Tag Archives: Mitt Romney

How does Romney keep getting away with it?

Well…I know I’ve talked about this at length over the past couple of months…or even longer…the months kind of run together when I’m trying to keep up with the lies coming out of the Romney campaign…but, here we go again with the latest one…in a speech given the other day, ole Mitt has a new talking point that he is trying out called “Obama’s prairie fire of debt” that tries to assert that the deficits and the national debt is all Obama’s fault and his policies will be the cause of much more if he is reelected. But, again, ole Mitt is using the repub playbook and trying to create his own “facts” that have been roundly criticized by all of the non-partisan organizations that look into these economic claims…I just get to the point and call them lies…baldfaced lies that Romney is using to try to dupe the independents that this election will turn on into believing he is not just George Bush…again. First…let’s start with his claim that the deficits will continue to rise under Obama… there are so many experts out there that have no political axe to grind who have looked at the facts and have agreed with me and called this a blunt lie. Then, they go on to score the Romney proposals of more and more tax cuts for the rich and find that his proposals will INCREASE the debt by over 5 trillion dollars over 10 years….now, I do struggle at math at times but no increase in the debt is a better thing than an increase of 5 trillion, right? I am at a loss to why the media just doesn’t post a disclaimer every time that ole Mitt tries these lies…something like “these assertions have been found to be untrue”…instead of treating the lies with the same gravity that should be reserved for the truth. Mitt should be ashamed….geez….

A short one about the republican playbook..

Well…this thought just came to me as I have been reading about the vagueness of the economic proposals that are coming out of the Romney camp…it occurs to me that this is the exact same playbook that Scott Walker used to get elected in Wisconsin…lie to the people about your true intentions and make yourself look as innocuous as possible…never revealing your true, radical agenda until after the election…the only problem is that there is no way to recall a president that does that like there are in many of the states. this appears to be in the repub playbook all across the country as we move toward the election….just more of the “bait and switch” that the repubs have done so successfully over the past few years…

One last thing…the repubs have sunk to a new low today in Virginia for rejecting a judicial candidate just because he is gay and supports civil rights for gays and lesbians. While I abhor this kind of conduct by the repubs…I also feel that it is going to hasten the inevitable decline of those troglodytes and we may not have to deal with them anymore by the end of my lifetime….we can hope, anyway…

A preview of things to come with Romney…

Well…it was an interesting week last week with the revelation of a 2 billion dollar loss at JPMorgan that was caused by trading in the same kind of unregulated derivatives that caused the meltdown in 2008/2009, and the losses might even be bigger once all of dust settles. I find it funny that the companies that have fought the re-regulation of the financial sector the hardest continue to make these types of trades putting the economy at risk with their “trust us” attitudes but little else…and if ole Mitt is elected, he has stated that one of his first goals is to cut the weak regulation that has been passed in the past few years and “get government out of the way” basically letting the banks do whatever they want, including risking the entire economy to make the obscene profits that flow to the 1%; never to anyone else. It’s just another example of the vision that the repubs have for the country…that the lucky and connected few reap all of the rewards and everyone else takes the risk….and the middle class continues to disappear…geez…

Let’s remember this about Mitt…

Well…just a short one to share something that has been troubling me since the “Mitt the bully” story broke earlier this week….while ole Mitt dismisses the attack as just a prank, if it were to happen today, let’s remember that this would be a felony assault and Mitt wouldn’t be running for anything but the president of his cell block….the country has evolved to view these “pranks” as the vicious violence that they are and Mitt can’t just dismiss it with a wave of the hand and an “I don’t remember”….this kind of stuff, that continued to happen as ole Mitt went through college and into his “missionary” work in France and through the Bain years where he had no feeling for the people who he threw out of work for personal gain, is an accurate indicator of the man’s personality that continues to this day…you can imagine what an administration run by a man who “likes to fire people” and thinks that everyone can start a business with loans from their parents would look like…and it’s not pretty…geez….

Not going to pile on….

Well…that last one was supposed to be short but it came out longer than I expected…so, I will keep this one short…I find the whole furor over what ole Mitt did in high school to be funny…in case you haven’t heard, it has been revealed that in his oh, so exclusive prep school, ole Mitt was somewhat of a bully and in one incident, he and his gang held down another student that didn’t look like them and actually cut off his hair….okay, no, I am going to pile on since this goes to his character and rides a thread of his life right up to today….that he has no empathy for anyone who isn’t like him…that he lacks the capacity to feel what others feel if they are not rich, white, and connected. What did he expect, that being a thug would be excused just because he was 18? It’s the same kind of privileged nonsense that goes on in all of those so-called “better” schools where contempt for anyone who isn’t like them is almost in the course curriculum and is never corrected since they really do believe that their lessers can be treated any way they see fit. It’s the same way that abusers as adults can be predicted by their behavior as teens…and the incident with tying the dog to the top of the car shows that he has not evolved in any significant way…he has just learned to hide the behavior better…but that is not even true…when you hear him interact with supporters at his rallies, he is all sweetness and light…but when challenged by someone who doesn’t feel as he does, there are numerous times that his true contempt for anyone not like him shows and has been recorded…let’s look at the tape…it will show he is still the teenage bully that cut off a classmates hair for fun…geez….

