Tag Archives: Texas

Doing nothing against ISIS?

Well…just finished reading about another ignorant right winger, Lamar Smith, a congressman from Texas who said today that Obama is doing “nothing” to combat ISIS in the middle east and it is a shame that Jordan and Egypt are doing more….how many more times do we have to use facts to try to puncture the bubble of ignorance for these folks? The facts are that the US has launched 8 times more airstrikes against ISIS that all of the other countries in the middle east combined…that our command and control systems like AWACS are used to plan and control every attack no matter what country the planes come from…and our satellites and intelligence gathering assets are the only ones that have the capability to find out what is happening on the ground. I think it would be a big surprise to our pilots and planners over there that they are doing nothing and it is just a part of the truth of the right these days…that they don’t give a damn about the service of the military unless they can use it to attack Obama…even lying about the truth and denigrating the contribution that our military has given in the fight against ISIS…what an idiot…call ole Lamar and tell him to shut the hell up…

Is the stupid in the water in Texas?

Well…as you know, I read a lot every day and I come across some really stupid stuff…and a lot of it is from Texas where it appears that the stupid is in the water like flouride. This latest one happened a couple of days ago where a grade school principle suspended an 8 year old for bringing a ring to school and saying it was the magic ring from “Lord of the Rings” and he could make one of his classmates invisible with the ring….the idiot principal of the school said that saying he could turn someone invisible was a “threat” so she suspended this 8 year old…for having an imagination, I guess. The worst thing is this same kid was suspended a couple of months ago for bringing his copy of “The Big Book of Knowledge”, a popular children’s book to school…and the reason for that suspension? The book has a picture of a pregnant woman in it…yep, in Texas the stupid runs so deep that kids get suspended for having a picture book with them….where do they think babies come from? Probably by magic…just like the rest of their thinking on everything….geez…

Rick Perry is still an idiot…

Well…how many times do I have to say “Rick Perry is still an idiot”? It seems that every day that idiot comes out with a new bit of stupidity the tops the last one…the latest was from a few days ago where he basically said that Joan Rivers would still be alive if New York had the same draconion abortion restrictions they have in Texas…you know, where all of the clinics there have to be mini hospitals with a certain width hallways, bigger doors, and other things that have nothing to do with the services being performed…since when does a wider hallway have anything to do with a woman’s health? The only thing these restrictions do is put the clinics out of business since they are not there to make huge profits and can’t afford to rebuild their buildings. Using this logic, whey haven’t  they put these same restrictions on oral surgery clinics? Statistics show that oral surgery is more dangerous than getting an abortion as is knee surgery and every other outpatient surgery. The final fact is that the clinic where Joan Rivers was treated met all of the Texas requirements….but she died anyway…what a moron…geez…

Need to get caught up…

Well…as you can see, I’m still behind for the month and can’t let it get worse so I think I’ll just meander a little and see what happens….I find it so sick that he repubs are thought of as the ones that support the military…at least they wave the flag a lot and SAY they do…but the evidence is different…just look at what is happening in Texas where the idiot Perry deployed the National Guard to try to stop children fleeing from violence in their own countries from crossing the border…well…these guardsmen are hitting food pantries along the border since they don’t have enough food to eat or money for that matter…since they have to take money out of their own pockets to buy food and then wait weeks for reimbursement….I can’t understand why people still believe the repubs on anything when they are responsible for this kind of crap all around the country…geez…

There are still good people in the southwest…

Well…after reading the stories of all of the hate directed at the refugees that have been coming across the southwest border of the US from some supposed “christians”, it was heartening to read an article a few minutes ago about the coalition of churches in Texas that have banded together to provide relief for these unfortunate people. That is what I grew up with in the UCC…although I’m an atheist now, I still appreciate the ideals that come from some of the teachings and it makes me feel good that there are still some good people in this country that don’t hate…that see the suffering of fellow human beings and feel compelled to do something about it….so I applaud these folks for living their religious principles….not many do anymore….

