Tag Archives: Mitt Romney

The first election one…

Well…still not feeling too hot but I thought I’d get one out on the election before I melt into the couch and lick the wounds for the day…I am so surprised that this election is even close…and you’ve heard me say that before…in my lifetime I have never seen anyone lie like ole Mitt…I think that someone that has so little relationship with the truth is truly a sociopath bordering on being mentally ill…but I see that trait in many of the rich in this country, people who are only grounded in the reality of their gated communities and are shocked when people challenge the lies or their sense of entitlement…one example from here in West Michigan was from one of our richest families who just couldn’t understand why Ada township wouldn’t just automatically approve the construction of a heliport at their compound, even though these types of construction are expressly forbidden by ordinances that govern the township…they were truly shocked when they had to live by the laws that govern “them” and the snit they threw showed them for who they are…oh, this one was supposed to be one on politics…well..it is, of sorts…aren’t you folks tired of rich people trying to tell you how to run your lives when they have no frickin clue what it like to actually work for a living? I know I’ve had enough of it geez…

Shouldn’t being delusional disqualify ole Mitt?

Well…have been reading a bunch today and this thought came to me given the way that ole Mitt is acting in this last week of election season: “shouldn’t being delusional disqualify any candidate for the presidency?” After all, you have ole Mitt out on his “Victory Tour” over the weekend and to hear people within his campaign, Mitt truly believes that he is going to win in a landslide…never mind that all of the swing state polls have Obama ahead and the trend is moving toward him…and you have ole Mitt blaming the dysfunction in the congress on Obama as well…conveniently forgetting that it was his party that made it their life’s work to make sure Obama was not successful…and conveniently forgetting that in Mass he vetoed over 800 bills that were put up by the dem controlled legislature and they were all overridden…so this just goes to the ultimate delusion that ole Mitt has…that he has been successful in anything other than destroying peoples lives…getting set up in business by daddies friends is not a success…lying, lying, and lying is not a success…and losing this election is not a success…okay, it is to me when he loses…

It’s reverso Mitt and more shenanigans…

Well…I am so sick of the crap coming out of ole Mitt’s campaign…I have never ever heard of a politician or even a private citizen that has less core than ole Mitt…who lies and lies and lies…in a better world, people would laugh at this idiot and send him back to his house with the car elevator and Bain where he can only hurt the companies that Bain owns, not the entire country…and this latest, where Mitt is on tape saying he would get rid of FEMA and being quite adamant about it in the primaries…but, today, he turns into reverso Mitt and says that he wouldn’t eliminate FEMA…what is it Mitt? FEMA or no FEMA? How did this guy get to where he is…I guess this is just another example of money trumping competence or even honesty. Then, we have the shenanigans in Wisconsin, where the Romney campaign is training thousands of “poll watchers” to go into the poll and mislead people to suppress the vote, slow down the vote so people will go home when they see the long lines that will result. Is there any greater threat to our democracy than the modern Republican party? I’ve never seen this kind of gaming of an election…and if ole Mitt wins…I will never recognize it as legitimate…this amoral idiot is damaging our country to it’s core just to win…again, no principles other than winning…it makes me sick…geez…

Yeah, let’s abolish FEMA…

Well…events of this week just point out the stupidity of the repubs arguments that the federal government is too big and needs to be shrunk by over 30%…and this culminated in ole Mitt’s pledge to eliminate FEMA in a speech this past week…now, I’m not an advocate of government doing everything, but there are some things that the federal government is uniquely suited to do…and this is one of them, coordinating disaster response across the many states that are going to be affected by hurricane Sandy and making sure that the people in the affected areas are safe. In this time of cash-strapped state governments, ole Mitt’s ideas of letting the states go it alone in a natural disaster is unconscionable…that spreading of the risk and the costs of recovery is exactly what a nation should do…but in ole Mitt’s jaundiced eye it is every man for himself…what’s next? Make the cities and towns that are affected go it alone, too? That brings me to the nonsense that both Ryan and Eric Cantor pushed during the tornadoes that devastated Joplin…that is that there will be no disaster relief until there are budget cuts to pay for them…tell that to the 50 million people that are going to targeted by this storm…what a bunch of uncaring, ideology driven idiots….geez…

Okay…I was a little mistaken about the timing of ole Mitt’s comments…they were from 2011…so far back that they surely can’t be his views now…that was a little sarcasm…but the one nugget that I missed was his idea to move disaster relief to the “private sector”…so now he advocates letting his rich buddies make profit from the misery of his fellow citizens? So, I wonder what the price is of a rescue from a terrible storm? Your house? Your car? Your life savings? I just can’t believe this election is even close…wake up, folks…

Back to the “let’s scare em” playbook

Well…I am just appalled at the stupidity or the willful lying about the auto industry that came out of ole Mitt’s campaign yesterday….if it’s stupidity, then ole Mitt is not the sharp businessman that he purports to be, and if it’s lying…yeah, I know, he lies all the time so what is the big deal? Yesterday, in a speech in Ohio, ole Mitt came on stage and attacked Obama by saying that Chrysler is going to move all Jeep production to China because of too much regulation, yadda, yadda….but in the report that he quoted for his information, it was clear that Chrysler said no such thing…they said they were going to look at restarting Jeep production in China for the Chinese market….and they came out with a letter to ole Mitt saying that it was just an overheated fantasy that they were moving any production…and then stated they were ADDING 1,100 jobs in Detroit…something that ole Mitt didn’t want to hear since those jobs are a direct result of the auto bailout that he vehemently opposed. As always, ole Mitt didn’t think about the workers in those plants in Toledo that he said were closing…he didn’t think about the shock that would come from losing everything…he only thought of them as a prop for his campaign and as a way to get votes…what an amoral piece of crap ole Mitt is…geez…

