Tag Archives: Donald Trump

This is big….

Well….I’ve never been a fan of James Comey but it appears he is trying to redeem himself from his interference in the election…today, the NY Times ran a story saying they had seen a Comey memo written after the infamous meeting with the idiot trump where the idiot asked Comey to shut down the investigation into Michael Flynn and Comey refused. As an experienced FBI agent, Comey put the entire conversation down in the form of a memo that he shared with others within the FBI, and these memos are regarded as evidentiary  by the courts…and are backed up by others that Comey wrote during that time that show that trump is clearly trying to obstruct justice and derail the Russia probes. The latest twist in the little story is that Lindsay Graham has invited Comey to testify in public at the senate to go over these developments….just what Comey has been angling for since the idiot trump fired him…..and I was one at the time that said the firing was the end of trump…and it looks like the beginning of the end. Everyone that knows Comey, knows he always leaves a paper trail behind but the trumpistas were just too damn dumb to recognize it…..hope this mess gets Sessions, too, since he was instrumental in Comey’s firing…and that would be obstruction of justice, too…..impeach….

It’s been revealed….

Well…with the idiot trump shooting his big mouth off to the Russians the other day and revealing the most top secret information that he didn’t have the right to share as per a secrecy agreement with the source, it has now been revealed that the source of the intel was Israel…and in one fell swoop the idiot has damaged our most important source of terrorist information from the middle east. The Israelis are incensed, and rightly so, they had to scramble to get their assets out of their undercover roles before they were killed….now, listen to that again….intelligence assets had their covers blown and put in mortal danger just so the idiot trump could brag to the Russians that he gets “the best intel”…and now the network that secured the information is gone…just from the sheer utter stupidity of the idiot they call *president. What is it going to take repubs? Giving Putin an office in the White House? Grow some damn spines and get rid of this menace before no other country will even talk to us anymore…impeach….

NATO thinks trump is a toddler…

Well….with the idiot trump visiting our NATO allies later in the week, it is just astounding how they are preparing for him…essentially treating the prep as if he is a toddler with ADD…one of the guiding memos to the members has said that interactions with him are to be no more than 3 to 4 minutes since his attention span won’t allow any in depth discussion…and they have taken the intelligence breach with the Russians to heart and have instructed all of the members to not share anything sensitive with the idiot…basically just tolerating him since they know he is not very bright…this is making America great again? By making us the laughing stock of the world? This is what you have done to us repubs…never in my lifetime have we been the laughingstock of the world…I blame you….impeach….

This is their excuse?

Well….not sure if you saw this one yet but, do you remember last week when the idiot trump had the Russian ambassador and foreign minister were invited to the White House (against the recommendations of the entire IC)? That was bad enough, but guess what the idiot did while they were there….he revealed extremely classified information to the Russians on our information gathering against ISIS while he was bragging that he had “the best intel”…yep, stroking his ego with no awareness of what he was doing…and the excuse the repubs are using to explain it? That, as *president, trump can do what he wants with classified information…even if it exposes our intelligence gathering partners and puts people in danger…what this really does is tear down any trust that remained with US since the buffoon took office…do you think anyone is going to share anything with us after this idiocy? Impeach….

Just can’t get started…

Well….just can’t get started the past few days and I’m not sure why….my brain just seems to be clouded lately and I don’t really have any outrage left to give….there was one thing that left me shaking my head about the idiot trump….it has been leaked that his aides have been feeding the idiot fake news that the idiot then wants them to turn into policy….but he forgets it once the paper is taken away from him…just like playing peek a boo with a baby…that is probably a good metaphor for this idiot’s entire *presidency….like playing peek a boo with a baby…but a baby that can launch 59 cruise missiles with his flailing, tiny little hands…..I sure hope you’re scared by now….impeach…

The Dutch documentary…

Well….just watched an interesting documentary on the idiot trump’s financial dealings and all I can say is that I can’t understand why the idiot is not in jail. Financial and real estate deals with the son of one of the biggest mobsters in Russia? Check….interest in companies that are known to launder money through the Netherlands? Check….selling office space to these same group of mobsters…check. Now, a tiny little company from the Netherlands called Zendla finds all of this stuff out and not one of our big networks or newspapers can? This information is one of the reasons that Preet Bahara, the federal attorney that trump fired was fired…it was his job to look into financial shenanigans and it looks like trump is involved in all of the shady stuff going on in NY…..so, how long will it be before anyone in the repub congress will do anything? I’ll be dead and gone, I know that much….impeach….

What do they have to do?

Well…no sure if you saw it today, but trump’s asst. press secretary went on national tv and admitted that they fired Comey to end the trump/Russia investigation…yep, they admitted obstruction of justice, again, on national tv and what was the repubs reaction? Yawn…and crickets….so what do they have to do to be held responsible? Shoot someone on 5th avenue as trump bragged during the campaign? I am not surprised that the repubs are doing this since they have shown they have no ethics at all….but, the media has to get on this and start pressuring the justice department to enforce the damn laws……impeach….

Maybe I’m right….

Well….if you’ve been here over the past few months, you have seen that almost every time that I talk about trump, I preface it with idiot….and now, with a new poll that is out from the folks at Quinnipiac, I may be right in doing it. No, I’m right no matter what any poll shows…he is an idiot…but the poll did a word association of “what comes to mind when you think of trump?” And guess what the first answer was…that 39% of the people responded…yep, he is an idiot followed closely by liar, and incompetent…so, I guess I’m not wrong when I consistently call the idiot trump an idiot…lots of people think that….impeach…

Are we a nation of men or of laws?

Well….just listened to Keith and his latest tweetcast and there were a few pertinent points that he made that I want to comment on….I lived through the original “Saturday night massacre” when Nixon’s solicitor general fired Archibald Cox…the special prosecutor who was investigating Nixon and Watergate. A few days after the firing, Cox came out with a statement that included this question: “Are we a nation of men or of laws?” That’s a question that is still pertinent now…are we a nation of men or of laws? Is the president above the law or does he have to adhere to them as the rest of us do? In Watergate, the answer was yes, he does have to adhere to the law just like the rest of us…and I ask the repubs in congress now…does the president have to adhere to the law as the rest of us do? The answer from McConnell yesterday was that trump is above the law, that he will not be held accountable for his crimes…even the latest count of obstruction of justice by firing the person that was investigating him…and I agree with Keith…”you don’t fire the person investigating you…” it’s only happened once before…..and we all know how that turned out…impeach….

The real reason Comey was fired…

Well….forget all of the bullshit and lies that are coming from trump and his cronies about why they fired James Comey yesterday….there is only one reason, and it’s not how he handled the Clinton e-mails…a few days before he was fired, Comey went to the justice department to ask for more money and personnel to expand the trump/Russia investigation…after the preliminary work found a massive connections that he needed more money and investigators to unravel. Once sessions heard about it, he ran to trump in a panic and convinced him to do something…and that something was obstruction of justice by firing Comey. With this little tattletale move by sessions, it is clear that it was a lie that he recused himself ..from the Russian investigation, but, everyone knows that there are only liars in this administration and this is just the latest lie from the creepy Keebler elf. Sessions needs to resign right now…and the repubs in the house and senate need to start doing their damn jobs and holding trump accountable….impeach….