This is just stupid…

Well…have been reading this morning as I always do and came upon a little article that just focused on how stupid the states that are controlled by repubs have become…in Virginia, Texas, and other states, it is illegal to carry signs or flags on sticks into the state capital since they are “dangerous weapons” and can be used to injure people…but, in those same states, it is perfectly legal to carry handguns and rifles into these same capitals…in Virginia, while they were confiscating the signs that gun violence protesters were carrying, a group of gun rights protesters were waved through the same checkpoints carrying loaded assault rifles and pistols I guess since guns are never dangerous. In Texas, female visitors to the capitol had their tampons confiscated since they were also “dangerous weapons” while gun owners were allowed to carry their guns in strapped across their backs. What the hell is happening in this country? Have all the red states put stupid drugs in the water supply? I can’t think of any other explanation…geez…

The stupid is really deep in Texas…

Well…I have been a little lax in doing these lately but I have an excuse that works for me…and I guess that’s all I need…I did read a funny article…just a shorty…or maybe even on Twitter…not sure…but the gist of the article is the fight that is going on with the repubs for board of ed in Texas…and there was a scene straight from “Inherit the Wind” about the Scopes monkey trial early last century…yep, that long ago…when one of the candidates actually stood up in a public forum and asks for votes since she believes that “we didn’t come from no monkeys” …in this day and age, running for a position that will affect millions of Texas children…they still have viable candidates who are proud of their ignorance and passing that same ignorance on to their children…I’ll ask this one again…”what the hell is wrong with Texas?”  geez…

This is just wrong…

Okay…just read an article that illustrates how the anti abortion crusaders have taken away womens rights in this country and it just pisses me off…in Texas, a woman had a pulmonary embolism that rendered her brain dead, and the family wanted to carry out here living will wishes to take her off life support…but, right to life in Texas got a law passed that said a pregnant woman can’t be taken off life support even if the family wants it….even if the person has it in their will to have it done…the law supercedes their wishes…now, this woman went over an hour without breathing and as a result, the fetus did, too…so now, this family has to keep this body alive for the next 5 months until they can determine if the fetus is viable…I’ve got a clue for you…no oxygen for an hour killed the fetus’s brain, too…but these right wing asses in Texas don’t want government involved in their lives until it is a pregnant woman…then they take away all the rights of the mother to control her own life…shame on you Texas…geez…

This is just wrong…

Well…in my reading yesterday, I ran across a story that just made me shake my head it was just so wrong…in case you haven’t read it yet, there was an 18 year old in Texas who was driving drunk and killed 4 people and the judge in the case gave him nothing but probation.. a long probation but similar cases have resulted in jail time of up to 15 years…and the judges reasoning? Because this kid grew up in a rich, privileged household, he was not responsible for his actions since he always got his way and no one taught him right from wrong. It’s not as if the rich don’t already get away with whatever they want, now they can murder and get probation? I am just so tired of the deference the rich get in the US….no wonder they think the law doesn’t apply to them when stuff like this happens…people go to jail for stealing food to feed their families and this idiot gets to walk away? He’ll never have to learn any consequences either since he is rich and connected…and will never have to look for a job..or daddies rich cronies will give him one…this is just wrong….geez…

Cruel, wonderful irony…

Well…if there wasn’t enough evidence that the repubs are irony challenged, we have just one of the most delicious ones I have seen n a long, long time with the refusal of the idiot repub governors to allow for Medicaid expansion in their states. Since Medicaid is funded by general tax revenues, the people in the red states that refuse the expansion are going to have to help pay for the expansion in the states that accepted it…so, for example, Texas is going to be contributing 9 billion dollars that they will get nothing for…the same for other red states like Georgia who will pay 3 billion and get nothing, and Florida who will pay 5 billion and get nothing. so, let’s recap…just because these prick governors just don’t give a damn about poor people and are trying to do anything to derail the ACA,, they are going to help pay for Michigan’s expansion while their people get nothing for their money…if I lived in one of those states, I would be really pissed off…but, they keep electing these thugs so maybe they deserve it…geez…