Well…I sit here shaking my head at the nonsense coming out of the repubs in this last week over Syrian immigrants and I really didn’t think it could get worse…but then these idiots go even farther toward fascism led by…well..by all of them…first there was a governor in the south that said that he thought internment camps for all muslims was a good idea…then we have the Donald saying that all muslims should have special ID and we should have a database with all of them in it…registration as a muslim…hmmmm…does anyone else remember when this was last done…to the Jews…in WW II? Then we have ole Rubio proposing we shut down anywhere that muslims meet in this country including coffee shops and I would suppose shopping malls. Then the normal cast of candy asses on the right who are scared of their own shadows pass a bill in the house that prevents any more Syrian refugees from being allowed to come here…you get my drift…these tough guys who say they can take on the bad guys in the world and stand up to Putin are all shaking with the prospect of orphans and families from the middle east coming here to live and make a new life…the American Dream…you remember that assholes? I just can’t any more of this dumbing down of our country….what a bunch of crap…geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
Fear and nothing but fear from the right…
Well….for presenting themselves as the big, tough Americans, the repubs sure like to push all fear all the time. And, here they go again with the refugees from Syria that scare repub governors so much that they are refusing to accept any more in their states…and yes, our idiot governor started this whole thing yesterday when he said he was ‘rethinking” taking in any Syrian refugees…as if they have any say in it. Immigration is a federal government function and while it would be nice to have agreement with the governors, it is not necessary…but, the big thing here is the absolute glee that repubs are showing after the Paris attacks, giving them another reason for another war with ole Mitt going so far as to say we need 50,000 troops on the ground right now…after all his investment in the MIC is not making as much money now that we are out of Iraq and heading out of Afghanistan. One thing you will not hear from these idiots is any talk of how to pay for another war, after all, they never paid for the last two and let the dem come in and do the hard work of reducing the deficit and paying the bills. I think it’s time for us to discard these fear mongers…these repubs that are afraid of their own shadows and find danger everywhere…they should be recognizing where the true danger is…a danger that has cost the lives of 280,000 Americans over the past 10 years…the crazy fetish the right has with guns and more guns everywhere….the stupidity, it burns….geez…
The dead-eyed granny killer is their savior?
Well…it has been quite funny to watch the courting of Paul Ryan by the rest of the repubs to be speaker of the house acting like he and only he could be the savior of their party…I would laugh if it wasn’t so silly that this idiot has that kind of a reputation…after all, what has he done in his time in the house other than run for VP? Other than put together wish list budgets for the Ayn Randians that infest this country, not much. Lets remember that this guy is one of the biggest liars in the country…remember him washing clean dishes in a soup kitchen during the campaign? Remember also how Joe Biden took him apart during the debates exposing his far right nonsense that was lauded as great ideas by the repubs. Remember, too, that these great ideas included gutting Social Security, ending Medicare and every other program that benefits anyone but the rich…and now, with the batshit crazy “Freedom caucus” in the house, he is being called a liberal…since they don’t think he goes far enough…they want to eliminate everything in the government but the military and they want to give the MIC more and more money for more and more wars. so, if you think that ole Paul is going to be the “‘savior” of the repub party and the country…you are not just ill-informed..you are an idiot…..geez…
Need to do some political stuff…
Well…have been getting behind on the political stuff lately so here goes…I have been watching with interest (actually with popcorn) the daily slow motion disintegration of the repub party in the House over the past month or so and it would be funny if it didn’t have such dire consequences for all of us…with the debt ceiling fight coming up, the crazy assed righties of the GOP are perfectly willing to do everything in their power to destroy the world’s economy since Obama, something, something….and they are so delusional even John Boehner had enough and resigned and they have not been able to find anyone else to do the job…and the crux of the whole thing is the fact that these righties believe that if they only got rid of Boehner…the 54th vote to repeal Obamacare would work….either not knowing or willfully ignoring the fact that any bill doing that would be vetoed and if it was attached to the debt ceiling bill, that would still be vetoed and the country’s economy would crater…but that doesn’t matter to these asses…they have their jobs and just don’t care if millions are put out of work by their shenanigans. This is what happens when you let children run the show…wishful thinking replaces facts and the country suffers….geez…
Bye, Bye, Boehner…
Well…it was a little bit of a surprise to hear that ole John Boehner has decided to resign from congress at the end of October and I’m not sure if I should be happy or what…after all, he is going to go down in history as the worst house speaker in history but I think his biggest failing was emboldening the crazy, right wing vandal caucus to try to blow up the government. Especially when he scheduled 50 votes to repeal Obamacare to try to mollify them when he knew it had no chance to ever become law….and that it would just make the righties even more delusional, allowing them to control the House when there is only about 40 of them. What he should have done is schedule one vote, then work with the dems to get things done…just ignoring the bomb throwers. But no, he wanted to continue to be speaker and put his own personal status before that of the US so he allowed them to control him and at the same time, ensure that nothing would get done. I kind of think it may be like watching a train wreck for the next month…that you just can’t look away even though people are going to be maimed…bye, bye, John…
