Well….with the idiot trump and his cronies freaking out about Comey’s testimony tomorrow, another voice is weighing in to try to obstruct the testimony and discredit it before it happens. A super pac that is run by Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich is running ads both online and on radio and tv attacking Comey and and his personality…along with his trustworthiness….now, to me, this is witness tampering at it’s worse…using character assassination to try to obstruct the investigation into trump and his obvious collusion with Russia before and during the election….this kind of thing has never happened in the US before and if it was done in any trial in any court across this country, these two idiots would be hauled before the court and charged….if our system still works, these two should be in court explaining themselves tomorrow…impeach…
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
Don’t get too excited by Comey…
Well…there is so much hype building about Thursday’s Comey testimony to the senate, I think it’s time to throttle that back a little…I’m pretty sure that there are not going to be any bombshells in the testimony given that Comey is not going to want to screw up the investigation for Mueller by saying anything that may interfere with that investigation…I think it will be more that “yes he met with the idiot trump” but there will be not much else in it…he will let Mueller build the case that he knows is there for obstruction of justice. On that note, we have trump having Tom Cotton and Marco Rubio to the WH tonight to coordinate the obstruction….since Cotton and Rubio are going to be two senators that are going to be asking Comey questions Thursday…anyone want to bet that all of their questions are going to be about the bad, bad leaks that are the real problem? One thing to watch for is the threat that the idiot trump made to live tweet Comey’s testimony to try to call him a liar, I guess….that could be fun to see….stay tuned….impeach…
The 110 billion dollar deal that wasn’t…
Well…as the liar in chief and village idiot trump embarrassed us with his tour of Europe last week, he shot his big mouth off saying that he had brokered a deal to sell 110 billion dollars in weapons to Saudi Arabia…and it is the greatest, bigliest deal ever….but, there is one little problem with that…there is no deal…there are no contracts, there is no senate approval…no nothing…in fact this great deal is just agreements to start talking about maybe selling some new weapons to the Saudis…and all of it was started under the Obama administration…you miss him yet? So, as always, trump lied…and one good thing is that the media is starting to call this crap what it is…lies, lies, and more lies….and the world is starting to get it too, with the UK and Germany saying that they can’t trust a word that trump says so they are not going to pay any attention to him….understand that…the rest of the world has trump’s number and know that is useless to listen to anything he says…really making America great again….impeach…
An interesting team….
Well….I know I’m running late for the second one today but just couldn’t find something that interested me…..but, with reading an article on Mueller’s team that is investigating trump and his cronies, I found it. Just a little thing, really…but one I found quite telling…on the team that Mueller has assembled, you find the requisite amount of lawyers, but one is not a lawyer but is a history professor…whose specialty is…wait for it…impeachment. So, we know where Mueller thinks this is going, or why include an impeachment specialist? I am now allowing myself to have hope for this country and that trump and his cronies are going to end up in jail…where they belong…impeach…
Paris climate accords…
Well….as the idiot manchild blunders around the world wreaking havoc everywhere he goes, he has now topped his disastrous European trip with pulling the US out of the Paris climate accords. and the reasons he used to justify it are just laughable…that he wants to negotiate a “better deal” for the US…with that comment you know he knows absolutely nothing about the agreement…I have news for you idiot…you be negotiating with yourself since every country that signed the agreement sets their own goals…it’s not imposed on us by some shadowy UN government as trump seems to think…and withdrawing puts us in the company of Syria and Nicaragua….and Nicaragua didn’t sign because they didn’t think the agreement went far enough. This idiot thinks that by pulling out of the agreement that coal jobs will come back…that’s not going to happen…natural gas, wind and solar are now cheaper than burning coal and no generating business is going to raise their cost just to appease trump. All across the globe, countries are getting out of the coal burning business with China cancelling all new coal plants and taking the lead in solar now that the US has abdicated it leadership of the world…this is making America great again? Impeach this stupid sun of a bitch before it’s too late…..
Trump rolls over for the Russians….
