Category Archives: Politics

We don’t need no stinkin’ facts…

Well…I know I’ve been on the case of the repubs for their breathtaking lies over the past couple of months but it has been earned by them….starting with the Romney campaign responding to the media’s calling them out on the lies by saying “we are not going to let fact checkers run our campaign”….basically saying that they are going to continue to lie since the only other thing they have is tax cuts for the rich and benefit cuts and tax increases for everyone else. Then, we have ole Ryan’s speech last night that was all lies and misrepresentations that have been pointed out by many, many media outlets…even Fox news has called him a liar and when fox criticizes any repub, hell is certainly freezing over. The most egregious of ole Paul’s lies center on two things…the first being the GM plant that closed in Ryan’s hometown with Ryan saying it was Obama’s fault…but, the uncomfortable fact is that the closing was announced in the spring of 2008….months before Obama was elected…what was he supposed to do? Invent a time machine and go back to save the plant? The second huge lie centers on the cuts to Medicare PROVIDERS that is included in the ACA…again, Ryan lied when he said it was BENEFIT cuts that would mean there would be 716 billion dollars less in care for seniors because of the ACA. the irony here is that the repub touted Ryan budget does exactly the same thing with exactly the same cuts. These guys have taken lying to a whole new level that I have never seen in a presidential campaign….if they lie about this, what else are they lying about? Geez…

The liars convention…

Well…I think things may be changing in the coverage of the repubs lie machine that is their convention and that makes me smile just a little bit…it started this morning with the fact checker in the Post gutting the theme of “you didn’t build that” that the whole convention has been built around and the deliberate lies the repubs using to support it…then, we had ole Rick Santorum going on about the “gutting of the work requirement” for public support that is also a huge lie…and then moving into all of the other speeches that are still pushing the idea that tax cuts and deregulation will get the economy moving when it it exactly those policies that have gotten us to where we are. Then there are the racists that threw peanuts at an African-American camera operator and shouted “this is what we feed animals” all the while still asking for Obama’s birth certificate. But, finally, the media is starting to challenge these idiots and their war on women, their war on the truth, and their war on the American middle class….the desperation is starting to show because they know that if they don’t win this year they never will…the crazy right wing rhetoric and demographics will make the repub party just a footnote in political life here in the US and none too soon…geez…

Jerry Ford is spinning in his grave…

Well…reading the news this morning, I see there is a love-fest going on for Jerry Ford at the repub convention in Florida this week and all I could think of is that Jerry must be spinning in his grave. In today’s repub party, Jerry would never even get nominated with the right wing ideologues that have taken over and driven the party into a caricature of what it was when Jerry was in Washington. All of the things Jerry stood for…putting the country above party, compromise to get the best solution for the most people, and for the fairness that used to be what this country stood for is now anathema to the idiots that are the supposed statesmen and “brains” of the party. Jerry would laugh at Ryan, Romney, McConnell, Palin, Bachmann and the rest of them….he would rightly say that these are small politicians who have never understood what true conservatism is and who have no clue that government is compromise; not the scorched earth combat they have turned it into. He would laugh at the tea party idiots and their “keep your damn government hands off my Medicare” slogans and dismiss them as the destructive force they are…he would laugh at how easily they are manipulated by the big money interests that have as their agenda the destruction of the jobs that the tea partiers now have….

Jerry Ford was a man of integrity, honor, and duty that the idiots like Ryan and Romney could never stand next to and I find it personally offensive that the congressman that I voted for, that I held up as the model for how to govern is being used by these charlatans to make themselves look like they are the same, moderate party that Jerry belonged to….shame on you…geez…

Ole Jase is running from Roy…

Well…this is a topic that I just need to come back to since it is the most egregious attempt at voter fraud perpetrated by the repubs this year…well…not really, the voter suppression laws that were voted on here in Michigan were worse but at least Snyder vetoed some of them. What happened in the past couple of days is that Jase Bolger the speaker of the repub controlled house here in Michigan has basically thrown Roy Schmidt under the bus as he tries to protect his power in Lansing…even though his fingerprints were all over ole Roy’s change to the repubs from the dems and the manipulation of the process to make sure there would be no dem challenger. Ole Jase has said that Roy is basically dead in the water and has abandoned him as his plans have blown up in his face. That is just like the repubs…no moral compass, just political nonsense to win at all costs…geez…