No contest…

Well…even though I was out for quite a while last night, I did get the chance to watch a good portion of the debate last night…I wonder if I should even call it a debate? I mean, Obama just mopped the floor with ole Mitt and exposed him for the know nothing hack politician that he is. I am glad that Obama finally pointed out to the public how ole Mitt’s stands change form day to day, not a good thing for a president, especially in a dangerous world…can you imagine ole Mitt going up against any of the bad guys in the world? After watching the gerbil on meth look he had again last night with the smirks, the blank stare, and the excessive eye blinking, it looked like he was having a stroke as he tried to regurgitate the standard talking point nonsense. The most striking thing for me was the fact that he agreed with almost everything that Obama has been doing in foreign policy…so why should anyone vote for ole Mitt? I just think there is no depth there….geez,,,

Is Romney violating the law?

Well…I know I’ve been doing a bunch of these today but a new revelation on ole Mitt’s sketchiness surfaced on Twitter and I thought I’d write a short one about it. As you probably already know, there has been an epidemic of repub business owners telling their employees that they should vote for ole Mitt with dire consequences if they don’t, with one idiot in Florida telling his thousand employees that if Obama wins he is going to close the business and fire everyone. Ole Mitt was caught talking to donors and giving them the same advice, in direct violation of the 1965 voting rights act….so, he is either too stupid to understand that you can’t intimidate people to vote for you or he just doesn’t care…after all, laws don’t mean much to the repubs unless they can use them for their own benefit…geez…

A short one on oil leases…

Well…I just wanted to do a short one on the crap about oil and gas leases that ole Mitt tried to hit Obama with last night saying that the number of leases have gone down under Obama…but, he conveniently ignored the fact that the oil companies are sitting on over 7,000 leases right now that they certainly don’t plan on using any time soon…you can issue a million leases but if the oil companies like the supply and price the way it is (which they do), they will never do anything (like bringing more supply to market that will lower prices) to upset that balance that they now possess. The other fact that exists here that ole Mitt conveniently ignores is that any new supply can be sold into the world market to go to China or anywhere else…just like the tar sands oil that will come through the Keystone pipeline and it will have no effect on our energy independence. Unless, of course, ole Mitt would pass a law saying that any new supply must stay in North America…which he would never be allowed to do by his oil company masters…and, if by some miracle he grew a spine and passed such a law, the oil companies would just stop drilling here to maintain low supplies and high prices in their largest market. I know ole Mitt doesn’t show that he understands economics at all…but I learned this stuff in Econ 101 many years ago and still remember it…maybe he could go back to Harvard for some remedial classes? Geez…

I just can’t believe it..

Well…with the latest polls that show that women are now putting ole Mitt ahead in the national race, I just can’t believe it. I know that it jibes with the rest of the folks that vote republican…those lower income folks that don’t seem to realize that by voting for them, they are cutting their own throats, they are giving up Medicare and Social Security; programs that these people count on to continue to live and have lives that are not mired in the abject poverty which was prevalent before they came along. But, the biggest puzzlement to me is the swing of women voters to ole Mitt…what the hell are they thinking? do they want their bodies to be controlled by the government and not by them? Do they want the recovery that is now just getting moving stopped in its tracks by the misguided ideas that have been proven wrong time and again? Do they want their 401K’s and IRAs to take another hit like they did under the 8 years of Bush? I just can’t understand what women are thinking these days….or anyone else that would vote for ole Mitt…maybe there is an outbreak of mass stupidity…what other explanation is there?

A little more noodling…

Well…I have been cleaning all morning and my living room finally looks like it should and the cobwebs and dust are finally gone…so I thought I’d sit down here for a sec and see if anything comes to me….I find it funny that no one is calling ole Mitt out on the fact that he is pretending to be a moderate now and taking moderate stances on abortion and other issues that are in direct conflict with what he has been saying for the past year…as I’ve said before…this guy just has no core and has raised pandering to a whole new level…finally, I think Obama has figured out what he has to do at the next debate and that is to go after Romney and his lies….okay…not feeling it right now so I’ll come back and do a better one later…

Okay it is later and after reading a little I do have just two short ones to add…ole Mitt is at his callous best again with a talking point stump speech where he is using the death of a Navy Seal that he met once to show his support for the troops…the problem with this speech is that the mother of the Seal has specifically asked ole Mitt to stop using her son for political gain…and, of course, ole Mitt is so tone deaf that he just keeps on using this young man’s death to try to make himself seem more compassionate…what a cruel excuse for a human being….especially from a draft dodger that spent the years of Vietnam on a “mission” to convert people in France, using his dad’s political connections to get two deferments so he didn’t have to live up to his responsibilities to the country…geez….okay, that’s only one…I’ll get to the other one later in a separate post…