Well….if you had any doubt that the idiot trump is in the pockets of the Russians, another piece of damning evidence surfaced today with trump’s intention of giving back to them two estates that were taken by Obama for the Russians using them to spy on the US and interfere in our election. Yep, the idiot is now rewarding the Russians for electing him by allowing them to go back to estates that were and will be used to spy on the US…and this from the party that is supposed to be so strong on national defense and protecting the US from our enemies…let’s just give them more tools to spy on us….what’s next? The idiot trump lets them have their own office in the White House? This is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard of….and that is going a long way after seeing all of the idiocy from trump and his cronies…impeach…
Rut ro…trump…
Well….the noose tightens on the evil orange one today and I am grinning a little because of it…it was just announced a little while ago that the special prosecutor in the trump/Russia collusion investigation has just brought the head of the of the DOJ fraud division to help with the investigation. This is really, really bad news for the idiot trump…the person brought in, Andrew Weissmann, is a specialist in guess what? Corporate wrongdoing and foreign corruption. Some of his big cases were European banks who were gaming the system…where he got prosecutions and settlements in the tens of billions of dollars…and do you remember the VW emissions fraud case? Yep…this guy was responsible for nailing them. So, if trump is not curled up in a little ball in his bathrobe, I’m pretty sure he will be in the very near future…oh, and Mueller has the power to get trump’s tax returns which I think will be the place for Weissmann to start…get the popcorn ready…impeach….
Stupid, stupid, trump….
Well….I was laughing my butt off yesterday when I read the pure propaganda that came out of the WH praising the idiot trump for the bestest, most wonderful foreign trip in the history of the US…I’m not making that up, the debacle of trump overseas is going to “bring the world together” to quote Sean Spicer. But, that’s not what this one is about…this one is about how trump has pissed off the intelligence community so much that the entire NSA has now been ordered to go through every signal intercept for the past two years to gather evidence on trump’s collusion with the Russians…and anything else that trump or his cronies were involved in…..stupid, stupid, trump…you now have at least 6 investigations going against your criminality and now the most powerful intelligence gathering institution in the world has you in it’s sights…man, I’m not sure if anyone else in the world could have screwed up so badly if they had tried. And now, we have Comey going in front of the senate next week to tell them how you tried to obstruct justice by killing the Russia investigation…what an inept, stupid man…impeach…
Poor trumpista snowflakes…
Well…I just laughed my ass off a few minutes ago when I read that some poor trumpistas were so offended by Roger Waters and his savage attack on the idiot trump at his concert in Kansas City last night, that they walked out…I’m still laughing at that…now, have none of these people ever seen Roger Waters? They do know “The Wall” is one of the strongest attacks on fascism and the establishment in rock history, don’t they? Did they expect that he wouldn’t attack the bloated idiot that represents the worst of greed, thuggery, and ignorance in our country? Oh, and they freaked out when some kids came on the stage in “Resist” t-shirts when he did “Another brick in the Wall”…I wonder what their next complaint will be? That their first amendment rights were violated by having to hear something that was true? Poor babies….oh, and the concert is out on you tube if you want to see it….melt snowflakes, melt….
Goodbye world leadership…
Well…with the debacle of a trip that the idiot trump had last week, I have to agree with Angela Merkle….the US is not seen as a world leader anymore…and she added that Europe will have to go it alone since they can no longer depend on the US. This appears to be exactly the script that Putin wrote…to split Europe away from the US and by electing the idiot boy, sideline the US in the struggle for world power…and this was further emphasized by Russia deepening it’s ties with Italy just this past week. Most analysts thought that trump was actually working for the Russians since his atrocious behavior in Europe did nothing but help Putin by driving a wedge between the US and Europe…and came close to destroying the alliance that has kept the peace in Europe for more than 70 years. I wonder if this is “Making America Great Again”? Probably in the idiot trumps eyes but not in the world’s. I am astounded that this idiot took our world leadership and completely destroyed it in 4 months…and the destruction continues….impeach…