guess that would begin to be a problem….I did read a little more of the David Koch interview where he is whining about the tone of the repub candidates and the party in general…laughed a bit a that one since he and his brother are basically responsible for what the repub party has become…the anti science, and anti everyone who is not straight and white party….the only thing I have to say to ole Dave is “you built that”….not really any more politics right now that interests me so I won’t write about it…..we do need to put the kibosh on the pie fight between Hillary and Bernie soon….Bernie can’t win so he needs to be gracious and start working on policy that can realistically be achieved with Hillary as president….and then we start looking for the VP candidate that would help put us over the top….I would love that to be Elizabeth Warren but I’m not sure where her talents would be better spent….she would probably bring along a lot of the Bernie supporters and we can sure use that…and then Bernie can take over pushing financial reform that she is doing now…hmmm….that could be a topic…for later….not now…
If the repubs lose the Kochs, what do they have left?
Well…following the batshit insane antics of the repub candidates, I thought I’d heard everything, but no, today I heard something that I never thought I’d hear…one of the Koch brothers saying that Hillary would be a better president than any of the repubs that are running. Yep, one of the most insane conservative billionaires in this country thinks that Trump and Cruz have gone too far even for him…from databases of Muslims, to “watching” Muslim neighborhoods, to building a wall on our southern border is too much for the Kochs, when they have no problems spending millions of dollars so that Cleveland couldn’t raise money for it’s zoo…or any one of the rest of the nuttiness they support. Now, that is saying something when the repubs have gone so far off the rails that David Koch thinks you are nuts and won’t spend any money to support you…but that is where the repubs are now…I would say ‘jumped the shark” but that is way too mild for what has happened…maybe “drunk the gasoline”…I’ll have to think a while to come up with the perfect description…what do the repubs have left if they have lost the Kochs? Not much….more later…
Shredding the constitution in Oklahoma…
Well…I am so damned tired of the repubs talking out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to the constitution…always waving copies in peoples faces and saying how much they revere it, and then going back to the legislatures they control and passing blatantly unconstitutional laws. This is happening across the country wherever repubs are in control…from NC to Mississippi and now Oklahoma where the latest these idiots have done is pass a law taking the medical licenses away from any doctor who performs an abortion…yeah, a perfectly legal procedure is being criminalized by idiots that just don’t understand that federal law trumps state law….this from a state that can’t educate it’s kids because of the tax cuts they have given to the rich and crying that there just isn’t any money left, but they have no problem spending millions to defend this blatantly illegal law. What the hell is wrong with the repubs in this country? When did they get so stupid? I just can’t understand why anyone votes for these idiots who obviously don’t have a clue how government works…I just can’t believe this crap….geez…
This is just too funny….
Well….it has been fun to watch as the dysfunction on the right and the just atrocious behavior by the front runners for the repub nomination have made the party just a toxic swamp of nastiness. But, the funniest thing I’ve read lately was an article a few minutes ago that shows the toxicity to be even worse than anyone thought. Some high ranking repubs are quietly starting to advise their members who are in tight races to skip the convention so they don’t get tarred by what they know is going to a debacle in Cleveland….yep, for the first time since I have been around…and that is a long time, politicians are going to abandon a sinking ship of a convention to try to keep their jobs by “talking” to their constituents and meeting with them instead of going to the convention…the place where every repbub just drools to get to to preen in front of the cameras and get free advertising. I laugh at all this since everyone but the right saw this coming…when you do nothing but stoke fear and hate, what do you expect? Now that their hate is being directed at themselves, they have lost control and the rats are deserting that quickly sinking ship…couldn’t happen to an uglier group of people….geez….
Dem infighting and repub repbranding…
Well…it has been a busy day but I did get the ham soup made and made some cash…but, I do have one more to do to get to the goal for the month so here goes…the first thing I want to talk about is the dem infighting that is going on between the Hillary and Bernie supporters. I understand that many of the Bernie supporters are new to the political process and are more driven by idealism… but, politics is a process that needs a dose of realism as well….and that reality is the Hillary will probably win the nomination and no matter how much that hurts Bernie’s supporters (and I am one of them) we need to get back to reality and support the nominee of our party…to sit out the election will hand it to Drumpf and to any person that is based in reality, that can’t be better than having Hillary as president. The second thing is a funny article I read about the “rebranding” of the repubs that will happen if they lose the election…I laughed when I read that…rebrand to what? The repub party is JUST what they have been showing in this primary season…a group of racist, mysoginist, haters that are reflecting exactly what their base is….that no minorities need apply…that women are just things that have no rights to control their own bodies…that christians deserve special rights to discriminate against everyone they don’t like and the repubs will use the government to deliver this hate….if this is your vision of America, you sure as hell shouldn’t be here reading this….go back to redstate….geez….
Still searching…
Well…even though there are lots of things happening in politics, much of it is so ridiculous that I can’t work up any outrage about it…I mean, Drumpf giving the excuse for the manhandling of a reporter by his campaign manager that the pen she was holding could have been a bomb? Delusional to say the least…but, so was his meltdown the other day on a phone call to a Wisconsin right wing radio show where the host just drilled him on everything he said….then we had Anderson Cooper going after him for acting like a 5 year old in the debate and the slow motion destruction of Drumpf is underway….but, I can’t say more about the liar Cruz that he is any different…he really isn’t and to know about Kasich, just take a look at what he did in Ohio…not the lies that he said he did or will do…just more of the same bait and switch that all of the repubs do to trick people into voting for them…can you say right to work, Snyder? It appears that the right wing nonsense is starting to unravel, finally, but the sick thing is that it is always the dems that have to come in and fix the damage that the repubs do…and I am tired of it…okay, this one was kind of all over the place….have not been as lucid as normal over the past few days and I’m not sure why…I will try to get better…that’s all I can do….
These guys are just the worst…
Well…no pool today so I thought I’d come back here and do another one of these…and I did find a topic the really needs to be addressed..that this crop of repubs are just the worst people in the world. We start with Ted Cruz who made the statement the other day that if he is elected, he will sell off or give all of the national parks and land owned by the federal government back to the states to do with what they please….and in repub controlled states, you know what that means…oil drilling in Yellowstone or strip mining in Yosemite. The heritage of Teddy Roosevelt and the American people be damned if there is profit to be made for the 1%. Then we had ole Marco Rubio show his repub core when he said that any aliens here and legal under the DREAM act, kids that were brought here when they were children, will be deported on day one…never mind that this will tear families apart and cause economic distress for his owners, this son of immigrants will shut the door on anyone else getting what he had…a chance to contribute to this great country…well…Marco hasn’t contributed anything but hate and we don’t need more of that. Then, last of all, we have the senate repubs now sending out fundraising letters touting their obstruction and not doing their jobs in holding hearings on a new supreme court justice…in what world is it a badge of honor to not do your job? Just the worst people….but that makes the choice this fall even more clear…folks that want the country to be better…and these folks that do nothing but hate…geez…