Tag Archives: obstruction of justice

Okay, had to talk about obstruction again…

Well….just got back from a really fun top down drive to get some cheap food at Aldi’s, and I thought I’d talk a little about the latest development in the idiot trump’s obstruction of justice investigation….I know I talked a little about that with the Hannity post earlier, but I wanted to put a little detail to it…..I will admit I am smiling about it this afternoon. Yesterday, the NYT reported that, in June of last year, the idiot tried to get the WH counsel (who works for the office of the presidency, not for trump) to fire Robert Mueller for undisclosed reasons and the counsel refused, telling trump that if he kept up the pressure he would quit and let the world know why. As all bullies do, trump backed down and just muttered about it for the past 10 months….not understanding that he just made the case for obstruction against him even stronger that it was with his firing of Comey since the only reason trump gave for either the firing or the attempt was to “take the pressure off” from the investigation. So now, it is not a matter of IF trump is going to be charged with obstruction but WHEN…and that just has to penetrate his thick skull at some point…even with all of his staff continually blowing sunshine up his ass….impeach…

The rest of the world has figured out trump…

Well….as the idiot trump continues to embarrass all of us with his antics across the world, there are heartening signs that the rest of the world has figured the idiot out. The latest one comes from the financial meeting in Davos where the idiot just had to go to to spout his ignorant stupidity to the world, again, and where the correct response was made by people listening to his press conference…and that response was boos and hissing as idiot boy trotted out his tired attacks on the media and tried to assert that he is a “successful businessman”…and that lie led to the entire room laughing at him; recognizing what a ridiculous ass he is. Now, I’ve been around a long time and I can’t remember any other president in my lifetime getting booed at Davos…never happened to Obama, that’s for sure…oh, and now we have his wife packing up the kid and fleeing to Florida today…probably something she has been planning since it was reported that trump paid off a porn star to keep her quiet about their affair that was going on just after their son was born…it just keeps getting better and better for those of us who had idiot boy’s number from the start….and the obstruction case just got stronger…I feel like a kid in a candy shop….impeach….

Hannity is just hilarious…

Well…I’ll bet you never thought you’d ever see a headline like that on one of my posts here, but damn…a clip I just saw made me laugh my butt off. On last night’s show, Hannity went on and on about a report in the NYT that the idiot trump had tried to fire Bob Mueller back in June of last year but the WH counsel wouldn’t do it and threatened to quit if trump went ahead with it, calling it fake news and basically shouting that none of his “sources” had confirmed the report. This was at 9:18 but by 9:58 he was backpedaling so fast his shoes were smoking…and then he did what all of the liars on fox do when caught in their lies, he tried to distract their easily distracted viewers by quick cutting to a car crash…yeah, really, he cuts to a car crash so he didn’t have to continue to talk about the idiot trump’s obstruction of justice. I laughed so hard when I saw the clip today…and I needed that…what a maroon…..

A couple of things…

Well….have been doing a little reading today and came on a couple of things that I wanted to talk about…first, have you read about the idiot trump’s schedule? Just read that he only works about 4 hours a day and watches tv and makes phone calls to his billionaire buddies the rest of the time…and, his days don’t even start until around 11…now, we all know trump is a lazy ass and has never really worked in his life, but this is a bit much…..or maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t work too much…that way he can’t screw things up any more than he already has….I think all of the repubs that are running interference for the idiot boy should start thinking twice about their actions….Devin Nunes especially whose transparent attempts to derail the investigation are working up to witness tampering and obstruction of justice…and this applies to Lindsey Graham and Orrin Hatch who sent a letter to the justice department trying to get them to investigate the author of the Steele dossier…blatant witness tampering that should get the both of them locked up…new, we know how lawless repubs are, going as far back as Nixon and Reagan…but, with Mueller still investigating, these guys need to just shut up or they will be gone just as the idiot will be…impeach….

Pence lawyers up….

Well…I just read (with some glee, I must add) that the supposed “straight shooter” Mike Pence has just hired outside counsel to defend him in both the Russia collusion case and his part in the obstruction of justice that is engulfing the idiot trump and his cronies. Now, let’s think back to the campaign and all of the cheers of “lock her up” that came from Pence and the rest of the trump campaign saying that a Clinton administration would be the most corrupt in history…just like they always slurred Obama and his administration with. Look at the facts….not one of Obama’s people lawyered up in the first 5 months of his presidency…no one in his campaign was under investigation in the first 5 months of his presidency…and neither was Obama. So, who is the most corrupt? The idiot trump and his cronies win this one….and Pence now knows his tenure as VP is in danger…let’s get the perp walks started…impeach….

