Well…BENGHAZI!!!! Just had to get hat one out since the repubs are back on that kick again…as Dave Weigel said this morning that no matter what the repubs say, there is no more there there…still the propaganda wing of the party, Fox news, is on the all Benghazi all the time kick they were on a few months back….all this because the administration trusted the CIA analysis and used it in a press conference…I guess this is so much worse than lying us into war and spending 5,000 American lives and 6 trillion dollars on those lies…and being cheerleaders for breaking international law and torturing people…of course it’s worse, it was done by the administration of the dem in office…and just being in office and being a dem is an impeachable offense to the idiots on the right….geez…
Tag Archives: lies
Part two…
Well…it has been a long day today and I haven’t had the time to get to trying to find a political topic for the day…I do find it heartening that there is real pushback to the lies by the Koch brothers about the ACA…I just don’t understand why a couple of billionaire brothers give a damn if people can get affordable insurance…what is it to them? Do they feel better when they hurt other people? Or is it that they were given everything and lived a privileged life and have bought the idea that the rich constantly push that no one else deserves anything? Along with buying ads to try to destroy the unions and the middle class…don’t they have enough already? Why can’t they just leave the rest of us alone and stop making the country a worse place to live? I have had enough of rich people just taking, taking, and taking, and rigging the system with their money so no one else even has a chance…they should be careful…when the winds of politics change, we progressive will have long memories…how does a return to the 90% tax rates of the 50′s sound to you Kochs? Geez…
The Kochs are still lying about the ACA…
Well…living here in Michigan, you would think there is a guy or woman named ACA that is running for every office they way that the Kochs are spending money to try to defeat him/her. The latest ad that they are running has some woman with cancer that goes on to say that with Obamacare and it’s out of pocket expenses, she is going to die since she can’t afford them and her plan got canceled…all of the talking points that the Kochs are pushing to hurt people for political advantage for their right wing nutjobs. The only problem that these ads are having is that all of them have been found to be full of lies and half truths and the media is finally calling bullshit on them….this one is no different. First, cancer is no picnic and I don’t wish this woman any more stress than she is already going through…but, by being in this ad, she opened herself up to fact checking…something that was done well by Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post. First, yes, her non-compliant policy was canceled….but, she was able to get one for almost 700 dollars a month less than she was paying….and the bitch about how she can’t afford the 6,350 out of pocket costs in the new policy? When you net the old payments with her new ones…her actual costs are lower than they were before….and, let’s make this one more point…before the ACA, her chances to get canceled because she was sick was a very real possibility…under the ACA they can’t cancel at all. Living in Michigan, I live with the crazy right that are so frickin delusional that they will believe anything, and I think this woman was probably paid well for her part in pushing these lies….how can she live with herself? Oh, that’s right, the right has no shame…geez…
Tired of lying politicians…
Well…while I was reading some political stuff today, one thing struck me…I am really, really tired of lying politicians whose views blow in the wind from day to day…whatever happened to telling the truth and being consistent? Whatever happened to politicians really saying what they are going to do and then doing it? Not doing what they all seem to do today…like our gov here…who never once mentioned during his campaign that he was going to raise taxes on retirees so he could give a 2 billion dollar tax cut to corporations who have not added one job for all that money. Or, saying he was not in favor of the right to work for less laws and then signing it after the repubs jammed it through the legislature? I’m just tired of all the lies and I am tired of hearing “they all do it”…why can’t they all just not do it? Geez…
The real Benghazi scandal…
Well….with all of the repub outrage over Benghazi when there was never really any there there…we now have a real scandal but it is one that can be pinned on the repubs…late last week, ABC news reported on the “smoking gun” e-mails that were supposed to show that there was some sort of coverup by the WH..of what, no one is really sure, and the funny thing is that this was before the e-mails were released by the WH…so this means that some member of Congress must have given them to ABC…and the even worse thing is that the e-mails were doctored by someone (read repubs) to make it appear that there was a coverup…so, what we have is that these thugs are using the deaths of four Americans for pure partisan reasons and when the facts don’t support their narrative, they just lie and continue on as if their lies are the truth….now here is a real scandal that ole Issa should be investigation…oh, wait, that will never happen…the repubs don’t want the truth they just want the black guy gone….geez…