Ole Mitt is still delusional…

Well…I just have to hand it to ole Mitt and his chutzpah over the past few days, trying to take credit for the success of the auto bailout….yep, the guy who famously said “let them go bankrupt” is now taking credit like he was the one who provided the money and the guts to save 3 million jobs in the auto industry…what a load of crap! What ole Mitt wanted was for the companies to go through what he did to other companies while he was at Bain…that is for them to shed all of the middle class, union jobs, replacing them (or not replacing them) with many, many fewer, low paying jobs so his vulture cronies could come in, destroy the companies while piling up billions in fees that would go to the 1%. So, if ole Mitt can take credit for the bailout, shouldn’t I be able to say the same thing since I advocated some form of restructuring a few years back? Let’s remember one thing here….that restructuring takes money, money that was not even available to high profit companies like GE during the financial meltdown…something that ole Mitt is conveniently forgetting…that the government was the lender of last resort and that there just was NO private money for the process. What a liar…..

Another reason to send ole Mitt back where he came from….

Well…have been reading a few of the online papers this morning and a theme has emerged…one that I have taken on a couple of times before in regard to Michigan but this time it is on a national scale…and deals with the cluelessness of the rich in this country and of the Romney family in particular. As you know, one of my favorite sayings about the rich is that “they were born on third base but think they hit a triple to get there”…and that applies here to one of ole Mitt’s sons, Tagg, who has shown this same blindness to the advantages of being born rich in this country, and can’t figure out why everyone isn’t rich. The particular delusion of this young man centers on the establishment of a private equity fund that was started with one of Mitt’s primary fundraisers, and guess who one of the first “investors” was? His mom, of course, followed by over 60 of his father’s buddies and cronies who “invested” almost 250 million dollars in this fund…this, with Tagg having absolutely no experience in finance but, to hear ole Tagg explain it, it was because of his “excellent strategies” not because his father is Mitt and was planning on running for president in 2012. Delusions, delusions, delusions….and the crony capitalism we will see with a Romney presidency…look how well that worked out under ole GW. Haven’t we had enough of this nonsense? Haven’t we had enough of people getting a free ride in life because of their connections? I can pretty much bet that you and I couldn’t raise 250 million dollars from 60 or so of our friends….geez….

Here comes the Romney flip, flops, and spins…

Well…not sure if this is going to be short or not since I always do these off the top of my head…and no, it doesn’t hurt…not really….the thing I wanted to talk about his morning is the immediate spin that ole Mitt put on his immigration stands since he became the presumptive nominee for the repubs….during the primary campaign, ole Mitt was adamant that there would be no pathway to citizenship for any illegal immigrants in this country, going so far as to call all of them criminals and proposing they all be rounded up and sent back to Mexico…or wherever they come from….but now, he trots out Marco Rubio and says that he will consider a form of the dream act if he becomes president that would allow illegals to stay here if they meet some requirements for citizenship that he has not defined yet…can’t anyone else see this as just and egregious case of pandering to a group that he needs to get elected? I know…big surprise that a politician is pandering to any group…but, this is just the latest in ole Mitt’s compulsion to say anything to anybody to get votes…what the heck does he really believe? Good luck with this change Mitt…you may gain a little with Hispanics, but your base is going to run for the hills…and you deserve it…geez….

Mitt Romney is still an idiot…or still a liar…you choose….

Well…got back into reading the papers today before I go out on the bike and I think that may be a good combo since the quiet time on the bike gives me time to digest what I’ve read and partially write some of these…and there was an interesting article in the WAPO this morning about the Romney campaign taking Obama to task for what they say is the collapse of small business creation on his watch citing a report that came out in the past few days…the only catch is that the authors of the report came back to rebut the claims of the geniuses on ole Mitt’s staff saying that they used the numbers wrong and interpreted it wrong…but, that didn’t stop ole Mitt’s guys from trying to tell the authors that they were wrong…this coming from the same team of idiots that gave us the financial meltdown, deregulation, and almost drove us into a depression. In case you didn’t know, almost the entire GW Bush economic team has moved en masse over to run ole Mitt’s campaign…so, if you loved the meltdown, the continued concentration of wealth, and the gutting of the middle class, you’ll love these guys…because what they propose for Romney is just more of the same of that crap. So, that leaves us with the title…what ole Mitt does not seem to understand is how most small businesses are created…with personal credit, home equity, and borrowing from banks, family, and friends….all avenues that have disappeared with the meltdown…but, ole Mitt just doesn’t get that…he thinks that everyone can just go to their account in the Cayman’s and get the money to start a business…and when the supposed “CEO” of America doesn’t understand that, it calls into question whether he understands anything about the economy…or, he’s just being the cynical liar that he has been throughout the campaign…neither of which qualifies him to be president.

One last thing on the Romneys…

Well…with this whole flap about “working” women and the outpouring of support for women who are fortunate enough to be able to choose to stay home and raise their children and the sainthood that is being bestowed on Ann Romney by the right, let’s not get the annointing oil out just yet…..let’s remember that when she said it was so hard to raise 5 kids and it was so much work, her situation has absolutely no resemblance to what most normal folks go through raising their families. Most families don’t have cadres of nannies, maids, drivers, and assistants to do the grunt work that has to be done to run a normal family..I wonder when the last time was that either Ann or Mitt drove to the dry cleaners or coached their soccer games or stayed up all night with a sick child? This is just another instance where the rich can never understand what the rest of the world is like for real working people….and then they try to tell the rest of us how to run our lives when they can’t conceive what it is like to live in America without the connections and inheritances that have insulated them from the real world…why don’t you just go back to your gated communities and leave the rest of us alone…and stop trying to take what little is left of the safety net away…don’t you already have enough?