Category Archives: Politics

Mitt stumbles again…

Well…I am laughing quite hard today as I watch ole Mitt put his foot in it again and show that he does not have the temperment or the intelligence to be president; especially when it comes to the diplomatic nuances that are necessary to operate in a complex world. In Israel the other day, while he was trying to raise foreign money to support his campaign, ole Mitt gave a long, rambling answer to a question on the economic success of the Israelis versus the poverty that most Palestinians endure basically saying that it’s the Palestinians fault that they have not had as much success. Now, does this guy even understand that everyone can hear him when he spouts this nonsense? Does he even understand that, god forbid he gets elected, that he has to deal with everyone not just the friends of the US? In one fell swoop, this idiot has destroyed any goodwill that we may have garnered and has set the middle east peace process back 50 years since the Palestinians will never trust a Romney administration. This is just like all of the repubs, though, they only care about those who vote for them…everyone else can go to hell….geez…

Almost forgot this one…

Well….I really laughed at the stupidity of the Romney “advisers” the other day when they made a comment before ole Mitt’s trip to England that Romney would be a better friend of England since they “shared an Anglo-Saxon heritage”…basically code words that it’s because ole Mitt is white and Obama isn’t. I laugh because there is a thriving community of citizens of color in England but I guess the repubs think of England just like they think of the US…that if you’re not rich and white, they don’t have to think about you and they have no use for you…especially if you are not a fellow repub…and, there was another thing that happened that shows that ole Mitt can only talk to his base and has no clue about how diplomacy works…as he was interviewed before the trip, he expressed concerns that England had the capability to pull off the games and insulted every Englishman in the process….do we need this idiot supporting the stereotype that Americans are stupid and full of themselves? I just can’t believe that anyone that has made so many mistakes is even close to Obama…maybe no one is paying attention….geez…

At least they’re consistent…

Well…this is going to be just a short one to comment on the whole “you didn’t build that..” flap that has been used by ole Mitt and his folks to attack Obama as being against business and businessmen. The whole idea of the repub attack is that individuals, not government create jobs and they roll out a small business owner that crows that he built his business on his own, without anyone’s help…the problem is he didn’t…this idiot got small business loans from the SBA and the last time I checked, the Small Business Administration is part of government and the loans were “government money” that the repubs just know can’t create jobs. This just reminds me of the tea partiers at their rallies waving around signs saying “keep your government hands off my Medicare” and it makes me laugh just as much. At least ole Mitt and his folks are consistent in their lies…in fact every time they open their mouths, they lie…I don’t think they can help it…especially since it works when the press doesn’t pay attention…geez…

A Romney win will be illegitimate…

Well….have had this thought rattling around in my head for the past month or so and thought I’d get it down before I forget to deal with it…what happens if the voter suppression efforts by the repubs work and Romney is elected by a margin smaller than those votes that were prevented by the fake voter fraud laws that have been passed by repubs across the country? To me, it would make his presidency no more valid than Putin’s in Russia where it was clear that much of the vote was fraudulent….what does that say about our country that we no longer have “free and fair” elections but ones that have been rigged by the repubs? With all of the talk from the repubs of their love for the country and our sytems, they obviously are the most un-American party in the history of our country and are the cause of the political dysfunction that we see….no one else is to blame, just them…and, just as the unfounded wars and torture that the repubs supported ruined our standing with the rest of the world, how can we ask or tell other countries to have fair elections when ours are just as rigged as any banana republic….geez….

The republicans really are crazy….

Well…came across this amazing little fact when I was watching Colbert the other day and it popped up in an article in the papers today to remind me of how crazy the repubs have gotten over the past couple of years…and I really need to put a long quote from the platform of the repub party from Texas in to get started…”We oppose the teaching of higher order thinking skills…and similar programs which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the students fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority…” okay…are you as blindsided as I am? Basically, what the GOP in Texas is saying is that they don’t want their children to be able to think, to be able to compare facts and reason, or to challenge dogma that is riddled with superstition and lies. So, whatever their ignorant parents teach them about the spaghetti monster in the sky, or that the president is a muslim, socialist, Martian can no longer be challenged by the facts as long as it is “fixed belief”…no wonder the US is falling so far behind the rest of the world in competitiveness and even respect…how can the rest of the world respect a country that has one of its major parties so full of crazies, that treat objective fact as lesser than opinion, and who elevate the purveyors of this nonsense to leadership roles? I fear for this country if the repubs get their way….

I do need to give a little props to Leonard Pitts for his article today where I got the quote from the platform….

