Well…as the deadline for the UK to leave the EU fast approaches, the pre-fallout of the economic chaos that is coming to the UK is starting to be much, much clearer. Just yesterday, Honda announced that it will close it’s plant there putting 3,500 people out of work and this is not the first company to understand that it will not be viable to continue to build anything in England. Airbus, Jaguar, and Nissan are just a few of the companies who have seen that their supply chains will see huge increases in costs without the integration of the EU but it doesn’t matter to the people who voted for brexit, whose primary reason for voting to leave the EU was their racist views on immigration and wanting to “keep England England” which is code for keeping “brown” people out. Sound familiar? In the US, the racist trump supporters did exactly the same thing and are seeing exactly the same results with the idiotic trump tariffs that are putting thousands of farmers out of business and the jobs that support those farmers are gone, too…and this is in areas that voted overwhelmingly for trump. Both trump followers and brexit supporters were lied to, with both trump and the parliments brexit MP’s saying that their economies would thrive and grow once “onerous regulations” were removed…but, it looks like the only thing being removed from England is jobs and theĀ minority who supported brexit just doesn’t care….their hate is their security blanket as their economy craters….and it is just going to get worse…
Tag Archives: lies
Engler needs to go…
Well…if you didn’t already know, after the Nassar sex abuse scandal at Michigan State…former governor John Engler was brought in to try to fix the problems that allowed the scandal to happen…at the outset, I was aghast that they would bring that asshole in to try to fix anything…in his 8 years as governor, Engler did nothing but attack his “enemies” and reward his cronies and try to sow division across the state so he could take political advantage of what he created. I was directly involved in some of his bullshit when meeting in his office in my role as a parent lobbyist for the Kentwood school system where he tried to play the urban and suburban school districts against each other. He flat out lied to us face to face about what the effects of Proposal A would be on schools in Michigan and laughed at our concern for our kids. So now, people are surprised that his doing the same thing at State where he has said that the sexual abuse victims were “enjoying the spotlight” that was focused on one of the biggest abuse crimes in the state’s history. I agree with MSU board member Brian Mosallam when he said that “John Engler’s reign of terror is over” and I hope it is…what a useless excuse for a human being Engler is…
Meltdown in real time….
Well…with the revelations from the Cohen sentencing whacking the idiot boy upside the head and the fact that the parent of the Enquirer has been granted immunity to tell everything they know about trump and his criminality (prosecutors now have the contents of the “trump safe” that held all the worst stuff that he Enquirer found out about trump over time), we are seen a meltdown of trump in real time today and I am not going to lie, I am loving this crap. Just today, idiot boy returned to his wall and in the span of 15 minutes said that he would shut down the government if he didn’t get funding for his wall, then Mexico was going pay for the wall in the new version of NAFTA, and then that most of the wall has already been built and has stopped 7,000 terrorists at the Mexican border. Whew…is anyone else exhausted with just hearing of idiot boy’s delusions? Look, let’s put all of this playing to his base in context…it’s all he has left…he is going to trial after his term is up in 2020…that is a fact that appears to be finally sinking in and this mornings tweets trying to minimize the severity of lawbreaking in campaign finance violations show his panic is starting to be all consuming…and the reports from inside the WH that he is a ranting hot mess further show that he is melting down in real time…man, I’d like to throw a little gas on that fire and help him along the road to ruin….although he doesn’t need any help there…impeach…
Manafort is scared of the Russians…
Well…it appears that Paul Manafort is going to jail for the rest of his life by continuing to lie to Mueller in violation of his plea agreement…the first question that popped into my head was why did he make that decision…he knew that Mueller would know he was lying and that it would put him away for the rest of his life, so why is that the better choice? I think the pardon from idiot boy is still on the table…but I’m sure Mueller has that move covered by state charges that can be filed in NY or Virginia…but, I think there is more to it…I think Manafort is scared of the Russians…after all, there have been at least 5 murders of Putin’s opponents in just this past year, and he has shown that he can get to anyone, anywhere so maybe it’s self preservation on Manfort’s part…if he gets out of jail alive, he knows way too much about Russian oligarchs for Putin to allow him to roam free….or, maybe he’s just as dumb as the rest of the liars that infest the trump orbit and thought he could continue to lie and get away with it? Whatever the case, another idiot goes to jail…it won’t be the last….impeach…
Lions and tigers and bears, oh, my….
Well…as I’ve written about before, the repubs these days are the biggest chickenshits there are in this country…scared of everything and their own shadows. They even take to making up dangers since they are either using that fear to scare the hell out of their chickenshit followers or they really get off on being scared themselves…probably a little of both. The latest bogeyman they are fixated on is a couple of hundred refugees from Honduras and other central American countries who are trying to save their lives by leaving their homes and trying to get to the US…walking hundreds of miles into the unknown because that is better than the situations they left behind. But, of course, the idiot trump and his minions are turning these refugees into a horde of killing machines that are part ISIS and part terminator to demonize them since they just hate brown people so much and they know that, even though it is all lies, de-humanizing people they hate works to motivate their base and was the key to trump stealing the election. So, what do we do about it folks? We Vote….we elect humans to office and throw these monsters out and put them back under the rocks where they lived until trump released them….and we work every day to fix our elections so that they can’t be hijacked by gerrymandering and voter suppression…only then can we put the 28% of people in this country who are repubs back to their place as the fringe shouters they should be…not ruining this country with their bullshit and lies…impeach….
Do they all have to lie all the time?
