Tag Archives: republicans

Obama’s testy and combative?

Well…I was laughing my ass off yesterday when the analysis clones were out in force calling Obama’s press conference “testy and combative” with nothing but attacks on the repubs and putting forth the proposition that he would get farther if he was “more friendly” to the repubs that have spent the past 4 years attacking everything about Obama and his administration; and doing their best to not cooperate. I think Obama’s combative nature in the presser was a reaction to all of the crap and lies he has gotten from the right…they never wanted to compromise in good faith and Obama is finally learning that you can’t reason with bullies, that you need to smack them in the mouth and then maybe they will change their behaviors. I, for one, am glad he finally said enough, enough to the hypocrisy that saw the repubs raise the debt ceiling for ole GW any time the country needed it and never held it hostage to the cuts that they are screaming about now…and there is no equivalency of the dems reactions back then to the repubs now…the dems never fillibustered or put silent holds on the bills to increase the ceiling..or even threatened to do so….and may of these same repubs that saw no problem with giving GW what he wanted are leading the charge against raising the ceiling now…and their only reason is their blind, naked hatred of Obama….geez…

A good quote…

Well…I didn’t watch the president’s press conference but I have been seeing the quotes coming fast on twitter and one stood out and made me laugh…it’s not really funny..only in an odd way that I would think it is…”the House GOP will not collect a ransom for not crashing the American economy…” basically saying that he is not going to cut more just to keep the crazy assed repubs from hurting the American people….and I do like that he put a stake in the ground that he wasn’t going to negotiate every couple of months to keep the government running like the repubs are proposing…good for all of us…these folks are just fricking delusional…and they keep saying that we have to continue to cut, cut, cut….when there has already been 2.4 trillion dollars cut…I think Obama should just say this one thing…”do your job, Congress” and then walk away and force them to…we can only hope anyway…

Yeah, I know…not much flow here…but I am trying….

Just some facts…

Well…with all of the repub lying that is going on concerning the federal budget and the debt ceiling, I thought it would be a good idea to actually inject some facts into the argument instead of the talking points the repubs are using for nothing more than partisan advantage. First, if you were to listen to the repubs, Obama has printed up trillions of dollars and is merrily running around the country giving them away by the truckload…increasing spending every day by those truckloads…the only problem here is it’s just not true…in fact in the last two years, over 2.4 trillion dollars has been cut from the budget with a resulting lowering of the deficit that has happened every year since Obama took office. A fact that the repubs don’t believe since they just don’t believe in facts or math…the second thing I wanted to clear up with facts is that the president is not required to negotiate or agree to cuts in anything to have the debt ceiling raised…the debt ceiling is raised to pay for things that the congress…yep, the congress, has already said they want to pay for passing bills in the House and Senate to do so…has nothing to do with the executive branch…so what I would do if I were Obama is nothing…if the repubs want to trash the economy by not doing their jobs then let them…they will own it and in two years we will control all of the government and will be able to get the country’s business done…geez…

The crazy continues…

Well…if you had any doubts that the delusions on the right were going to be tempered by their ass kicking in the elections, you were right…with people freezing and homeless out on the east coast, guess what the first bill that the idiot Bachmann introduced at the start of the new session….and if you had the human thought it may be to help these people, you just don’t understand the modern repub party. The first bill was…ta dah…the 34th attempt to repeal Obamacare! Nevermind that the Supreme Court upheld the law and nevermind that the last congress got the least work done of any in history…these terrible, terrible people on the right are back to their old ways of screw everyone but their rich donors and corporations. I know you’ve heard this before from me but you have to look at it objectively…with unemployment and underemployment still rampant…not one bill out of the House to help regular Americans find work….not one bill to eliminate corporate subsidies when corporate profits are at an all time high….and not one bill to restore fairness to the tax system and eliminate the tilt toward the rich. We need to do whatever we can to restore the America of “one for all and all for one” to steal the phrase from Dumas….and send these idiots back to the hell they came from…geez….

There are still some adults…

Well…I am kind of laughing today when the terrorists on the right were out maneuvered by some of the adults that are still in Washington on the fiscal curb…they have repeatedly just said no, no, no on everything that has been done to try to actually govern the country and the people that are still there and want to actually move the country forward have figured a new way to cut these idiots out of the process…and the big irony here is that they could have gotten more of what they wanted if they would have negotiated in good faith, but now there is a path that can basically ignore the tea baggers and let them continue to throw their tantrums while business gets done. The good thing is that even the repub leadership, such as it is, has gotten tired of the nonsense and has started to listen to the people…some of them have even started to use math again; something that is beyond most of the baggers, and see that if they don’t start doing the peoples work again, they will be gone. One other thing that I see that is a plus is that there will be less of these idiots on Thursday when the new congress convenes….it’s about time….geez…