The republicans are still idiots…

Well…read a couple of interesting articles over the past couple of days and a few thoughts have been jelling, so I thought I’d try to make some sense of them…first, if you’ve been following the news at all lately, one of the attack lines ole Mitt and the other repubs have been using is the tired old idea that government spending can’t create jobs and the stimulus program was a failure because of that “fact”….and they go on, and on, and on about it almost every time they open their mouths…so I find it increasingly funny that the repubs in the house are issuing dire warnings about what will happen to Virginia and other heavily military dependent states if the cuts to military spending are allowed to happen the first of the year. The repub governor of Virginia even went so far as to say that the “hairdressers, restaurants, hardware stores, and all other businesses” will be hurt if spending drops. Okay, let me get this straight…government spending can’t create jobs but when it stops it can destroy jobs? Logic would seem to dictate that these jobs must have been created by government spending if stopping the spending will destroy them….oh, I almost forgot, the repubs don’t use logic, just gut feeling and fairy dust. I am so disappointed that some reporter hasn’t gone up to ole Mitt and asked him to explain this conundrum…I wonder if it only the government spending that the repubs like that creates jobs? More nonsense from the nonsense party…geez…

The arrogance of the Romneys…

Well…this is going to be a short one on the astounding arrogance of ole Mitt and his wife…who will not let any opportunity pass to make sure we all know they are our betters…and that arrogance has run through this entire election campaign and I just need a couple of quotes from Ann Romney to cut through the nonsense that they are just like the rest of the 99% of us. The first happened a few months back when Ann was asked why Mitt should be president and her answer was “it’s our turn now”…It’s our turn now? Just like their lives that have been built on crony capitalism…these folks have the same feeling that runs through the rich, that they have earned everything they have and now feel that because they have been good 1%’ers that they are owed the presidency. But, even worse..ole Ann was on one of the morning talk shows this week and asked about releasing more tax returns to meet the standards of every other candidate since ole Mitt’s father…and her comment was ‘we’ve given you people all you need to know”….basically saying that you are beneath us and how dare you request anything more of us. This is the arrogance of the rich in this country…and I, for one, don’t need to hear any more of it from them….geez…

Maybe John McCain is regaining his soul….

Well…this is going to be a short one on the jaw dropping assertions by Michelle Bachmann that a muslim aide of Hillary Clinton’s is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and is, in effect, a traitor that is trying to bring Islamic rule to the US. Yep, in the world of Bachmann crazy, this one is even crazier than most and just shows how stupid and biased these folks are. But, then, along comes John McCain (who lost his soul in the last election and is entirely responsible for unleashing Sarah Palin on the US) to rise to a full throated defense of this woman, calling her a great American for her service to the country and slapping ole Michelle for her normal nonsense….now, if he could just do the same to the tea party idiots that he helped get elected so we can get back to some sanity in the national discourse…geez…

Mitt’s just such an easy target…

Well…I know you may be getting tired of all of the focus here on ole Mitt, but he is just so darn tone deaf about everything that I just have to keep hitting these hanging curveballs. The latest bit of idiocy from his campaign just points up the crony capitalism that is part and parcel of the circles he runs in and should disqualify him from the presidency if only for his stupidity. The latest, if you haven’t heard, is his fundraiser that is being put on in London in a couple of weeks…and who is it being put on by? The chairs of this event are all involved with the interest rate fixing scandal that just cost Barclays bank (headed by one of Romneys supporters) 450 million dollars in fines…and these folks include at least three other bank executives that are also involved in the scandal….one of them being Barclays chief lobbyist in Washington. So, these are the type of people that Romney is “pallin’ around with” and who are trying to buy Romney the election so they can steal even more money by their unethical behavior. Is this the kind of America we want…one where the banks can steal with the blessing of the president? I sure don’t…but if anyone votes for Romney, that is exactly the America we’ll get….geez….

Gonna keep piling on ole Mitt….

Well….I had to laugh the other day when ole Mitt came out and said that some of the things that the dems have said about him and his time at Bain have hurt his feelings and that Obama should apologize for the ads….what would ole Mitt do if another world leader called him names or hurt his feelings…would he ask for an apology? This just points up something that Mitt has been his entire career…thin skinned and eager to play the victim…would he do this going up against Putin? I think he just doesn’t have the stones to be a world leader and to have someone actively oppose what he thinks…when that happens, he crawls back to his rich supporters and insular world to lick his wounds. How is he going to stand up to anyone when he has never had to in his entire privileged life?

Oh, one last thing that I found interesting in the papers today is the speculation that the reason ole Mitt won’t release his tax returns from 2009 is that he may have been one of the Americans that took the IRS amnesty for hiding income in Swiss banks and not paying the taxes he owed on it. With the revelation of the hidden accounts in the Cayman Islands and the other financial chicanery that he has used to avoid paying his fair share of taxes…this could be the smoking gun that finally reveals how un-American ole Mitt really is…geez…