The first election one…
Well…still not feeling too hot but I thought I’d get one out on the election before I melt into the couch and lick the wounds for the day…I am so surprised that this election is even close…and you’ve heard me say that before…in my lifetime I have never seen anyone lie like ole Mitt…I think that someone that has so little relationship with the truth is truly a sociopath bordering on being mentally ill…but I see that trait in many of the rich in this country, people who are only grounded in the reality of their gated communities and are shocked when people challenge the lies or their sense of entitlement…one example from here in West Michigan was from one of our richest families who just couldn’t understand why Ada township wouldn’t just automatically approve the construction of a heliport at their compound, even though these types of construction are expressly forbidden by ordinances that govern the township…they were truly shocked when they had to live by the laws that govern “them” and the snit they threw showed them for who they are…oh, this one was supposed to be one on politics…well..it is, of sorts…aren’t you folks tired of rich people trying to tell you how to run your lives when they have no frickin clue what it like to actually work for a living? I know I’ve had enough of it geez…
Let’s talk jobs…
Well…have the car torn down and I’m waiting for the new radiator to arrive (it’s on a truck somewhere here in GR) so I thought I’d do a short one on the subject of jobs that the repubs think is going to be a winning issue for them…and again, these numbers point to the boiling pot of hypocrisy that is the modern repub party. Today, Think Progress came out with a neat little comparison of the jobs added to this point in both ole GW’s first term and those added under Obama…and it is not a pretty picture for GW…at this time in his first term, there were almost 1.2 million jobs lost…yep, that’s right, lost…while in Obama’s first term there has been a net gain of almost 800,000 jobs….a 2 million job difference that is all the more amazing considering that there were 2 million jobs lost in the first month of Obama’s term. So, the next time you hear that the repubs are “job creators”, remember these numbers and shake your head…just more of the lies, lies, lies that ooze from the modern repubs…geez…
The no values party…
Well…I find the contortions that ole Mitt is doing to try to make himself palatable to the general public really laughable…or, I would if the shape-shifting wasn’t such a dangerous thing….what message does it send to the world and the bad actors in it on foreign policy? If they just wait long enough, that a new policy that they will like is tried? This kind of crap just emphasizes the cynicism that runs rampant through today’s modern repub party…that even the tea partiers and their rigidity on their supposed “American Values” don’t have one word to say when ole Mitt abandons the party’s principles and platform to try to get votes…these supposed values must not mean too much to them…at least not as much as power does, the power to imposed their views on the entire country when all the polls show we don’t want what they are selling. The lack of any core values combined with the embracing of public lying is the biggest threat to this country that we face…geez…
A short comparison..
Well…there are so many things that people need to remember for the election in three weeks…I’ll list a few of them here..first what party wants to give more tax cuts to the rich and pay for them by taxing the middle class? Yep, you guessed it, the repubs…second, who wants to take away a woman’s right to control her body and her healthcare? Yay…you got two right, the repubs, of course…Who is the party that is doing it’s best to make sure your neighbors and mine can’t vote? Three for three, the repubs…the last one is just a general thing…who are the people who lie like rugs every time the open their mouths? That’s 100%…the repubs again…how can this election even be close? Geez….
More Romney nonsense…
Well….I think the transformation of ole Mitt into Obama is complete today with his “major” foreign policy speech where he was going to lay out his “better way” on foreign policy…the only problem with that is he basically just restated Obama’s policies and called them his own and new. When is this country going to wake up to the fact that this guy is just the worst sort of panderer who has no core, no beliefs of his own and start to really listen to what this idiot is saying? First he says tax cuts for the rich and then no tax cuts for the rich…what is he going to do if he is elected? You know it will be all tax cuts, all the time and more wars that the neocons that are running his foreign policy want…especially with Iran. I for one, have had enough of the rehabilitation of the neocons that got us into the two wars the repubs didn’t pay for giving us the ballooning debt we have now… wake up, people…geez…