The noose tightens….

Well….as the wagons circle on the right to try to protect the cheeto donnie from himself…it was revealed yesterday that Robert Mueller is now investigating the idiot trump for obstruction of justice along with all of the Russian collusion that his campaign did. Now, let’s say that again…after only 145 days in office the idiot trump has broken so many laws that there are now at least 5 investigations going on into his lawlessness…..and he has admitted to obstruction on tape…there are many other shoes that are going to drop, too, since Mueller is going to talk to the head of the NSA and other intelligence agencies to see how many of them trump tried to use to kill the Russia investigation….the noose tightens and it I’ll bet that by the end of summer there will be a perp walk…impeach…

The Comey hearing….

Well….watched the majority of the Comey hearing today and came away with a couple of things…the first is that the repubs are still trying to protect trump any way they can but it didn’t work so well in this hearing…it was clear that the idiot trump committed obstruction of justice in trying to get Comey to drop the Flynn investigation and then firing him when he didn’t…and it was also clear that Pence and Session have been lying their asses of about heir roles in the collusion with Russia…but the big takeaway was when Comey called trump a liar…and that he made notes of their meetings since he couldn’t be trusted to tell the truth…..and do you know what Paul Ryan’s excuse for trump’s idiocy is…that trump is just inexperienced and didn’t know he was breaking the law….man, the lengths the repubs will go to to protect their power….they all need to go…impeach….

Keep a cell open for Newt and Rudy….

Well….with the idiot trump and his cronies freaking out about Comey’s testimony tomorrow, another voice is weighing in to try to obstruct the testimony and discredit it before it happens. A super pac that is run by Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich is running ads both online and on radio and tv attacking Comey and and his personality…along with his trustworthiness….now, to me, this is witness tampering at it’s worse…using character assassination to try to obstruct the investigation into trump and his obvious collusion with Russia before and during the election….this kind of thing has never happened in the US before and if it was done in any trial in any court across this country, these two idiots would be hauled before the court and charged….if our system still works, these two should be in court explaining themselves tomorrow…impeach…

More obstruction….

Well….if there wasn’t already enough of a case to convict the idiot trump for obstruction of justice in regards to his Russia treason, I’m guessing after today’s revelations, there will be. I am just loving this drip, drip, drip, of evidence that keeps coming out of just how stupid trump really is…and I had one titled that today even…okay, back to the evidence….it was confirmed today that trump tried to pressure the Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, and Adm. Mike Rogers, the director of the NSA to deny the existence of any collusion during the election…and both of these guys, being the patriots they are, refused…deeming the requests to be “inappropriate”…and guess what else happened afterwards? Just like the Comey meeting with the idiot trump, Rogers documented the conversations in memos that are now being made available to Mueller for his investigation into trump’s Russia “problem”…sounds to me like trump should just stay in the Middle East….he’s going to jail later in the year here….impeach….

This is big….

Well….I’ve never been a fan of James Comey but it appears he is trying to redeem himself from his interference in the election…today, the NY Times ran a story saying they had seen a Comey memo written after the infamous meeting with the idiot trump where the idiot asked Comey to shut down the investigation into Michael Flynn and Comey refused. As an experienced FBI agent, Comey put the entire conversation down in the form of a memo that he shared with others within the FBI, and these memos are regarded as evidentiary  by the courts…and are backed up by others that Comey wrote during that time that show that trump is clearly trying to obstruct justice and derail the Russia probes. The latest twist in the little story is that Lindsay Graham has invited Comey to testify in public at the senate to go over these developments….just what Comey has been angling for since the idiot trump fired him…..and I was one at the time that said the firing was the end of trump…and it looks like the beginning of the end. Everyone that knows Comey, knows he always leaves a paper trail behind but the trumpistas were just too damn dumb to recognize it…..hope this mess gets Sessions, too, since he was instrumental in Comey’s firing…and that would be obstruction of justice, too…..impeach….