A bunch of dysfunctional second graders…

Well…I have been watching the fiscal curb negotiations over the past couple of days with an ever growing disgust for the repubs in the house…I mean, after the senate voted nearly unanimously to pass a bipartisan compromise bill, the dysfunctional second graders that are the house repubs wouldn’t even let it come up for a vote with the mob of crazies blocking the bill being led by Eric Cantor who is only thinking of himself and his rich donors…everyone knows the little shit wants to be speaker and will do anything including destroying the economy to do it. The only good thing that is going to come out of this is that the approval rating of the repubs (which is at an all time low of 12% right now) is going to approach zero and they are going to pay for it in two years…but, the country can’t wait for two years to start to fix the problems we have…some adult needs come forward and put these idiots into a time out…and then we need to make sure there is a permanent dem majority that will act in the country’s best interests…not those of the damn 1% and the self interested repubs…geez…

Where’s my right to be protected from people with guns?

Well…with the latest tragedy and the many, many others that have happened over the past year, I have only one question that I want the government and the NRA to answer: “where is my right to be protected from people with guns?” Why do I have to live in a society saturated with guns and unstable people who won’t hesitate to use them? I know the right and the NRA make their living on the second amendment but what about the Declaration of Independence and my right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?” Aren’t these basic, essential rights of American society just as important as the right of a person to carry a gun or to own guns whose only purpose is to inflict carnage on other humans? Where are my rights when I am lying dead by the hand of a person using a legally purchased gun? I am normally a pretty strict constructionist when it comes to the bill of rights but not to the extent that my fellow citizens can be slaughtered every day, especially children, by the unreasoned adherence to words that were written for a different time. And now, we have a new law that was just passed here in Michigan that would allow anyone with “special training” to carry a gun into any school in the state…even when there is no one in the public that thinks this is a good idea or supports it. I’ve had enough…don’t my feelings count? I am so uncomfortable when I see the gun nuts strutting into stores and other places I frequent with their guns strapped to their hips…who knows when the “nice man” that lives next door is going to go over the edge? Do we have to give them the ability to destroy entire communities just to keep the repubs and the NRA happy? I want to feel safe in my life and having more and more guns in more and more places is not the way to do it…this is not Dodge City in 1845 where the only way they found to end the killings there was to confiscate all the guns when you came into the city…and return them when the people left….let’s do something…anything, to stop this crap…I’ve had enough…

It’s never a liberal or an atheist…

Well…I have to wade in on a thought that has been rattling around in my mind of late and it crystallized some over the past few days…when you see the shootings, bombings, or other assorted hate that pollutes our society, it never comes from liberals or atheists…two groups that the right would have you think are the ones who are destroying our society, but from the crazed right and with the rhetoric that the right and their followers have thrown around since their loss in the election; the secession nonsense, the “second amendment” solution nonsense, and the calls for armed insurrection, what the hell did you expect? When you have crazed parents that sit with their guns and rail constantly about taking back our country, filling their children’s heads with the nonstop Fox propaganda of hate, what the hell do you expect is going to happen? When you have one of the major political parties demonizing everyone that doesn’t agree with them, what the hell do you expect? When you have major Christan groups that applaud the killing of doctors that provide abortion services, what the hell do you expect? I am going to lay the blame for the coarsening, death, and hate on the place where it belongs…the modern right and its political party, the Republicans. Geez…

49 percent of republicans are really stupid…

Well…just a little short one on a laugher that came up in the news today…it seems that a polling organization, Public Policy Polling, has been doing some polling of repubs looking at the question of why ole Mitt lost the election…it’s not that he was a crappy candidate and person, or that his ideas were batshit crazy…nooooo, the poll found that over 49% of republicans think he lost the election because it was stolen by ACORN. Yep…Acorn again….you know, that organization that folded up over two years ago…yep…the delusion on the right has gotten so bad that they are blaming something that doesn’t exist for their loss….what a bunch of idiots…talk about your low information voters…geez…

They just don’t have the capacity to think…

Well…a weird thought just popped into my head…what if the intransigence of the repubs is rooted in the fact that they just don’t have the capacity to think? What if they are just not bright enough to understand the complexity of this country and that is why they stick to their doctrinaire nonsense? It is certainly easier to stand up and say that you’re “flabbergasted” then it is to put forward a serious plan…I think they just got into this “put Obama out of office” crap and used that as a replacement for governing and they don’t have the intelligence to replace it….I can’t wait for the country to go over the cliff and stomp on these idiots once and for all…they and their ideas don’t deserve any respect and I applaud Obama for finally calling “bullshit” on them…geez…