Mitt is still a liar…

Well…this is going to be a short one about ole Mitt’s smug comment the other day that “no one has ever asked me for my birth certificate” while he was campaigning in Michigan….today, we find that it was just another lie since a reporter named Jim Newell came forward and tweeted that he has asked ole Mitt numerous times for the certificate…does this guy just have to lie about everything? Just points out that ole Mitt will say anything to get elected….and most of them are lies…I was going to quote a Pink Floyd lyric but I don’t want another letter from the record company…

I just can’t believe this crap…

Well…it has been a day in politics…not a lot happened but we did have the tone-deaf ole Mitt spout in Michigan that “no one ever asked me for my birth certificate” and I’m not sure what he was getting at…did he mean that this is a difference between he and Obama that should matter in the election? It appears that ole Mitt has embraced the crazy-assed right wing of the repub party…no, that’s wrong…the whole republican party is a crazy-assed right wingers and all Mitt was doing was playing to the birthers. I hope he keeps this crap up because it is defining himself as one of the fringe…one other thing, the head of the repub party is tacitly admitting that the repub platform to be adopted at the convention is so far right it only appeals to the very right base by saying the the platform belongs to the repub party and not ole Mitt…how the hell does that work? Is Mitt not part of the repub party? I just love seeing them contort themselves to justify the craziness…this kind of stuff used to only happen with the real fringes like the John Birch Society…and now it is the repub party…geez…

Just a little noodling…

Well…I’ve been sitting here thinking about what to write for the second one of the day and have had no luck…so, that means I have to just wander around a bit and see what happens…I think I’ll go out to the Post and try to find something…okay…no luck…so I’ll pose a question…why is work taxed at a higher rate now than investment? Why shouldn’t all income be treated the same? Why should a billionaire who makes his money through investment pay 14% while the worker sweating in a foundry or auto plant pays 30%? I think it all has to do with the lack of respect the repubs have for workers as evidenced by all of the ways they have tried to hurt them over the years. The Ryan budget would do more of the same…give more tax breaks to the rich while raising our taxes…doesn’t anyone else see this as immoral? This, coming from the party that holds themselves out as the morally superior one…the family values party…since when did stealing the whole country for the rich become a family value? And, when did women agree to give up all of their rights to their own bodies when they become pregnant as the repubs are putting in their platform….I am getting a little tired of pointing this stuff out to people…but, if not me, who? geez…

A short one on Medicare…

Well….had to comment on the new Romney ad that says he will restore all of the cuts to Medicare that happen under the ACA…as I said a couple of days ago, the cuts to Medicare that are contained in the ACA are to the big drug companies, for profit hospitals and other providers of service to Medicare recipients…not to Medicare recipients themselves…people on Medicare will see NO service change. But, you know what that means….that Romney doesn’t care about the growth in health costs in this country since most of them go to profits for the people that support him and will continue to make the 1% even richer on the backs of everyone else…so, when you hear the lies of ole Mitt, remember what he lives for…to concentrate more wealth in his buddies hands…geez…

Had to come back to this one….again…

Well….I have talked about this topic, of the voter fraud that was perpetrated by the house majority leader here in Michigan, Jase Bolger, and the turncoat Roy Schmidt, before, but with every day there come new revelations that need to be shouted until our prosecutor here in Kent county, Forsyth, actually starts enforcing the law…if these were Dem shenanigans, you could bet he would have had them indicted and a trial date set by now. Mr. Forsyth’s excuse is that he wanted to make sure that the people know that this was going on before the election, so he shut down the investigation even though warrants had been issued to continue gathering evidence of this clear felony. What is stopping him from continuing the investigation now? After all, cases are reopened all the time when new evidence is discovered. How can anyone continue to respect the law when the repubs are in charge and selectively choose to enforce the law only when it won’t hurt them politically? This is just plain malfeasance and if Forsyth doesn’t do anything about this, he should be removed from office…geez…

The troglodytes are running the GOP…

Well…just a short one on a couple of troubling things that I have talked about before but I think they bear repeating…with the rape nonsense that is going on in Missouri by the gop senate candidate there, along with all of the anti-science legislation being passed in repub controlled states across the country…there is only one conclusion that can be reached: that the troglodytes have taken over the repub party…I just want to shout at them ‘fire good, learning good” whenever any one of them wants to equate the religious nonsense that pervades this country with true thought and science….we have become the laughingstock of the world when supposedly serious people of the gop go on and on about the fact that they don’t need science because they have god to tell them what to do…and this is exactly why idiots like Todd Akin are so dangerous to this country. As you know, these ideas pervade the gop and is a primary reason that they have become as crazy as they are….geez…