Goodbye and good riddance Scotty…
Well…just had this bit of wonderful news come over my Twitter feed…ole Scott Walker is dropping out of the race for the repubs…yep, I’ll bet that bit of news put a smile on your face, too…that this smarmy little cretin even was considered a front runner a few months back made my skin crawl as his only claim to fame was the destruction of Wisconsin’s economy while his cronies stole everything that was not nailed down. Now that the Koch’s have lost their golden boy, what o what are they going to do now? Who are they going to get to try to outlaw unions, to hate on women, and to continue to lower their taxes? I would have really liked to see this idiot go up against either Hillary or Bernie in a debate…since he has shown throughout his creepy career that he can’t think on his feet, either one of the dems or even Joe Biden would have demolished him. Goodbye and good riddance Scotty…don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out…
Gun Hypocrisy…
Well…after the latest mass shooting here in the US, the go to talking point for the right was that it was the gun free zones that caused the deaths since that’s where they occurred…not that crazies can get their hands on guns easily or that the hate spouted by the right spurred these nuts on….but the latest bit of hypocrisy is so blatant that I wonder why the media…oh, yeah, it’s the media…has not picked up on this…or at least not the people that used to do this job…while the right and the NRA are always pushing for more and more guns anywhere…even in elementary schools as they have here in Michigan…since they push the idea that “good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns” but I guess it doesn’t apply to them…at every repub debate, meeting or event, guns are banned for a very surprising reason when you listen to the repubs normal talking points…they are banned for the “safety of the visitors at these events” so, guns everywhere else makes you safer but only at repub events do they make you less safe? The NRA even bans weapons at their conventions, a place where you would think that the “good guys with guns” would be welcomed to make that convention the safest place in the world. Look, lets be blunt…many. many studies have shown that more guns mean more killings…so,the next time you hear anyone on the right saying you should be able to carry a gun anywhere, ask them why not at their conventions? Hypocrites…but, you know that….geez…
Another jaw dropper from the right….
Well….was reading some the past day and came across this jaw dropper from a right wing radio host…can’t find the article to get the particulars but here is the gist: his plan, which he espoused on his radio show was that we give all the undocumented people in his state….I think it was Idaho…30-60 days to ‘self deport” and after that, and here comes the jaw dropper…the state would “own” any of the undocumented that are found to be there and could be put to work doing work that needs to be done for the state for room and board…yep, the right is right back to what they still defend, slavery, for 11 million people in the US…I don’t know what to say about this one…the plan and words speak for themselves….the right still thinks slavery is a good idea….I’m shaking head….geez…
Okay, here’s an update…I didn’t want to just post this without the facts so here they are: the radio host’s name is Jan Mickleson and he is in Iowa, not Idaho….and he has hosted Walker, Fiorina, Carson, and Santorum…all repub candidates for president….and his question was” “What’s wrong with slavery”….where the hell do they get these guys?…geez…again…
They’re at it again…more discrimination…
Well…just like always, the repubs are supporting new legislation that would codify the ability of the haters to discriminate against the GLBT community…again…now, we have the RNC endorsing the Orwellian sounding First Amendment Defense Act….which would prevent the government from enforcing any anti discrimination laws that protect the LGBT citizens of the US. Yeah, I know…just more of the same old crap from the right wing assholes that are running the repub party these days…but the thing is, the country has moved on from this fight after the supreme cout’s same sex marriage ruling but the repubs just can’t…they just have the need to feel put upon and to restrict the rights of their fellow citizens just to be the mean assholes they are…it is settled law that once you enter the sphere of secular business that you cannot discriminate against any group and cloak it in “religious freedom”…didn’t work when they tried it against black people… and it won’t work this time against gays…just give it up pricks..you’ve lost….geez…
The repubs try to take things away…again…
Well…as I read about the latest shiny object that the repubs are focusing on, birthright citizenship, all I can think of is that they are the party of taking things away…not giving like the dems. every one of the candidates on the right are all about taking away voters rights to vote, taking away women’s rights to control their own bodies, taking away good roads and infrastructure since they will not levy the taxes to pay for it, but this last one, taking away citizenship of people they don’t like is the capper that shows just how meanspirited the repubs have become…and the dispiriting thing is that every damn one of these candidates is from an immigrant family that are citizens because of the 14th amendment that they all hate so much just because a few undocumented Hispanics have had children here who are now citizens under the law…Trump has even come out and said that he will deport every undocumented person…even if they are citizens under the law….I have really had enough of the right’s need to control everything to their advantage and to take away rights from others that they will continue to enjoy…how does anyone ever vote for these idiots? geez….