Well…we all knows that the idiot trump lies all the time, but, do they all have to lie all the time? The latest in the liar contest is the SoS Mike Pompeo who grinnind and laughed his way through a meeting with the rulers of Saudi Arabia that was supposed to be about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a reporter for the Washington Post, but from the behavior of Pompeo and his assistants, you would think they were on vacation…given the photos of them mugging for the camera. But, the worst thing was the lies that Pompeo told after the meeting where he stated that he knew that Khashoggi had “disappeared” but he didn’t know if he was alive or not…now, this is the biggest lie of them all when it was reported this morning that Pompeo heard the tape of the murder while he was in Saudi Arabia and before he lied to the world…and with yesterday’s revelation that trump and his minions knew about the planning for the abduction and murder, they are accomplices in that murder since they did and said nothing to stop it. Is this what the US has come to now? Letting a thug regime murder journalists just to protect trump’s financial involvement in the country? As every revelation of the moral rot inside this administration comes, I find myself more and more disgusted at both trump and the repubs that enable this behavior…they are all culpable in murder….impeach…
Everyone opposes Kavanaugh…
Well…after reading the news over the past couple of days, it appears that everyone in this damn country opposes the attempted rapist Brett Kavanaugh being elevated to the supreme court…except for the 51 repubs in the senate. At last count, over 1700 law professors have signed letters saying that Kavanaugh shouldn’t be confirmed…and that is along with two retired supreme court justices and almost 70% of the people polled on the question…and almost two million people who have signed a petition opposing him…making him the candidate with the worst polling and support of any in the history of polling….and yet, the repubs keep pushing forward with this scam that is destroying what little faith the people have in the senate…making the SC illegitimate in the eyes of most of the people and will make Kavanaugh the first sitting justice to be charged with a felony…or multiple felonies of perjury and sexual assault after the dems take back the house and do a real investigation…not the sham that has been perpetrated on the US by McConnell, Hatch, and Grassley. Anyone with any character or honor would have withdrawn with all of the crimes that have been exposed, but in his speech to the senate and yesterday’s op ed in the WSJ, it can clearly be seen that honesty, honor, and duty are foreign concepts to Kavanaugh as they are to every damn repub in this country…and again, it falls to the dems to save this country and clean up the repubs mess as we always do when we get back in control….geez…
This whole damn government is a sham…
Well…I am sitting here trying not to let the destruction of our country get to me too much but some of it is bleeding through and it pisses me off…there is not one honest person on the right in this country and trump an his minions are destroying more and more of it every day and it should piss you off, too. The latest in trump’s ongoing effort to turn the US into a third world backwater has him taking personal charge of the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh and has put so many limits on it that they can’t even talk to Dr. Ford, who brought the allegations of attempted rape against Kavanaugh…oh, and they didn’t talk to Kavanaugh, either…or to any of the more than 20 witnesses that have come forward to corroborate Ford’s allegations…so who the hell are they talking to? Not to one damn person that could shed some light on how bad of a person Kavanaugh was and is…and how many times he has lied to move up the ladder in the courts….I am starting to think that even if we take back the house, there is too much damage already done for the US to survive it…and it is all the repubs fault…I have never seen such a cynical, amoral group of people in my long lifetime…and I just hate them….
Okay Jeff Flake, you’re up…
Well…with all of the posturing that is going on with the supposed “moderate” repubs on the Kavanaugh investigation, I rally have to revisit one comment that Jeff Flake made a few days ago when he said that if Kavanaugh lied to the senate, his nomination was over..well Jeffy, in his testimony just last week, Kavanaugh lied to your face about his knowledge of the Ramirez allegations, saying that he didn’t know anything about them until he saw it in the Sept 23rd article in the New Yorker…only one small problem with that…there are witnesses and text messages that show that Kavanaugh was involved in trying to cover up this assault all the way back in July…trying to get friends (and witnesses) to go on record saying that none of it happened…my question here for Flake, Murkowski, and Collins is: is witness tampering enough for you to vote no? Kavanaugh knew there was an active investigation happening and tried to get people to lie for him…and that is subornation of perjury and another in the long line of felonies that Kavanaugh has committed just in his confirmation hearings….and just yesterday, there was an ethics complaint lodged with the current court he sits on alleging that Kavanaugh lied in his confirmation hearings for every court he has been on…and in a delicious bit of irony, the person who is charge with investigating these claims is Merrick Garland…the eminently qualified judge who was not even given a hearing for his appointment to the SC since McConnell was not going to have a judge appointed by Obama…karma is a bitch, isn’t it, Brett?
Why can’t the repubs do the right thing one damn time?
Well….with the latest revelations that trump and his cronies in the WH are interfering in the FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh, I have just one question: why can’t the repubs do the right thing one damn time? Trying to put the fix in on this investigation is just the latest of the repubs always doing the wrong thing…on their tax cut scam that only benefited the rich, on their continuing attempts to gut Obamacare and throw 20 million people of their health insurance, to their continued attempts to take away women’s right to control their own bodies, to gutting environmental regulations that will kill more than 20,000 Americans each and every year, the repubs are on the wrong side of every issue that the polls show Americans care about and are doing their best to destroy this country before they lose in the November elections…and, if they ram Kavanaugh through to the SC, it will de-legitimize the court so that any decisions they make will be seen in the nakedly partisan lens they should be….and the efforts of the dems to impeach and remove Kavanaugh will be the first order when we take back the house and is necessary to restore faith in our government institutions that the repubs have done their best to destroy….I just hate these assholes…